This endless world

Chapter 386 Opportunity to Win

Over the giant city, the black "tide" formed a violently rotating huge funnel-shaped vortex at an astonishing high speed. The surging black flames rolled up the waves. The indescribable sense of oppression made the survivors of Raccoon City cast their horrified eyes towards the distant place. In the sky, in the eyes of the members of the Samsara Team who could not hide their shocked expressions, a wedge-shaped flame tornado that connected the sky and the ground was born!

The violent violent flames danced and turned into crazy tornadoes. The ground shook violently and the entire Raccoon City was trembling in pain. The sound of wind whistling in the air was the last cry of all things before death, which seemed to foreshadow everything. Finality.

- Violent Flame - Tornado Sky, this is Zheng Zha, the clone of the strongest person in the world of reincarnation, in return for the ants who dared to challenge him.

"Brother, you have been here for a long time. You said that this big light ball is not jealous of my handsome face and is targeting me specifically? The first scene I came in was the malice of heaven and earth that was targeted by the whole world. The second scene is this This kind of enemy is comparable to a natural disaster. I have never seen such a scene. Is this definitely jealousy?"

Standing next to Ling Dian who started to adjust his position to load special bullets, Cheng Xiao, who stared with dead eyes, blew a short whistle and said a joke that sounded very relaxed, but his serious eyes and stiff expression revealed his true nature. Mood: "Mom, look at this exaggerated coverage, it's even more outrageous than a nuclear bomb... Do you think Zheng Zha, no, Captain, can handle it?"

The sniper who had just come to Zheng Zha's aid in time shook his head silently. Without the assistance of a scope, it can be seen clearly through the long-distance vision brought by B-level clairvoyance. Except for a ferocious scar, the copy, which looked almost identical to Zheng Zha, glanced at himself in the direction of the bullets from the Gauss sniper rifle before fluttering its wings and flying into the sky.

It was a look that belonged to a demon, cold and cruel, full of murderous intent and ridicule, and a little displeased with being interfered with by ants "playing", which meant that this strong man with a bad temper had been completely angered. Looking at the scale and direction of the flame tornado, he was going to use this move to completely wipe out everything in this area, including the annoying bugs.

Zero point is the old man of the Zhongzhou team. He is very aware of Zheng Zha's potential and he trusts Zheng Zha's strength. But facing such a scene, such an unexpected enemy, even if he was as calm as he was, he felt that the shadow of death was beginning to loom over everyone.

"...I really can't think of a good way, but I can do it."

Zheng Zha's voice came from the communicator in Cheng Xiao's arms. Even though the surrounding wind was howling and even the electronic signals were somewhat blurred, the communicator that Yang Yun had given to each of them still faithfully performed its duties.

Standing on the ground, looking up at the small figure in the air, but like a god with one hand hanging in the air, controlling the celestial phenomena. At this moment, Zheng Zha deeply felt the gap between himself and the clone, and also understood the fourth What is the gap between the elementary level and the intermediate level 4?

Maybe Zheng Zha is very strong, but his strength is only before the fourth level. Raising the gene lock by one level is a threshold, and the world beyond the threshold can only be known by those who step into it. Zheng Zha doesn't know what the fourth-level fighting method is like, nor does he know what level of moves his "explosion" and "destruction" are... Maybe he can be like the Hulk in the movie in a short time. He could reduce a city to rubble, but he couldn't do it at the moment, like an attack like his own clone that could permanently change the terrain within hundreds or even hundreds of square kilometers with one move.

I am far from strong enough, Zheng Zha thought.

The clone of himself has obviously not overcome his inner demons, but he is incredibly strong. Not only does he have infinitely powerful black flames, but he can even force melee combat with the "explosion" turned on.

——Is he really me and not some monster in human skin? How should I deal with such a bottomless strength?

Zheng Zha does not lack the experience and courage to face powerful monsters, but for this level of exaggerated attacks, perhaps only Yang Yun in the entire Zhongzhou team, who has experienced Ashiya Michitoshi's battle, is aware of it. And now Zheng Zha really has no good way to deal with the already formed Tongtian Dragon Scroll.

"Explosion" can improve Zheng Zha's physical fitness dozens of times, and "instant destruction" can take it to another level, but that's all. Now, if Zheng Zha wants to smash the storm with his fists and shake the tornado with his body, perhaps he can only take a risk and run the "destruction" state at all costs, no matter the cost, so that he can fight against natural disasters with human power.

Even so, there was only anger and unwillingness in Zheng Zha's eyes, without a trace of despair or abandonment, even though the genes in his body were boiling, roaring, and trembling uncontrollably.

In Zheng Zha's eyes at this time, the tornado formed by the black flames was clearly a ferocious dragon head that stretched out its long neck from the sky, biting down viciously, and even continued to absorb surrounding objects to expand in size. The violent wind carrying tens of thousands of tons of sand and gravel is his breath, and the black flames like the tide are the blazing blood, which can almost destroy the world... And he is overestimating his own ability to challenge the evil dragon. Fool.

"I can do it."

I have to do it too.

He repeated it again, holding the handle of the knife tightly. Facing the seemingly invincible enemy, this magical weapon made of thunder showed no sign of weakness. The increasingly intense purple and red blood flames wrapped around the entire blade.

"So you plan to face it alone? Just after you just said, 'Our Central-Continent team has always won through the power of unity'?"

However, Zheng Zha's very powerful speech was brought back to reality by Ling Dian's calm tone: "Be careful, Zheng Zha, your current situation is not quite right."

"……my question."

Zheng Zha was shocked. He tried his best to raise his spirits, calm down his mind, and suppress the inner demons that had arisen again at some point. However, the predicament in front of him was still waiting for him to deal with: "It's only midnight, and I have nothing to do." There is no other way. The power of that thing may be beyond my limit. At this time, I can only give it a try..."

"I'll create opportunities for you."

After a few seconds of silence, Zero Point spoke again.

A person at Zero Point is like his gun, unable to fire easily. But when he really spoke, it proved that the matter was already extremely certain: "Since it is imitating the moves of a tornado, it will have the inherent characteristics of this natural phenomenon. A tornado is the product of extremely strong convection and is a spinning An extremely fast cyclone is also a rather unstable structure...and no matter what type of tornado it is, there is bound to be a relatively stationary and stable eye."

Knowing clearly that Zheng Zha was a cultivator who was classified as a "scumbag", Ling Dian did not make any excuses, but tried to keep the story short with the simplest and most straightforward sentences: "The flames that make up this move are full of powerful negative energy, which happens to be It is restrained by the Green Dream I exchanged before. So I only need to maximize the effect of the 'Twisted Demonic Eye' and drive the bullet into the eye of the wind, so that this move can reveal its flaws for a moment."

"Zheng Zha, that's your chance of victory."

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