This endless world

Chapter 384 Instant Destruction

The moment three black balls shot out from the clone Zheng Zha's hand, everything within a few hundred meters changed.

The giant net composed of thunder and lightning was originally a ruthless killing move with such small gaps that it could catch all the shrimps, but it caused an irreversible imbalance before it got close to the black ball and the clone. Now this miserable broken net, not to mention shrimps, even the big fish weighing dozens of kilograms hanging outside the trunk and the car can find a way out and escape.

The cold front shimmering with purple light was fragmented, like snowflakes blown away by the strong wind in winter, losing its corresponding accuracy. The sword light containing powerful power flew around in the air, colliding with each other, turning most of the power into meaningless loss, and making deafening thunder in the battlefield.

Just in the aftermath of the attack, nearly half of Zheng Zha's two-style sword move was lost, posing no threat at all... And anyone who is not an idiot can see that the artistic conception of Zheng Zha's purple thunder sword technique was completely destroyed. The cause of death must be closely related to those three black balls!

However, what is the reason?

In the blink of an eye, thousands of thoughts passed through Zheng Zha's mind. He thought that the black ball was like a special bullet redeemed from the Lord God at zero o'clock, with the property of destroying energy; he also thought about the inside of the black ball. Energy has some kind of restraint on the Purple Thunder Sword Qi. After all, the exchanges at the main god are as numerous as stars...

It's just that Zheng Zha's knowledge is not as broad as that of Yang Yun. He doesn't know that the violent flames of his clone are not actually flames, but the embodiment of the violence in the man's heart, representing his unbearable past and also representing him. The darkness and measure of the heart.

Because he was on the breeding team, most of the reward points and side plots were taken away by the breeders, resulting in the clone Zheng Zha who could only go crazy to unlock the genetic lock and change his destiny. After being copied into the Demon Team, he unlocked the fourth-level genetic lock in about two horror movies and gained subtle power.

Under normal circumstances, the strength of self-created skills is related to the vision of the creator, and the third-level gene lock can already create a very good skill by itself. For example, Zheng Zha's "explosion" is enough to be rated B by the main god. Level or even higher level; but the clone Zheng Zha, all his skills are developed on the basis of the fourth level, which is "subtle".

Therefore, all the skills of the clone Zheng Zha inevitably have subtle characteristics, and all his self-created moves also have a core idea.

From the tornado that accurately controls the celestial phenomena, to the Tomb of Hundreds of Soldiers that uses the light of the soul to an incredible degree, to the most powerful man-made black hole, Original Darkness - the end of the universe, the clone Zheng Zha has achieved the ultimate in every detail... And his core ideas are actually the ultimate compression and condensation of energy.

Before Zheng Zha could analyze the principle of the clone's move, the three black balls flew in front of him like lightning, and he also felt countless vertical and horizontal waves from these three black balls. The force of tearing!

Under the microscopic control of the replica Zheng Zha, the three black balls themselves maintained a golden ratio of distance. The interlocking forces formed layers of locks, and the violent inflammation contained in them was the most important thing. Good protection.

Certain celestial bodies can change the structure of space-time simply by virtue of their own mass. The greater their mass, the stronger their effect on the structure of space-time. This is the role of gravity... When the compression of sufficiently powerful energy reaches a certain level, it can In turn, it affects matter and achieves such a shocking move!

The triangle is the most stable structure, but that is relative to itself, because the three black balls themselves are an active micro-gravitational source, emitting forces that change at any time in all directions. To the outside world, unstable factors can change all matter in the regional space, and the more sophisticated and complex the moves are, the easier it is to reveal flaws at the microscopic level. The gravitational force that spreads out stirs up the energy that forms the thunder net, which can The distance between the giant nets is lengthened, and the collision of Zidian's swords and lights can also be condensed in one place!

——It’s too late to deal with it.

This was Zheng Zha's only thought. Perhaps the "violent flame-yinghuo" hit by the clone on him would be a good training and experimental subject for those orthodox cultivators in Sanqing Academy. For this reason Some interested people may be able to read two experimental reports and one paper; but for those who are not orthodox cultivators, but are low-level cultivators who are even too lazy to use third-level gene locks to analyze certain things. As for Zheng Zha, he was unable to understand the principle behind the clone move, nor could he use conventional methods to crack it.

There was only one thing Zheng Zha could do at this time, and it was also the thing he was most accustomed to.

——Since there is no way to break the move from the "technical" level, then I will use strength. Because compared to so-called martial arts moves, strength is what I am best at.

Holding the handle of the knife tightly with both hands, the two energies that have undergone partial changes in his body but have not yet reached qualitative changes were each mobilized by him under the delicate control of the fourth-level gene lock. This positive and negative energy is completely opposite to the heart. Instant blending and annihilation.

If "explosion" is the conscious control of the collision of two opposite energies, then "destruction" is the deliberate blending and collision of these two extremely ferocious energies under the guidance of the third-level gene lock, as if Pour a pot of boiling water into a hot oil pan, and the power exploded will naturally increase exponentially.

But now that Zheng Zha is in the fourth-level gene lock state, the more he exerts power beyond his own limits, the easier it is for him to lose his mind. "Explosion" is okay, but once "destruction" is turned on, he will inevitably lose himself, and this is the reason why he kept his trump card even though he was beaten black and blue by the clone... It's not that he doesn't want to use it, but Can't open.

He needs to delay as much time as possible, until Yang Yun returns and Zhan Lan recovers from his injuries. For this, he can pay the physical pain and a small price, because this is the captain's responsibility... However, Zheng Zha is not There is only one trump card.

The opening of the fourth-level gene lock is powerful in all aspects, and Zheng Zha was beaten sixty-three times by Yang Yun and Zhao Yingkong in mixed doubles. The exercise that almost emptied his wallet in the main god space did indeed gain corresponding results. Results. Not only has he made a huge improvement in the subtle level, but he has also taken a solid step in creating his own skills... "Instant Destruction" is a new skill he developed in order to maintain himself under the inner demons.

Based on the situation in the human body, it is indeed difficult to bring together the internal force in the Dantian and the vampire energy in the mind in an instant. After all, the meridians in the human body are not electronic circuits, and the transfer of energy also takes a short time. This is the reason why Zheng Zha in the original world line could only develop "instant destruction" when using a mithril ring.

But now Zheng Zha's physique with all the veins and the powerful control power brought to him by the fourth-level gene lock have made this impossible "instant destruction" possible.

The two energies were annihilated in an instant. The huge amount of energy generated in such a brutal form flowed from the heart to Zheng Zha's limbs and bones, tearing the meridians and collapsing the blood vessels... And this violent energy was destroying Zheng Zha's body even more. Not only is it powerful, it also gives him the power to break the situation!


The blade of the Purple Thunder Sword condensed with purple electric light. Zheng Zha swung the sword with the power of collapsing mountains and breaking mountains, and with the force of thunder, he slammed down the three black balls!

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