This endless world

Chapter 499 Passive

"Yang Yun has entered the 'rift'."

No matter how powerful Yang Yun is, no matter how powerful his move is, it is impossible to evaporate all the seawater in the Pacific Ocean. When the sea water poured back and re-buried the vacuum area blasted by the energy ball together with the wormhole deep under the sea, a figure also appeared above the sea level.

That was Zhao Yingkong. Her presence had been relatively low since the group meeting, but now she appeared here. The assassin girl first channeled the energy in her body to restore her hair to its original dry appearance, and then took out the communicator in her hand.

Zhao Yingkong, who was quite confident in his own strength, did not expect that Yang Yun's attack just now had such a large impact. So when the overwhelming waves and the green light came together, Zhao Yingkong, who had quickly fled in the opposite direction from the moment the energy ball condensed in Yang Yun's hand, was still unable to completely escape the aftermath of the attack. Although she was too far away to avoid being injured, she had no time to care about her image and it was inevitable that her hair would get wet from the rolled up seawater.

"You don't seem to be taking my advice."

Before Zhao Yingkong pressed the communicator, Chu Xuan's figure automatically appeared on the screen. This man with an indifferent face first looked at the steamy hair on Zhao Yingkong's head, and then turned his gaze back: "But you don't look injured, so there's no problem... What happened?"

"...This attack can't hurt me."

Zhao Yingkong, who knew that Chu Xuan had seen her true situation, gritted her teeth secretly. She held the communicator with her fingers and used a little force, and said coldly to Chu Xuan on the other side: "Just now, Yang Yun floated into the air. , and threw a nearly 100-meter-diameter green energy ball downwards, exploding a path to the bottom of the sea."

"Well, it seems to be the most common large-scale energy attack. This should be him experimenting with his newly acquired power. And this large-scale clearing attack is just suitable for the current situation."

Chu Xuan on the other side of the screen nodded. He looked at some data that could not be seen from Zhao Yingkong's perspective and quickly typed something on the keyboard: "The specific energy index and corresponding data have been automatically sent back to me. And while I was talking just now, I have already built a rough model."

As he spoke, Chu Xuan made a rotating movement so that the other party on the other side of the screen could see the explosion model he had built. That happened to be the scene Zhao Yingkong had seen before. An energy ball was thrown down by Yang Yun in mid-air, and it rose up in the wind, eventually causing a huge explosion that swept everything around it.

"Compress and release. Although the principle of this move is not complicated, the level of subtlety in mastering such amazing energy and using it for one's own use is something Yang Yun has not been able to achieve before."

Chu Xuan also stared at the reappearance of Yang Yun's move, but what he saw more was the data analysis displayed on the microcomputer: "If he uses it on land, it should be able to directly blow up a city... This kind of The ability to destroy itself is something that can only be achieved after unlocking the fourth-level gene lock."

——There was a bit of awkward silence, but it didn't seem so awkward.

"It seems that Yang Yun has realized the problems that exist in him. He has passed that threshold and has the same power as Zheng Zha."

In the end, it was Zhao Yingkong who took the initiative to speak. The emotion in her tone was difficult to distinguish. It was not clear whether she was happy for Yang Yun's progress or had other meanings: "Your second back-up man seems to have sent Bu Bu. It comes in handy.”

"As expected, judging from pure potential, Yang Yun unlocked the third level before entering the world where Death Comes. If he returns to the world of curses to train and fight, I can unlock him and Zheng Zha The speed is regarded as the same level, that is, the four worlds unlock the third-level gene lock."

On the other side of the communicator, the environment where Chu Xuan was located did not seem so quiet. From time to time, the roars of monsters could be heard. However, Chu Xuan's expression in the laboratory remained calm: "Yang Yun has long had the potential to break through to the fourth level, and now I just let him recognize himself again and bring out this potential. After all, I understand What he finds is often more valuable than what others tell him.”

"Yang Yun's footsteps should not stop here. Whether it is the accumulation of strength or the state of mind along the way, it is enough for him to go further. The fourth level gene lock alone should never be his end. .”

"Perhaps you should say this to him face to face." Listening to Chu Xuan talking about the fourth-level gene lock so lightly, as if it was within reach, Zhao Yingkong said coldly: "Yang Yun won't like this. It's a method similar to deception and coercion. No normal human being would like it... From what I know about him, when we all return to the main god space, he will do what you want in this horror movie for you. What he did, I punched you hard in the face."

"Even so, I don't care at all. I have never hidden my style. On the basis of ensuring the safety of team members, as long as the corresponding purpose can be achieved, it doesn't matter what the means are."

Chu Xuan didn't pay attention to Zhao Yingkong's thorny words. He said calmly: "Most of the time, because of the moral values ​​and values ​​​​that people have always upheld, they know how to do better, but they are timid and stop moving forward, unwilling to poke trouble. Break that layer of window paper. At this time, what they need is often just a reason, or even an excuse that can convince them."

"As for Yang Yun, he is too suppressed by his own rationality and too deeply bound by past events, so that he is unwilling to follow his own nature and chooses to let himself live more freely... In other words, He has always lived not just for himself.”

Zhao Yingkong gave a noncommittal "Yeah". Although she didn't care on the surface, she was still listening to Chu Xuan's next words: "Since Yang Yun entered the main god space, he has always been between 'responsibility' and 'desire to survive'. ' Living under the impetus of '. This is a crisis, and it is also his motivation. At the same time, there are many complicated things. Driven by these unspeakable reasons, he bursts out with amazing energy... And now, I It just made everything happen again.”

"That's why I chose you as Yang Yun's observer and made a corresponding second-hand plan in order to maximize Yang Yun's potential. After all, he needs a reason to explode, and..."

Before Chu Xuan finished speaking, Zhao Yingkong on the other side of the communicator pressed the button to cut off the communication. As the screen went dark, the young man was not angry at all, but whispered the unfinished words...

"Based on past performance, there is a 79% probability that Yang Yun is more of a 'passive' type." (End of Chapter)

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