This endless world

Chapter 549 Life

"The pollution is really serious..."

This was the sixty-third day since Yang Yun returned to the Pacific Rim world. At this time, he was standing in the ruins after the war, looking at the lifeless environment and sighing. Although he is not a native of this world, no one can be happy after seeing this wasteland with his own eyes.

Since the invasion of the "Pioneers", the suffering of this land... no, this planet has never stopped.

Although all the monsters that invaded the earth were wiped out, and the "Pioneers" on the other side of the wormhole were basically extinct in the aftermath of the battle between Zheng Zha and Yang Yun, and the "rifts" were destroyed together, there will be no traces of the post-war war. Disappeared because of this... Whether it is the pollution left by the monster's blood or the permanent damage caused by humans when using nuclear weapons, these are issues that need to be solved urgently after the peace of the Pacific Rim world.

"Just let me experiment to see what I can do now."

This was Yang Yun's speech before leaving. When he realized that the trees he created had the ability to absorb energy from the outside world, he took the initiative to propose this plan. This not only allows him to familiarize himself with the A-level Heart of Life bloodline faster, but also purifies the surrounding environment in the process. It really serves multiple purposes... After all, whether it is nuclear radiation that poisons all things, or it is filled with monster blood The pollutants in the air are just different forms of energy.

——Although I took this task on my own initiative, and this method can indeed effectively exercise my control and subtle manipulation of energy, it is really troublesome...

Yang Yun stood on this polluted land, frowning slightly. His hands gently touched the tree trunks nearby, feeling the almost imperceptible flow of life energy. Under the guidance of subtle power, those tiny life forces extend like filaments, penetrate into every fiber of the tree, and then penetrate deeply into the soil from the tree roots. He felt that the connection between himself and the surrounding environment was getting closer and closer, and the polluted energy also began to slowly flow towards the trees he created along the link circuit opened by the power of subtlety.

He could feel that with the injection of life energy, the pollutants and radiation elements in the monster's blood were slowly being absorbed by the trees, as if the earth was breathing deeply, trying to heal its own wounds. Yang Yun knew that the trees he created were different from ordinary plants. They were full of powerful vitality, capable of taking root and sprouting in this barren land, and even had the miraculous effect of purifying the environment.

However, Yang Yun also knew that this purification process was long and slow. Even these special trees need a lot of time to absorb pollution and restore the place to its former environment... Unfortunately, he cannot stay here for a long time, so he can only provide as much life energy as possible for these plants. Let them persist for a longer time, and even achieve an internal purification cycle.

Under Yang Yun's guidance, the pollution in the land was gradually absorbed by the trees. As the "toxins" in the earth gradually fade away, the land begins to slowly regain its original vitality. The originally green trees in front of him also began to change. If originally, under the nourishment of life energy, the new leaves of these trees were as green as emeralds, the trunks were thick and powerful, the texture was clear, and the branches maintained a firm outline; then in the process of absorption, these trees gradually transformed into a different kind of trees. Such species.

Most of the leaves quickly lost their vitality as if the autumn wind was passing by. The yellow leaves fell off one after another and turned into flying dust, which dissipated with the wind. However, a few leaves showed strange changes, and their color turned into a dead gray. , giving people a deep sense of discomfort. These leaves seem to have been contaminated by some unknown force, losing their luster of life and making people afraid to approach them.

The changes in the trunk and roots were even more bizarre. The originally hard bark turned into an ominous dark brown color, and lumps bulged irregularly on the surface. Their shapes were weird, like tumors of some kind of creature or plants. The alien life bred in the body is full of disturbing aura.

"I always feel that this type of plant should not appear in reality, but in some horror movie..."

Yang Yun's eyes stayed on those dark brown plants, with a helpless expression on his face. He scratched his head gently, and said to Chu Xuan half jokingly and half worriedly: "Chu Xuan, these appearances are enough to make people... Is there really no problem with trees that disturb people? They won’t suddenly mutate into some kind of plant monster one day, break free from their roots and start taking revenge on humans, like in the scene in the Ultraman series, right?”

"Although the plants you create may look different from common trees, their genetic structure is under your control and will not mutate autonomously. According to the data you sent, this Planting trees is not enough to give birth to corresponding spirituality, nor does it support the awakening of such a high level of self-awareness.”

Chu Xuan's voice rang through the communicator, and in the laboratory, rows of data analysis were flashing across the big screen: "So your worries are unnecessary, and this time the plants you created can at least persist." In two to three years, it has become 1,824% stronger than at the beginning."

"This should be regarded as a kind of evolution... although it is not only me who has evolved, but also these trees."

Yang Yun took a deep breath and looked at the trees in front of him, a complex emotion welling up deep in his heart. He once again placed his palms lightly on the polluted dark brown tree trunks, slowly injecting a trace of life energy. He witnessed the trees gradually regaining some greenness under his power, but not long after, those stubborn pollutants eroded the greenery again like a black tide, causing the trees to fall into death again.

"The general direction is correct, but there seems to be some problems with the subtle direction. Maybe I should change the third and fifth sets of gene fragments instead of changing the seventeenth set..."

Seeing this situation, Yang Yun shook his head helplessly and had new thoughts in his mind. But just when he was about to summarize and start a new round of tree planting, a beeping sound came from the communicator. .

"...What's going on, Chu Xuan, aren't you conducting any dangerous experiments over there?"

"No, just finishing some work for the time being."

Chu Xuan, who was studying the fifth-generation Quake mecha while communicating, raised his head from the parts in front of him, glanced at the dialog box that popped up on the screen, and finally put down the tool in his hand: "Come back first, Yang Yun. "

"I want to talk to you." (End of chapter)

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