This endless world

Chapter 387 I’ll be there soon (Thanks to the book friend “Nao Nao Nao Me” for the tip)

"Cheng Xiao, the scale of this black flame tornado is too huge, and that guy is still controlling the moves at all times. I can't immediately find the eye of the wind hidden in it... I need your help."

However, on the other side that Zheng Zha didn't know, Ling Dian was communicating with Zheng Zha, waiting for his choice, while using the common communication method of mercenaries, he made a series of gestures towards Cheng Xiao.

As a qualified soldier, Cheng Xiao naturally learned this method of communication. He immediately realized what zero point meant. There were some things that Zheng Zha couldn't know... So he also gestured and replied: "No problem, you What do you need me to do?”

"The Nandou Water Bird Fist you redeemed before is a boxing technique that uses the movement of the entire body to bring about wind pressure to attack the enemy. When Zheng Zha checked for you to exchange for Dou Qi, he also said that you also have the aptitude of wind Dou Qi. ,so……"

Halfway through the gesture, Zero Point paused, but in the end he continued to gesture: "I need you to use your talents to actively enter the black flame tornado to find the flow path of the wind, and determine the location of the eye of the storm for me."

Looking at Ling Dian's serious eyes, Cheng Xiao's pupils dilated in an instant. He understood the gestures made by Zero Point, and also understood the goal of his mission... and his ending.

"No problem, but you don't think that my one hundred, sixty-seven kilograms of meat and bones are enough to be burned by the black flames, do you?"

After only hesitating for a second, Cheng Xiao responded with a gesture: "I don't believe you are unprepared to say this. If I was really so stupid and jumped in, let alone you." Once you find the sniper target, it may turn into braised pork ribs in an instant.”

Even at this time, Cheng Xiao still opened his mouth wide, showing a silent smile and a funny expression, as if what he agreed to was not a fatal mission, but what to eat tonight.

Ling Dian stared at Cheng Xiao for a few seconds. He could read the determination, perseverance, willpower and fearlessness in the eyes of this smiling man, but the only thing missing was the fear that should appear most.

"...Your courage is beyond my expectation. I am a mixed-race child born in America. As far as my personal experience is concerned, I have never had much respect for those Uncle Sams who eat hot pot and sing songs on the battlefield. I have a good impression. Although I have heard that in the big countries in the East, the military discipline and appearance of soldiers are completely different from those in the West, but after seeing you, it is really better to hear than to meet."

While gesticulating, Ling Dian took out a pendant from his arms and gestured: "This is the fire square stone amulet that was given to me a moment ago and refined by Qi Tengyi. It can improve your resistance to flames. With that, it should buy you enough time.”

"Don't praise me like that. Maybe I'm much more handsome than my other comrades, but when something goes wrong and I need to step in, no matter who it is, it's the responsibility of everyone... What's the saying? In times of crisis, responsibility is the only thing we can do. .”

——It’s about “buying enough time” rather than “allowing you to save yourself in the flames and evacuate safely.”

It was not that Cheng Xiao didn't notice the difference in expressions, but he didn't care. He just talked about some seemingly irrelevant topics, then smiled and grabbed the amulet and made a gesture with his other hand: "No wonder I always feel that the other people in the team are a bit mysterious, but I have just joined the team, and the most I can do is complain with that guy Zhang Heng... So, you really are hiding something from me?"

"To be precise, I am also the one who is being kept secret. All of us may only know part of the truth. But this part of the truth is actually a good thing for us, because sometimes, the more we know, the more we are wrong. more."

Ling Dian shook his head slightly. He knew very well that there was something fishy about his brother and teacher Qi Tengyi's rapid improvement in cultivation level, because even for him, this speed of progress was a bit too scary; he also knew everything in the team. The changes are all inseparably related to Yang Yun; it is even clearer that even Yang Yun hid it in the moment and handed over this "specialized defense" amulet to him in advance, what exactly it meant.

But Zero doesn't care.

He is the most deadly silver bullet in the Gauss sniper rifle, and also the cold sword edge hidden in the sheath that cannot be easily pulled out. This is the fate of being a sniper. Now that Ling Dian has determined that his teammates around him are trustworthy and that they really have their own difficulties that cannot be revealed, he will silently do what he should do, and then blossom into his own self when it is time to appear on the stage. of brilliance.

The silent conversation between the two was extremely fast, and in fact it didn't waste much time, because Zheng Zha didn't have much time to make a decision. And until this time, Zheng Zha's voice came from the communicator: "...Please, Zero Point."

Zheng Zha could only make such a decision. It was not that he smelled a strong ominous aura, but his clone was still guiding his skills in the sky, and the black flame tornado was expanding in size every minute and every second. becomes more difficult to handle.

In addition to believing in Zero Point, the only way Zheng Zha can think of is to use "destruction" to risk his own life. Apart from this, Zheng Zha, who has focused most of his talents on energy hedging and Arhat Fist, has no skills. Effective solutions are available.

Zheng Zha understood that Ling Dian would not speak easily or promise anything, but this man who spoke the least and had the lowest sense of presence in the Zhongzhou team would never say big words. Since he can make a guarantee, it proves that he has enough confidence to create opportunities for Zheng Zha... All he needs to do now is to believe in his teammates and seize the fleeting opportunity to win.

"Before I give you a signal, you need more patience and then defeat your clone." After leaving his last words, Zero Point closed the communicator.

"I never expected that I would receive such a gift from a man."

Looking at Ling Dian's movements, Cheng Xiao smiled and put the amulet around his neck. At the same time, he solemnly saluted his comrades: "Leave it to me. He is nothing more than a scout. To me, he is just a side dish." One dish...I will complete the task perfectly and show you the way forward.”

"Take the first step, partner!"

After saying that, Cheng Xiao had already taken the lead and jumped from the sniper position where the two of them were. Even though the building chosen by Zero Point was thirty or forty meters high, it was as smooth as walking on flat ground in front of the light body technique that Cheng Xiao had practiced since he was a child. And he kept his feet on his feet and took the initiative to run towards the black flame tornado...

Ling Dian behind him looked at Cheng Xiao's back, returned the same military salute, and whispered: "Take care along the way, partner..."

"I'll be there soon."

Let me update a chapter first. I went to Shanghai to attend a UF meeting a few days ago. I returned from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., and I was so exhausted... I woke up this morning feeling weak all over and obviously lacking in energy.

I need to go to the affiliated companies for inspections from Monday to Thursday. It is probably another tiring week. I will try my best to keep it updated.

ps: Shanghai food is not to my taste, especially the sweet and sour pork, it is too sweet...

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