This endless world

Chapter 498 Parting the Sea

Towering poplar trees and heavy clouds.

Dense tree canopy, vast sky.

"Let me just say that what I saw last time was not a hallucination when I was dying."

Incomparably beautiful and magnificent scenery, it was also the second time Yang Yun saw the same scene. After the battle with the clone Zheng Zha, he had seen this tree while in a coma, but that time he appeared directly at the top of the giant tree, and this time, he appeared at the foot of the tree.

Depending on the height of the station, the scenes you see are also different. Fortunately, the memory of the last time has not completely faded, otherwise Yang Yun would have to repeat the climbing process... Although doing so can indeed temper his heart again, but now the time left for him and the Zhongzhou Team is only A mere three hours.

Gene lock is a way to survive in death and in battle. Fight to the death with enemies whose realm is much higher than one's own. As long as one does not die, one can turn the experience of battle into food.

In the battle with the fourth-level intermediate clone Zheng Zha, Yang Yun gained a lot. At the last moment of that battle, he vaguely touched the threshold of the fourth level... and changed the Zhongzhou team. In the original ending, Yang Yun got rid of Yang Yun, who had been chasing behind him and threatening him like a shadow, and quietly made a breakthrough without knowing it. It's just that he didn't realize it at the time, but he had actually unlocked the fourth-level genetic lock long ago.

After all, Yang Yun, who has gone through hardships along the way and completed his spiritual transformation when facing Ashiya Michito; and after entering the main god space, Yang Yun, who has the biggest obsession in his heart, "Devil Team", has long been satisfied with unlocking the fourth-level gene lock. condition. The murderous consciousness that changed the color of many people upon hearing it was like a breeze blowing on his face.

But because of this, Yang Yun, who was not affected like ordinary people, set up invisible barriers for himself.

Now that the contradiction has been discovered, it does not take much time to solve the problem that should have been discovered long ago. As long as he realizes that the barrier of knowledge and vision does exist, the hurdle he has passed long ago will not be able to stop Yang Yun's footsteps.

So, one step to reach the sky.

The last time Yang Yun came here, he was still in a state of near death. He had tried his best just to survive and maintain vital signs, and there was no room for careful observation. But this time, his condition was intact, and it could even be said that it couldn't be better, and Yang Yun could clearly feel the pulse coming from the giant tree under him.

"Although I don't know if you are the light of my soul..."

Since it grows in Yang Yun's inner world, this giant tree naturally has a life of its own. Looking at the giant tree under him that was deeply rooted in his inner world, Yang Yun smiled: "Let me call you 'Jianmu' first."

Just a moment of time.

Time has always been meaningless in the world of the soul, a tenth of a second, a hundredth of a second, or even shorter. The next moment Yang Yun stretched out his hand, green light lit up around his body.

This was Yang Yun's subconscious move. After opening the fourth-level gene lock for the first time, he felt as if the energy flowing in his body had wings and was endless. The subtle skills he had studied on his own were dwarfed by his instincts, and energy manipulation methods that he had never thought of were constantly popping up in his mind.

So, give it a try.

With a thought, Yang Yun's body was ignited with blazing green flames, enveloping him in it, just like the "explosion" state in video games. Although it is still a mixture of true energy and life energy, there is a huge difference in the way of using it. If Yang Yun before was like Guo Jing who had deep internal strength but was not proficient in fists and kicks, then this moment makes up for it. His shortcomings are the world-famous "Northern Xia" who has reached the level of proficiency.

In the palm of the hand with five fingers spread out, a ball of energy with the same color as Yang Yun's arrogance was condensed and expanded at an astonishing speed, one meter, two meters, ten meters... Finally, it turned into a ball with a diameter of The huge ball of light, nearly 100 meters long, emits energy fluctuations that can destroy everything.

——One hundred meters is the limit.

With Yang Yun's current subtle power, controlling such a large energy ball without collapsing is the limit of what he can control.

"However, this is enough."

Yang Yun, who said this, used his palms to push the energy ball straight down!

The desert is solitary and the smoke is straight, the sun is setting over the long river.

The next moment, a green star dropped from the sky. It dropped rapidly and turned into a beam of light that reached the sky and the earth the moment it touched the sea level.

The sea water parted, exposing the rock bed, causing thousands of meters of huge waves, exploding with a sound like the earth was shattering, and destructive energy fluctuations suddenly erupted at the same moment.

The sky-wide green light burst out from the core of the sphere and spread out to the surroundings. The surrounding air began to mutate and turned into high-speed rotating hurricanes, sweeping away everything in the surrounding area. The powerful energy burst even changed the environment of this area, like a bottomless black hole that sucked away dozens of kilometers of seawater whales around it, and countless tons of seawater were instantly evaporated and turned into the purest water vapor. .

The dark clouds in the sky dispersed, revealing a sky full of stars hidden behind them; the earth shattered, turning into a spherical vacuum zone that stretched for dozens of kilometers. As if being swallowed by some gluttonous beast, the surrounding waves turned into countless waterfalls flowing down, exposing the "fissures" hidden thousands of meters below the sea level!

——There are always things you can't fight against, such as natural disasters, earthquakes, and if a storm comes, you have to make way for it.

But after riding on the mecha, you can fight with it and win.

However, the power of nature bowed its head for one person at this time.

"...There is no way to perfectly control the power, to compress all the energy to a point, to achieve maximum lethality, or even to compress high-density energy to achieve an effect similar to the clone Zheng Zha's move."

Yang Yun, who had just completed the mythical feat of Moses dividing the sea, stared at the huge hollow beneath him and frowned unsatisfied: "Sure enough, just looking at it is not enough."

"However, judging from the power of using the fourth-level gene lock for the first time, it is generally not bad."

After waving his hand to dissipate the remaining warmth on his fingertips, Yang Yun made a fist and his green arrogance erupted again: "It's time to end this."

As he spoke, the young man rushed straight into the "rift" at a speed that exceeded the limit. (End of chapter)

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