This endless world

Chapter 490 What’s wrong with me?

The appearance of a monster is always quite shocking, but most of the time the sight goes unnoticed.

Since the previous monsters all emerged from the depths of the Pacific Rim, which is nearly 7,000 meters below the sea level, there are basically no cameras that can capture the specific scene when the monsters emerge from the cracks. They can only use data Measurements come from side view.

But at this moment, everyone near Hong Kong Island saw a scene that looked like the end of the world... In the sky, violent black clouds surged endlessly, and the bright light of lightning illuminated the sky. The huge crack slowly opened, and countless streams of high-energy particles spewed out from the other side of the world, coming with a surging momentum that almost submerged the entire world!

"Huge energy fluctuations, sir!" Cai Tiantong stared at the energy readings on the instrument that were about to explode, and reported to Marshal Panticost behind him: "Whether it is body size or other aspects, it exceeds anything before. Only!"

In this earth-shattering scene, a huge black shadow over a hundred meters slowly emerged. It has three compound eyes open, a deformed head that is as ugly as an alien, and a long horn that shines coldly in the center. Its body stretches out blade-like wings and sickle-like claws, and several slender tentacles stretch out from its claws... The "pioneer" behind the monster has transformed almost all its organs into part of the battle.

As the particles spit out from the wormhole gradually subsided, the monster completely broke away from the crack. As soon as it came to this world, it waved its wings unscrupulously, bringing up waves of crazy storms and blowing countless debris onto it. Sky. Under the shocked gazes of countless humans, this frantic giant beast with horns on its head and wings on its back descended on the earth accompanied by a rolling storm!

The wings flap and stir up a storm; when they land on the ground, they cause earthquakes. The monster that was nearly 140 to 50 meters away caused the earth to tremble violently with just a simple landing. Countless houses collapsed, and countless people lost their footing and fell to the ground, suffering severe head injuries...

This is a monster, coming from another dark red world that is about to be destroyed, a monster that is about to destroy all human civilization.

"...Probably Level 5."

In the dead silence in the command room, Cai Tiantong finally fulfilled his judgment faithfully: "Although there is no qualitative gap with other level four monsters, this data has completely surpassed the level four monsters..."

"Level 5? Damn it, it's a sure kill. You're really prepared..."

Marshal Panticost gritted his teeth. The fourth-level monster defeated by "Eureka Raider" was only slightly stronger than the third-level monster, but the one that is about to appear now has no energy reading compared to the previous fourth-level monster. Not on the same level. During his years as a commander, the marshal knew very well how difficult a level four monster was. It required at least three mechas to encircle and suppress it in order to win. And a suspected level five monster...

"How long will it take for our mecha to return to normal?" Marshal Panticost punched the wall next to him. The punch from his restored body was so powerful that it hammered the wall. A fist mark was visible to the naked eye. Although the marshal's fist was broken due to this punch, he suddenly turned around and asked the staff around him: "We can't just sit back and wait for death, we must do something!"

"Wait, Marshal! The ceiling of the Broken Dome is opening automatically!"

Before other staff could answer, Cai Tiantong suddenly screamed. He was tapping something on the console with a hand speed that was difficult for ordinary people to see clearly, and at the same time showed an unbelievable expression: "This reaction is The signal for the activation of the mental induction frame system... something is flying!"

——There is no need to continue talking.

Because everyone present saw the blue light rising from the Broken Dome base.

It's like, hope.

Luo Gandao has never been a very courageous person. In fact, he is a cautious person who cherishes his life more than anyone else.

Luo Gandao never thought that he was a kind-hearted person. As long as it did not hinder his life, no matter how many people who had nothing to do with him died, he would not look twice.

The experience in the orphanage made him go through so much that Luo Gandao knew very early that he only had one life, and if he threw it away, there would be nothing. Therefore, since he was a child, he has scorned those cartoons that risked his life, risked everything, and finally defeated the impossible enemy, because he knew that these were just animations and could not happen in reality... But looking at people his age While cheering for those virtual characters from the bottom of his heart and worrying about them, Luo Gandao could not help but feel a trace of envy sometimes in his heart.

What boy doesn't want to be a hero when he is a child? Don’t you have the dream of “driving a machine to save the world”? It's just that as time goes by, boys gradually grow up and become men, and the edges of men are smoothed by life, that's all.

So, Luo Gandao stood up.

Is it because Chu Xuan didn't actually leave him a chance to choose? If he didn't board the machine, he would only die? Is it because you feel the huge body made of steel, as if you have become stronger, with a sense of security and courage? Or is it because of the responsibility that has not disappeared in my heart... or the longing?

Luo Gandao didn't know, and he didn't want to know. There was only one thing he knew now. That was the dream that seemed so mediocre and ridiculous in the past, but it became so real at this moment, as if a fire was burning in his heart... and its soul was burning along with it.

Like a burning steel soul.

In just ten minutes, this young man completed his own transformation.

——Fuck, other people can save the world at the age of fourteen... so why shouldn't I?

The joystick was pushed to the end by Luo Gandao, and the AHSMB's nozzle spurted out blue flames with a "boom", and the two beam sabers were already in his hands.

The monster didn't notice this blue mecha. The machine, which was less than twenty meters tall, was just an existence that was not worthy of attention at all compared to the monster which was 130 to 40 meters tall. The "Pioneer" never mentioned this small mecha in the data input for the monster. After all, Chu Xuan designed the mecha specifically for Luo Gandao, a mecha that maximizes speed and dexterity. Never before in the history of this world.

So it paid the price.

In a flash of blue light, a quarter of the monster's head was cut off by Luo Gandao!

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