This endless world

Chapter 500 If you don’t fight, you can’t survive.

"Killing a 'Kaiju Beast' will reward you with a D-level side plot and two thousand reward points..."

The exhausted Luo Gandao took a breath and pulled out the beam saber from the head of the monster in front of him. In the moment just now, after a fierce battle, he dodged the acid that was sprayed directly at him at the critical moment. He pulled the joystick and rotated 360 degrees, and then replenished the power of this behemoth. The final killing blow...and this was already the third monster he had killed.

Each one is bigger than the other, more ferocious, faster, and more intelligent than the other, which makes Luo Gandao's fights more and more difficult every time. But what makes Luo Gandao most desperate is that every time he spent a lot of effort to destroy the previous monster, Chu Xuan's voice would always remind him that the battle was not over yet, and the next monster would always arrive in five minutes. Appearing inside, there was not much room for him to rest.

"Huh... ha..."

The rusty smell of blood spread from his mouth, and his body kept spasming and twitching. Severe pain and soreness hit every part of his body. The extremely uncomfortable feeling even penetrated into the seams of his bones and spread to the depths of his soul. at.

The excitement and joy of defeating monsters and becoming a hero who saves everyone has long since disappeared, but the side effects of unlocking the genetic lock are now highlighted. For Luo Gandao himself, he just wants to get out of the cockpit and vomit... After all, no matter how much Chu Xuan improves the T-virus original solution, Luo Gandao is still only seventeen years old. For the first time A newcomer who unlocks the genetic lock.

"The next round of wormholes will open in three minutes and thirty-eight seconds."

As Luo Gandao exited the gene lock state, AHSMB also recovered from the awakening state, and its output returned to its original level. Even its performance was temporarily reduced due to excessive energy consumption. But Chu Xuan appeared on the screen and brought a new piece of bad news: "Be prepared, the one who comes next time should be a real level five monster."

"What a joke!"

Luo Gandao couldn't care less about his fear and jealousy of Chu Xuan. He roared subconsciously: "It turns out that the three before were not level five!"

"I said before that although the energy index of the monsters that appear is getting higher every time, it has not yet opened a qualitative gap with the fourth-level monsters. At most, it can only be called a fourth-and-a-half-level monster. You also reported to me just now , the only difference between these monsters is the change in reward points, which is the most direct evidence."

Chu Xuan’s voice was still so calm, as if he couldn’t hear the faint tremor in Luo Gandao’s voice: “Killing level four monsters is a side plot of D level difficulty, and level five monsters should at least have double D level or even C level side plots. , this is in line with the reward standard after the Lord God raises the world difficulty coefficient to the maximum."

"Don't be surprised by this. If the monsters at level one to level three are ordinary test units, and the monsters at level four are the main force, then the monsters at level five are at least high-level units. They can't get them just because they say they can. ...maybe there are limitations on the size of the wormhole and the energy consumption of teleportation, but I don’t think that now that the Pioneers have launched a full-scale invasion, they still have the luxury to use refueling tactics.”

——I don’t care about reward standards or not. All I care about now is my own life.

Luo Gandao thought subconsciously in his heart, but until the end, he still did not dare to yell out these words. He just gritted his teeth and said: "These three monsters are stronger than each other. If these are only level four monsters, then the five Super monsters are simply not something I can deal with... I need support."

"The staff of PPDC are already loading the new mental induction frame system onto six mechas, but it will take some time for the official attack to begin."

Chu Xuan quickly replied: "So you still need to persist, Luo Gan said, give full play to your potential and work hard to survive."

After saying that, the screen quickly went dark, and Luo Gandao's face was distorted. He almost spent his greatest willpower to prevent himself from swearing the curse word he had always wanted to curse. Until the end, the young man could only punch the cockpit wall hard, looked up at the dark cabin roof, and uttered five words helplessly.

"...What a joke."

——Where have all the senior members of the Zhongzhou Team gone?

——Is there any battlefield more important than this one? We are obviously on the front line against monsters... Why am I the only one fighting alone?

This was Luo Gandao's heartfelt thought. He didn't understand what Chu Xuan was thinking, nor did he understand where the other senior people he was not familiar with except Bawang and Yang Yun had gone. The only thing this young man could see clearly was his current situation... Luo Gandao understood that his fate had been determined since he followed Chu Xuan into the basement. Boarding the mecha to fight monsters is the only way he can choose.

More than three minutes passed in a blink of an eye. As the particle flow in mid-air became active again, the dark red "crack" also opened again, spitting out a behemoth larger than before from the wormhole.

The newly appeared giant beast did not land directly from mid-air to the ground like the previous three-headed monster. Instead, the moment it emerged from the wormhole, it spread its dark red bat wings on its back and let out a thunderous roar. And the strong wind that swept around the area even more completely destroyed the area that had been trampled into ruins due to the fighting.

This newly emerged monster has an extremely weird shape. It has an abnormally shaped head like a hammerhead shark. The horns on its head are curved like a ram. Its ferocious face is as ugly as the devil in religious texts, and its thick and sharp horns The skin, slender limbs, long whip-like thorn tail, and the tiny electric arcs surrounding the body all speak of its power.

——A true level five monster.

Everyone who saw the monster's full appearance had such thoughts deep in their hearts. Whether it is the size, power, or the aura of despair that makes it difficult to breathe, they are all qualitatively different from the previous three-headed monster!

"Come on, I will survive..."

Looking at the real fifth-level monster falling from mid-air, Luo Gandao ignored his exhausted body and entered the first-level gene lock again. As his eyes became blank, the front of ASHMB's helmet once again lit up with a blue glow: "No, I must live!"

There was no need to think too much, and he had no time to be distracted by other things. All Luo Gandao could do was to pick up his weapon and face an enemy that was dozens of times larger than himself and seemed to be impossible to defeat. .

Because if you don't fight, you can't survive.

That's all.

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