This endless world

Chapter 385 Tornado Sky!

Violent, chaotic, unreasonable power combined with unrestrained thunder suddenly burst out in all directions.

Even the clone did not expect that Zheng Zha would adopt such a simple and crude method of self-destruction without any skills at all, and face his own "violent flames-Yinghuo". He watched with shocked eyes as the sudden surge of power disintegrated the black ball, and watched as Zheng Zha's arms exploded with several blood lines like high-pressure water cannons.

...At the same time, he was also doubting whether the person facing him was his own body or a crazy ape. I wonder if the man across from me is not very smart, or he has trained his brain to be full of muscles.

Of course, this idea only existed in the mind of the clone Zheng Zha for a thousandth of a second before being ruthlessly erased. He decided to put aside this boring idea and launch the next round of attacks, and wondered whether he was suffering from some weird mental pollution like what he had encountered before.

"Even I have to be surprised that you are such an idiot..."

After defeating the Violent Flame-Yinghuo head-on, Zheng Zha's hands were shattered, and his arms were still trembling. The strength that his sore and numb hands could exert was only seven points, and the clone Zheng Zha's next attack followed. The long knife in his hand had long been replaced by the most convenient black flame sword, and a black stream of light that cut all things suddenly fell from the sky again.

Leveraging the gravitational acceleration of the dive, this powerful and heavy sword hit Zheng Zha, who had not yet recovered from the aftermath of the Violent Flame-Lost Star's attack, and forced him to kneel on one knee!

The ground opened with spiderweb-like gaps, and Zheng Zha couldn't help but let out a muffled groan, and blood bleeded from his mouth and nose. The splashing blood was burned by black flames before it even dripped to the ground. In front of the clone Zheng Zha who claimed to be serious, he could only parry but had no power to fight back.

——I lost on a trivial level.

Zheng Zha knew very well in which aspect he lost to his clone. He didn't feel that his clone was better than him in strength, speed or moves. Even the previous Violent Yan-Yinghuo was just a letdown. He suffered some losses. Zheng Zha thought that he had performed to the extreme in the use of moves and the infusion of energy. The reason for losing was just the skill, that is, the slight difference!

It's not that Zheng Zha is too weak at this time. As a newcomer to the fourth level, he has done better than most people, but the clone has already reached a higher level. Fighting against the Celestial Team and the Egyptian Gods has caused a qualitative change in his subtlety. Before he has completely overcome his inner demons, he has a strength comparable to that of a fourth-level intermediate!

"Do you think that you only lost to me on a subtle level?"

He knew the way of thinking thoroughly, and the gene lock was opened to a higher degree. Even when the whole person was completely copied, the copy could easily read Zheng Zha's heart. While he pressed the sword hard, he showed a scornful expression: "What's wrong, this is your full strength? I just shouted so loudly, I thought you could bring me some surprise, but now it seems really ridiculous."

"You don't even know how to become stronger at the beginning of the fourth-level gene lock, do you? You haven't found the most suitable fighting method for you, and you haven't let your body explore the power that adapts to the depth of your genes..."

"Jijiwaiwai, it's all nonsense, isn't it just to create a body that best suits your fighting style?"

Zheng Zha puffed up his chest. The fight between life and death left him no time to worry too much. He forced the two energies in his body to collide again, shaking away the clone's black flame sword. However, under Yang Yun's repeated baptisms, his words became a little harder than the strength of his hands: "You actually regard this kind of thing as a secret, where did you get the frog in the well?"

"You actually know about the 'Perfect Body'? And the energy fluctuations on your body just now..."

Seeing Zheng Zha's "instant destruction" for the second time, the clone Zheng Zha still had a moment of surprise on his face, but the surprise soon turned into cold and ruthless sarcasm: "Since you know..."

"Then why are you still so stupid and weak?"

Turning sideways, accumulating strength in his waist and abdomen, the clone Zheng Zha suddenly turned half of his body, and slashed out the black flame sword in his hand!


Black flames soared into the sky, and the clone Zheng Zha's attack left a deep ravine on the ground, stretching for several kilometers, but the clone Zheng Zha just frowned and looked at another person several kilometers away. one direction.

Tens of meters away from the clone, Zheng Zha, who was holding the Purple Thunder Sword horizontally and moving his body in another direction at the last moment, was breathing heavily, and there was a deep wound on his shoulder. .

He would not have been able to dodge this attack, if at the last moment, the clone Zheng Zha's attack had not been deflected for an instant.

The moment the purple thunder sword met the black flame sword, Zheng Zha felt boundless power coming from the sword. This power far exceeded any previous slashes, and directly killed him, who was temporarily unable to activate the next "instant destruction" state. The shock caused blood to flow from the eyes, ears, mouth and nose. But just when Zheng Zha thought that he was about to be unable to catch the sword and was about to die on the spot, a burning light lit up from several kilometers away among the lightning and flint.

The light tore through the darkness and penetrated the space. With the familiar loud sound of the Gauss sniper rifle, it struck directly at the head of the clone Zheng Zha. The clone Zheng Zha, who had already suffered a lot, had to pay some attention to the bullet fired at the critical moment... It was precisely by taking advantage of this momentary opportunity that Zheng Zha used the black flame sword in the end. The majestic force on the body was discharged to another direction, avoiding further damage.

"Weak? Maybe so."

Zheng Zha's chest heaved violently, but the man still managed to squeeze out a proud smile. He knew exactly what happened just now and who helped him: "But our Zhongzhou team has always achieved success through the power of unity. Victory... is different from you, a loner like you who always walks alone will never understand this power!"

"I really don't understand, but I don't need to understand. Because I have long abandoned your unnecessary feelings and devoted all my energy to becoming stronger, leaving everyone far behind."

What should have been a sure blow failed to succeed, which made the clone Zheng Zha feel very bad.

He clenched his fists, crushed the black flames in his hands, and allowed the heartbeat agitated by the battle and anger in his chest to slowly calm down. Then he flapped his bat wings again and ascended into the sky indifferently: "And , I’ve had enough of you bunch of bastards playing house games.”

"Ha, offal." Zheng Zha let out a short laugh without caring: "The offal in your mouth just made you deflate."

"Whatever you say, the game is over." Perhaps because Zheng Zha's taunting skills were much worse than Yang Yun's, after a short conversation, the clone Zheng Zha ignored his provocation and resumed his usual routine. Li's indifference: "Next, I will make you realize that no matter how many tiny ants there are, they will never be able to fight against humans."

The clone Zheng Zha flapped his wings and rose higher and higher until he turned into a small black dot. He raised his hand high in the sky, and suddenly dark and violent flames shot straight into the sky.

The sky also changes color.

The black flames on the clone Zheng Zha began to pour out crazily, turning into a sea of ​​black fire, and like sweeping dark clouds, covering the starlight in the night sky and covering the entire land with a radius of dozens of kilometers.

It is as strong as water, has no flaws but integrates offense and defense. This thrilling flame of disaster flows calmly and turbulently. Immediately, the flames merged into the sea like scattered rivers, and the huge waves gathered in his hands in an instant.

Rising from the bottom of the heart, the miraculous flame that is incombustible moves according to the will of the heart. The flame that should be violent to the limit must also succumb to the strong will. Under the subtle and exquisite control of the replica Zheng Zha, the flames that turned into flowing water began to move on their own in imitation of the air flow. First, two flames with strong convection motion were centered on each other, and then they rubbed against each other to form a sharply rotating vortex. A powerful vortex extends upwards from the palm of the hand, the air pressure on the ground drops sharply and uncontrollably, and the violent wind formed by the flames rises sharply and crazily...

"Violent Yan..."

"Tornado Sky!"

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