This endless world

Chapter 547 Plane Promotion (Part 1)

No one knew how happy Marshal Panticost felt when he saw the Central-Continent team that had disappeared for a long time reappeared.

Although the Broken Dome base on Hong Kong Island is still bustling with people and busy staff, the "Storm Crimson" driven by the three Wei brothers is also quietly stationed there. But only Marshal Panticost himself knew that he had quietly decided to give this base as a gift to the Central-Earth team as their new stronghold - for the world they saved.

As the top leader of PPDC and the person who first came into contact with the Central-Continent team, Marshal Panticost's heart was filled with gratitude to this group of heroes. He is fully aware of the changes brought about by the emergence of the Central Continent Team, and he also understands that the reason why the world can escape the crisis is inseparably linked to these saviors who possess advanced technology that transcends the times.

The post-war reconstruction work was lengthy and complicated, and the back-and-forth with the World Government made Marshal Panticost mentally exhausted. But what makes him gratified is that he is not the only one fighting on this smokeless battlefield. All the PPDC personnel behind him and the pilots of the six giant mechas also unswervingly support him as his backing. …

He firmly believes that the world will become better and better.

"The world is about to be promoted."

This was the first thing Chu Xuan said to the members of the Zhongzhou team after more than a month of independent research.

His tone was calm but weightless. He didn't seem to care whether others could understand his words immediately. He just stated his observations straightforwardly: "During my investigation during this period, I found that the world's Huge changes have taken place in many aspects, whether it is humans or other living organisms. Specific changes are reflected in the increase in the average life span of life, the strength of living things, and the speed. So next, we need... "

"Etc., etc!"

As the current captain of the Zhongzhou team, Yang Yun had to interrupt Chu Xuan's self-explanatory words: "I have no problem, but can you explain the first sentence to others? What is plane promotion? ...Although I know that skipping the process and talking about the result is your usual style, but when you talk like this, no one can understand it!"

Chu Xuan stopped when he heard the words. He looked at Luo Gandao, who was finally freed from the deadly battle with the tyrant, with dull eyes, Cheng Xiao, who was confused, and Overlord Hou, who was listening to the book from heaven, and silently pushed up his glasses: "When you practice cultivation techniques, don't you learn the corresponding knowledge? You don't even know such basic terms... Zheng Zha, please explain."

"Uh, I was thinking..."

Zheng Zha, who was named by Chu Xuan, did feel that the term was familiar. He had read the corresponding records in the book called "Basic Cultivation", but there was too much content in the book, 60 to 70% of the text. He just glanced at it in a hurry and didn't deliberately remember it. Therefore, when Chu Xuan mentioned the concept of "plane promotion", he only had a vague impression: "I remember it seems to be an expansion of the worldview? What else is there besides..."

"Let me tell you."

Qi Teng sighed and took the initiative to help Zheng Zha, who was thinking hard, explain: "Plane promotion is simply the promotion of the world."

"You should know the so-called division of planes, right? Just like the three thousand big worlds, the three thousand middle worlds, and the three thousand small worlds in Buddhism, the energy levels of the planes have a corresponding standard, and they exist in the planes. Creatures have a clear upper limit of strength. Unless you are truly a genius, you are doomed to have an end... As the saying goes, you can't raise a real dragon in shallow water, that's it."

"It's the distinction between a low-demon world, a medium-demon world, and a high-demon world, right?"

Zheng Zha hit the palm of his right hand with his left fist and suddenly realized: "Oh, I can understand this when you say it. It's the difference between the worlds, right? For example, although the Harry Potter world and the Pacific Rim world are both on the earth, but One world has magic and supernatural beings like souls, but the other world does not have such rich and colorful things. Technologies such as spiritual power and synesthesia were brought by the group of 'pioneers' from other planes..."

"Actually, the original meaning of the term low magic world was to talk about the popularity of magic among ordinary people... But forget it, you can understand it this way."

Yang Yun shook his head and ignored Zheng Zha, who still knew little about it. He turned to Chu Xuan and said: "Chu Xuan, why does this kind of promotion suddenly appear in this world? Is it the same as what we did in the last mission? Are things related?"

"Part of it, but when the 'pioneers' escaped from the outer plane to this plane I don't know how many years ago, they themselves destroyed the original plane barrier of this plane."

Chu Xuan's gestures were light and precise. As his fingertips swiped in the air, a series of complex data and charts seemed to construct a virtual information screen, slowly unfolding in mid-air, as if it was the magic of future technology.

His voice was calm and confident: "Through a detailed restoration of the information brought back by Zheng Zha, and an in-depth investigation of the residual energy of the 'rift' deep in the Pacific Rim, I have basically reconstructed the full picture of the events at that time."

"The 'Pioneers' were almost in a state of disarray when they fled to this plane. Their space transfer behavior was extremely rough, and in order to prevent tracking, they also roughly erased any traces they left when traveling through space... Because of this In this way, the space structure around this plane has become extremely fragile since the beginning. This is why the enemy can easily tear open wormholes on the Shattered Dome."

Chu Xuan's words revealed his grasp of the truth. Every data and chart were proof of his rigorous logical thinking. He is not only analyzing the past, but also uncovering the fog of the future for the Central Continent team and providing important intelligence and insight into what is about to happen next.

"That's what you've been busy with during this time."

A flash of realization flashed in Yang Yun's eyes, and he finally understood why Chu Xuan had disappeared for more than a month: "So that's it. No wonder Zheng Zha and I were able to destroy the stability of space so easily during the battle, triggering A chain reaction, the shock wave almost destroyed the surface of the entire planet... However, the promotion of this plane should be the affairs of humans in the Pacific Rim world, and it is not theoretically directly related to us members of the Samsara Team. yes."

"Because humans in this plane are not fully prepared. If we don't do something, promotion in this plane will inevitably fail."

Chu Xuan said bluntly: "And the future of this world will most likely be destroyed by a space turbulence that will come at an unknown time."

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