This endless world

Chapter 489 Luo Gan said, attack!

Should he retreat like a coward and return to a peaceful life; or should he resolutely board the mecha and fight to the death with huge monsters like a hero?

If it were a comment on the Internet, then at least ninety out of a hundred young people who are not cold-blooded would scream and choose the latter... Mecha, this is a mecha! Who would turn down the opportunity to become a hero? Driving a mecha to fight monsters or something like that is just like a dream, isn't it?

But if the dream turns into reality, a real mecha is placed in front of them, and the monster will come to reality in thirty minutes, many people will definitely understand how much they weigh and choose to retreat shamefully. .

Luo Gandao was the latter. He had only heard senior experts introduce what the gene lock was once or twice. It is a kind of limiter. After it is unlocked, even an ordinary high school student can turn into a veteran who has been killed from a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​​​blood in an instant, and can survive no matter what kind of harsh battlefield it is. Come down.

But compared to the authenticity of such things, Luo Gandao still trusts his own judgment more. He is very aware of his lack of experience and how difficult it is to drive a mecha, let alone drive a mecha. Fighting monsters... Although he is now seventeen years old, just like the protagonists in many robot animations, he is of the age that can create miracles, but he has experienced darkness time and time again, and has long since passed that unsatisfactory state. The age of maturity.

——Although I like Shinji Ikari, I never thought that one day I would actually become Shinji Ikari in reality.

Facing this situation, Luo Gandao couldn't help but think of the situation when he was chatting with Yang Yun. At that time, he had no idea that the words he said later would turn out to be a prophecy. Even the words of the person in front of him, "Put your tail between your legs and go back in despair", were somewhat similar to Ikarihara-do in EVA. Similar, but…

——Do I have a choice?

Compared to Shinji Ikari's mental age, Luo Gandao is a person who has seen a lot of the world. When he saw Chu Xuan holding the Gauss pistol in his right hand, he knew that he actually had no second choice. He had no doubt that if he really said the words "I am no longer a driver", then the angel in front of him who was covered in holy light would instantly pull the trigger in his hand and send him to see God with one shot. ...How did you say that sentence? God is responsible for forgiving you, and I am responsible for sending you to Him.

So, should he be shot to death by Chu Xuan as a coward here, or should he board the mecha and seek a chance of survival? There's no choice.

A person who understands current affairs is a hero. Faced with Chu Xuan's move called "choice" but actually a "threat", Luo Gandao simply took the T-virus liquid from the opponent's hand, bit his teeth and injected the liquid inside. into his own body.

"I want to survive by piloting mechas and defeating monsters!"

The seventeen-year-old young man shook the completely empty medicine bottle with great momentum. Amidst the crisp sound of glass breaking, Luo Gandao looked directly at Chu Xuan and said loudly: "Even if I die, I will never die in this world." today!"

It has to be said that Luo Gandao is indeed a fan of machine warfare. Driven by his emotions, these two simple sentences actually sounded a bit passionate. As for Luo Gan Dao's performance, Chu Xuan just put his right hand back to its original position and nodded at the same time: "Very good, Luo Gan Dao, you made the right choice..."

"Next, you have fifteen minutes to adapt to the aftereffects of unlocking the first-level gene lock."


"Hoo, ho..."

Just now, Luo Gandao experienced the most painful torture in his life. God knows how many times he wished he could die. However, the T-virus liquid that Chu Xuan gave him before did not know what special effects it had. Not to mention committing suicide by biting off his tongue, he couldn't even fall into coma. He could only survive the ten minutes of painful torture... and when the hellish pain finally ended, he couldn't distinguish anything while lying on the ground. Luo Gandao in the north and south heard Chu Xuan's voice again.

"Stand up, then get on the mecha and fight the monsters."

Chu Xuan's voice was still so ruthless: "Since you didn't die suddenly on the spot after taking this potion, it proves that the reverse flow of time and space has temporarily returned to normal after triggering the previous incident."

Hearing these words, Luo Gandao jumped up from the ground and looked at Chu Xuan with a horrified expression: "What do you mean? Could that tube of medicine have caused me to die suddenly on the spot?"

"It's just a gamble. I have a 80% chance to guarantee that you won't die in the backlash of opening the first-level gene lock."

Chu Xuan pushed up his glasses, but the words he spoke made Luo Gandao feel chills all over his body. The young man wanted to question Chu Xuan, but when he saw the look in Chu Xuan's eyes behind his glasses, he obediently shut his mouth: "I, I'm going to prepare to board the plane..."

Chu Xuan nodded, and without seeing any movement from him, the chest area of ​​the blue mecha opened and turned into a staircase for Luo Gan to climb up. When Luo Gandao stepped into the cockpit, the shell of the mecha slowly closed, covering him entirely.

In the small cockpit, Luo Gandao, who was sweating profusely, sat on the driver's seat, holding the joystick tightly with both hands. Although the mental induction frame system on the AHSMB allows him to use his mental power to control the mecha to fight even while standing still, he still chose this posture to control the mecha... for no other reason than this posture. It always reminds him of the time when he drove a black motorcycle underground to compete in the competition before entering the main god space. It is also the posture he is most familiar with.

——The desire to survive deep in some people's hearts is just the simplest "not wanting to die", which makes them only choose to escape and live in an ignoble existence when faced with danger.

——The desire for survival in some people's hearts can allow them to unleash greater and astonishing potential when they are desperate.

"I must win."

Luo Gandao closed his eyes. The opening of the first-level gene lock made him full of confidence, and a steady stream of fighting consciousness came from the depths of his genes. At this moment, he finally understood what the gene lock represented, which was transformation from scratch... Luo Gandao even felt that he was capable of anything now!

"I can definitely win."

The mental induction frame system was activated, and as Luo Gan Dao was connected to the body, AHSMB's eyes also lit up with sparkling light.

"I will definitely win."

He has never had such a wonderful feeling, completely different from the simulation system. Luo Gandao felt as if the mecha was completely integrated with him. As the ceiling of the broken dome slowly opened, the blue mecha raised its head to the sky.

The next moment, the propeller behind the AHSMB started, and flames spurted out instantly, accompanied by a loud roar from Luo Gandao——

"I, Luo Gandao..."


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