This endless world

Chapter 550 Progress

"It looks like Rogando has made great progress."

When Yang Yun stepped into Chu Xuan's laboratory, what greeted him was the sight of Luo Gandao, covered in blood and looking like a madman, fighting hand to hand with the tyrant.

If there was still a trace of real-life youthfulness in Luo Gandao in the past, then his former appearance had long been worn away by countless life-and-death battles, and was replaced by an unyielding iron-blooded temperament. Facing this extremely violent tyrant, there was no trace of fear in Luo Gandao's eyes. Even though his body was scarred, he didn't care at all. He just relied on his amazing recovery power to start a bloody battle with the enemy.

Yang Yun clearly saw that under the tyrant's fierce attack, Luo Gandao used his left hand to resist the sharp claws on the enemy's arm. His hard bones and tough muscles seemed to be the best shield, and he forcefully Blocked the opponent's offensive. Taking this opportunity, Luo Gandao's right fist hit the tyrant's face as hard as a hammer, deflecting the ugly monster's head 180 degrees!

"Not only have you mastered the first-level gene lock, but you have also stood on the threshold of the second-level gene lock..."

When Luo Gandao's right fist suddenly swung out, Yang Yun's sharp eyes captured a stunning change. The muscles of his right arm instantly swelled like mountains, and every muscle was full of explosive power, as if containing endless power. Although this scene was only fleeting, it was enough to surge the power of Luo Gandao's fist, at least to increase it. As much as 50%: "However, isn't his fighting method a bit too extreme? We are the Central Continent Team, not the Central Continent Madness Team."

"This is the fastest way to make him stronger."

Chu Xuan watched everything happening on the screen calmly, without any fluctuation in his eyes. In fact, he had been training Luo Gandao in this way for a long time: "As I said at the beginning, the most outstanding thing about Luo Gandao is The thing is his desire to live without wanting to die no matter what. And the oracle cells with super regenerative abilities and 'evolution' are able to maximize his advantages."

As if to verify Chu Xuan's words, Luo Gandao didn't even say a word of pain when faced with an injury that could make ordinary people faint instantly. He just gritted his teeth and squeezed the severe wound on his left hand hard, and in an extremely simple way, he forced the terrifying scar that was deep enough to show the bone together.

Simple, crude, but effective. Under the miraculous effect of the oracle cells, the torn flesh and broken bones began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye. The tendons and blood vessels were intertwined with each other as if they were alive, and were rewoven into a complete picture. In just ten seconds, Luo Gandao's left hand recovered its basic functions at an astonishing speed, regaining the strength to fight.

This scene not only proves Luo Gandao's extraordinary patience and tenacity, but also demonstrates his almost unnatural self-healing ability. In the face of such an ability, no matter how serious the injury is, it seems that it is just a temporary obstacle. The young man in the original world line who would point his weapon at his teammates because he was afraid of death is a thing of the past, and has been replaced by a young man no matter how heavy he is. A warrior who can stand up quickly despite a blow and continue fighting.

——But the next second, this tenacious warrior broke through the defense.

Although Luo Gandao has shown amazing resilience, the tenacious vitality displayed by the tyrant in front of him is also shocking. The monster's head was completely twisted after suffering a fatal blow, but it didn't seem to care. In Rogandao's eyes, the tyrant forcibly twisted his head back in a horrifying way. It was supposed to belong to its position, and the broken neck bone was also re-aligned, and then it resumed its attack preparation posture.

"I love you, Chu Xuan! This tyrant's recovery ability must be more than one level better than yesterday! It was obviously not like this yesterday!"

Facing such a relentless enemy, even the always tenacious Luo Gandao felt a little pressure. Under this extreme situation, he finally couldn't help but burst into a series of curses and started a series of attacks on Chu Xuan's electronic mother.

"...Well, I think he doesn't like your 'arrangement' very much." Yang Yun shrugged helplessly.

"He bleeds more in peacetime and sweats less in war. He will thank me." Chu Xuan didn't care about Luo Gandao's scolding. He just said indifferently: "Looking at it now, he used the T virus original solution to open the first The side effects of the level have been completely eliminated.”

Even if they are both at the first level, there is a huge difference between the genetic locks opened by the T-virus original solution and the genetic locks unlocked by themselves in the life-and-death frontline. Because even if the theoretical output of the two is completely equal, there is still a significant difference in the use of power.

In the endless reincarnation of the main god space, every reincarnation will face an unchanging truth: knowing what is happening but not knowing why. The results are indeed important, but tracing the origins of the results and exploring the process of success and failure is also indispensable. This process is not only a test of the reincarnation's ability, but also a test of the mind.

If a person has never experienced the process of becoming stronger, but uses side plots and reward points to exchange for a strong bloodline from the Lord God, and has a first- or second-level gene lock, he may be able to avoid setbacks. and suffering. But equally, he will lose that vital experience. This experience is the precious wealth of reincarnations, the source of their perseverance in the face of adversity, and the beacon for them to find direction in confusion. Without this experience, he would not know how to continue to improve himself and how to climb to a higher peak amid endless challenges.

——Unless all hopes of becoming stronger are placed on the seemingly omnipotent Lord God.

——Then the coward gets angry and draws his knife at the weaker one.

People who become stronger step by step will inevitably encounter many challenges and hardships on this road. However, it is these thorny roads that are their most valuable asset. Under the baptism of the Lord God Space, they not only understand every detail of their own strength, but can also discover the direction of progress in the process and find the ladder to a higher level.

What is different from the former is that they are able to break through themselves and surpass their limits in life and death battles again and again. Every battle, every victory and defeat is the fuel for their growth and the driving force for them to move forward steadily in the Lord God Space. On the way to becoming stronger, every challenge is an opportunity, and every hardship is a training. Only through countless forgings can we survive in this world full of unknowns and dangers, and then become a truly strong person. .

——The main god is a great help, but the main god is not everything. Whether it is gene locks, cultivation, or self-created skills, in fact, they will not be included in the evaluation of the main god.

——Then the brave man becomes angry and draws his sword towards the stronger man.

"I don't want Luo Gandao to develop the habit of relying too much on seniors. For newcomers joining the Central Continent team, seniors can be seniors or comrades, but they should never be nannies."

Chu Xuan said calmly: "Just like the members of the Samsara Team, they should not rely too much on the Lord God." (End of Chapter)

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