This endless world

Chapter 488 Choose, Luo Gan said

What appeared in front of Luo Gandao was a machine that was incompatible with the Pacific Rim world.

This machine body is about 16 to 17 meters tall. The skeleton as the backbone is a golden spiritual frame. The five bodies extending from it are made of white composite materials. The bionic design gives it a streamlined appearance, which is more angular than the angular machinery. More futuristic. On the outside of the core are red, white and black external armors, including leg guards, wrist guards, shoulder armor, chest armor and helmet. They all have energy crystals that release blue light, covering the surface of the mecha with a layer of energy crystals. Pale blue light.

A pair of wing-shaped propellers hang on the back, and several ribbon-like objects with no apparent purpose extend from the waist. They look quite similar to angel wings, adding a touch of mysticism to this mecha. breath.

Luo Gandao never dreamed that the expressionless and calm young man in front of him could actually do such a thing. Although he has always known that Chu Xuan is very powerful. Not only can he install the Gundam's psychic induction frame system on the Pacific Rim mecha, but he is also the general director of the laboratory. He just came out with a document about monsters some time ago. Detailed analysis report...

But, isn’t everything in front of me too exaggerated? It has only been less than three weeks since the Zhongzhou Team came to this world with all their plans. Chu Xuan was actually able to do those things just now and at the same time, under everyone's eyes, create a brand new machine from scratch?

This is not one of those giant machines from Pacific Rim, but a real futuristic design! Just like the ones in the anime!

"Is this Gundam?"

Luo Gandao, who was deeply shocked by the mecha in front of him, his voice was trembling when he spoke. His eyes were fixed on the blue mecha, unwilling to move away even for half a second. It was as if the mecha would disappear from him in the blink of an eye: "This must be a Gundam! Although there is no iconic kettle head and V-shaped antenna, there are many Gundam machines without these. This The streamlined design, slender frame, and gorgeous armor... it must be a real-life machine of the new century!"

"It's not Gundam. With my current technical capabilities, I still can't completely reproduce Gundam in this world. But it doesn't prevent me from using part of Gundam's design in the process of designing this mecha."

Chu Xuan calmly explained to Luo Gandao, who suddenly became excited: "According to my calculations, if the size of the mecha is controlled between fifteen and twenty-five meters, and coupled with higher output and maneuverability, the effect will be Even better. So after a certain amount of time, I created this new machine body based on the mecha design in the Nether Core database and various design drawings from the Lord God Space."

"Since a large number of existing designs were referenced during the process, you can temporarily call it AHSMB. This is the robot I refer to most... In translation, it is the 'Advanced High Benchmark Multifunctional Combat Device (Advanced -High-Standard-Multipurpose-Battle Device)'."

The long string of awkward English words spoken by Chu Xuan made Luo Gandao finally calm down a little, and his eyes looking at Chu Xuan also had a color of deep awe: "This name sounds like a certain Japanese fighter jet." The abbreviation in the work, but I have dabbled in most of the machine combat games on the market, but I have never heard of it at all..."

"You just played too little."

Chu Xuan brushed off Luo Gandao's question with an understatement: "But since you have played similar games, it will be much easier to explain. In terms of machine combat, AHSMB is a real-type body, although it is highly maneuverable. , but its defense and attack power are not outstanding. It is almost the same performance as the backbone units of the Gundam series."

"But is this possible? The enemy is an eighty-meter monster..." After the initial ecstasy, the survival instinct still made Luo Gandao wake up. After all, Chu Xuan had placed this machine in front of him, which meant that Soon he will board the machine body to fight the monsters: "That's right! This machine body must be equipped with powerful weapons that can destroy monsters! For example, a cannon like the flying-wing Zero Gundam that can destroy colonial satellites with one hit, or A beam sword like 00Q Gundam that can even cut off the moon..."

Facing Chu Xuan's cold gaze, Luo Gandao's voice gradually became quieter. After all, he himself knew that if there was such a powerful weapon, why would he bother to install it on the machine body? Just take it out and shoot at the 'crack' above your head... Where will it be his turn to use it?

"There is no such thing."

As expected, Chu Xuan's plain voice shattered Luo Gandao's fantasy: "Due to time constraints, I only had time to equip this machine with two beam sabers."

"Two beam sabers? Not even long-range weapons?" Luo Gandao looked at Chu Xuan in disbelief. If he felt like he was in heaven when he saw this mecha, then Chu Xuan's ruthless words were like a kick to him. Returned to the human world: "Not to mention moonlight butterflies, floating cannons or dragoon systems, at least there must be MS rocket launchers, right? Otherwise..."

"Mortal wisdom, why do you think I didn't adopt the original mecha design of this world?"

Chu Xuan sneered and interrupted Luo Gandao's words: "This machine is not designed to let you go head-to-head with monsters, otherwise I would directly transform the 'Dangerous Wanderer'. The advantage of the AHSMB machine is that Maximize your driving skills and win with speed.”

"Are you kidding? This is a mecha! I have never had any experience driving this kind of thing before. I am just a pure newcomer. I have only conducted simulation training once..."

Luo Gandao pinched himself hard, the force he used was so strong that his whole body shivered in pain. When he confirmed that Chu Xuan was not joking, but really wanted him, a newcomer, to get on the plane and fight the monster, his overflowing desire for survival still prevailed at this moment: "Is this a suicide? This is definitely You're going to die! I told you that I had nothing to do with Xie Luyin's rebellion..."

"I'm not kidding you, and I never joke."

At some point, Chu Xuan's right hand had already grasped his Gauss pistol, and his left hand took out a tube of medicine. The young man looked at Luo Gan, whose voice gradually became quieter, and said calmly: "You can either tuck your tail between your legs and go back in despair, or you can take this tube of T virus liquid that can unlock the first level of gene lock. Get on this machine and fight for everyone.”

With that said, Chu Xuan stretched out his left hand and handed the potion that didn't look quite right to Luo Gan, who didn't dare to move. "Choose," Luo Gan said. Should you be a coward or a hero? …”

"You still have thirty seconds."

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