This endless world

Chapter 548 Plane Promotion (Part 2)

"Before the arrival of the pioneers, this plane could basically be classified as a low-demon plane, or the bottom one among the low-demon planes. After all, even the mecha hunters who are carefully selected from all human beings , unable to unlock even the first level of genetic lock."

After all, the members of the Zhongzhou Team have eliminated the monsters and the pioneer civilization behind them, and saved the world. After hearing that the Pacific Rim World might be destroyed, all the members of the Zhongzhou Team became serious and listened to Chu Xuan’s explanation: “After they arrived, the planet opposite the rift was essentially a relatively independent planet. The plane has been invading the earth for a long time, wanting to completely devour and fuse it."

"However, our arrival directly changed the outcome of the matter."

Yang Yun understood. Indeed, this time the promotion of the Pacific Rim world can be said to have been done by the Zhongzhou team: "Even the battle between me and Zheng Zha accelerated the destruction of another plane."

"Yes, according to my investigation results, after the plane where the pioneers are located is basically destroyed, the remaining space fragments and the corresponding essence will be quickly swallowed and fused by the earth where we are currently. This is the principle of plane promotion. "Chu Xuan said calmly, as if he was not talking about the destruction of a plane, but that the community next door will be demolished in a few months: "And this process will not take long."

Listening to Chu Xuan's explanation, Zheng Zha scratched his head and said: "I see, so the biological changes you mentioned at the beginning are the changes before the promotion of this world, which is also an evolutionary process for living things... But Chu Xuan, you just said that humans are not fully prepared, so they will inevitably fail, so what’s going on?”

"Two aspects, one is heaven and earth, the other is man."

Chu Xuan acted quickly and decisively. He showed several images, clearly depicting the contamination of the monster's blood and the destruction of the nuclear bomb: "To the Pioneer's plane, this is just a harmless thing, but to the Our world is as deadly as poison. The blood of monsters has no effect on the pioneers, but it brings catastrophic pollution to the earth's environment. In order to fight against them, humans have to use nuclear weapons, and such destruction will have a profound impact on this world. It’s just adding insult to injury for an already weak plane.”

"The promotion of planes does not distinguish between good and bad. It will amplify the status quo. The good will become better and the bad will become worse. By that time, how many people in this world will be able to adapt to the new environment? An unknown."

"That is to say, these pollutions will also be deepened." Yang Yun understood what Chu Xuan meant, and movies about the wasteland after nuclear war quickly flashed through his mind: "Maybe humans will become adapted to this kind of pollution. The species may mutate into another brand new creature...but in any case, this will lead to the death of a large part of the human race?"

"There is the most direct correlation between the level of human science and technology and the success of plane promotion. This is a resonance between destiny. The two sides are complementary, not antagonistic."

Chu Xuan gave his answer: "But now the human beings in this plane are in a period of spiritual pain... Not only are they mentally unprepared for the upcoming great changes, but with their technology, There is no way to solve the pollution problem.”

Human beings are creatures that worship "strong".

Since ancient times, human beings have always had an attitude of awe and worship towards natural phenomena that they cannot understand, such as thunder and lightning, storms, rain and fire. Before science unveiled these mysteries, those powerful and unpredictable forces were given divinity and became the gods of nature in people's hearts. They were both gifts and punishments and dominated the lives and beliefs of ancient people.

This concept is deeply rooted in the foundation of human culture, has traveled through the long river of time, and continues to this day in different forms and appearances. Even in the 21st century, where technology is highly developed, countless people still deify things that are beyond their understanding. This mentality of respecting the unknown as a god reflects human beings' desire for supernatural power and curiosity about the unknown world.

In the world of Pacific Rim, this kind of worship has reached a whole new level. Against the background of monsters constantly invading the earth, many people have begun to respect the monsters that have traveled from other worlds as gods. . In such an environment, monster worship and doomsday theory have become a popular trend of thought, especially when monsters continue to pour into the human world from wormholes. These theories are regarded as norms by some people and are widely spread.

It is worth noting that it is not only ordinary people who believe in these theories, but also many well-educated scholars and politicians with important political positions. Driven by the upper class, the ignorant people at the lower class are also affected. The Kowloon Walled City is a typical example of this phenomenon, a community built on the bones of giant monsters... They even use the bones of monsters as symbols of gods. A temple has been built for people to worship, and there is an endless stream of incense here. It exists as a "holy place" in the hearts of countless people.

However, when Yang Yun and Zheng Zha completely destroyed the "rift" connecting other planets, the threats of monsters and pioneers were gone forever, and the world also underwent earth-shaking changes. Some people who once believed deeply began to gradually wake up and return to rationality, while others were like lambs who had lost their faith, experiencing unprecedented shock and emptiness in their hearts.

As the leadership of this world, the PPDC headed by Marshal Pantecost, as well as the governments of various countries that were bent on seclusion before the war, are wrangling every day. It is clear that the pollution has not yet been solved, and human beings are fighting among themselves... Just imagine, How can a group that cannot reach an agreement internally embrace a drastic change in the world level such as plane promotion?

There was no fluctuation in Chu Xuan's voice, as if he was describing an unchangeable fate: "According to the simulation predictions of the Nether Core, once the plane promotion is started, those contaminated areas will quickly spread to the entire earth. In this process , about 30% of humans will be unable to bear the pain and die, while 40% of humans will barely survive. And the remaining humans, animals and plants will evolve into a brand new species that is more adapted to pollution The environment has greater strength and speed, but also lurks more wildness."

There was a hint of depth in his eyes: "Subsequently, these two completely different species will fall into a long and cruel war. In this continuous civil war, they will exhaust each other's strength, and at the same time consume this The last bit of the world’s foundation ultimately leads to the complete failure of plane promotion. Subsequently, the plane that cannot reconstruct the world barrier is likely to be completely destroyed one day.”

"...It sounds like some kind of spiritual recovery novel." Zheng Zha commented: "So if we want to change the simulated future you mentioned, we must completely eliminate the pollution in this world?"

"That's right."

Chu Xuan uttered two words quietly, and then turned his gaze to Yang Yun, and Yang Yun also understood what he meant at the same time.

"Leave it to me. After all, the easiest way to solve pollution is to plant trees."

Yang Yun smiled: "Just let me experiment, before the one hundred days of this exchange and return..."

"How far can I achieve now?" (End of Chapter)

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