This endless world

Chapter 383: Violent Yan Yinghuo

Chapter 383 Violent Flame-Ying Huo

"There is a loser in your team whose name I don't know. He has been the first to fall behind in this test of life and death."

The deep flames and the unrestrained thunder interacted with each other countless times, and after another seemingly even fight, the two figures retreated backwards at the same time, separated from the fierce battle.

Black flames were dancing wildly on one side, purple thunder was lingering on the other side, and the area within a few kilometers around them had been turned into white ground.

The transformation brought about by the fourth-level gene lock is completely different from the first three levels. The increase in destructive power alone is as terrifying as a god or a demon. If it weren't for the subtle power of instinct, which allows the strong to condense their power into every move and style of their own, the two warring parties have strong bodies and incomparably wonderful minds that can withstand the side effects of "explosion". The "violent flames" alone are enough to absorb each other's attacks, and the intensity of the damage will be ten times greater.

Zheng Zha is not considered weak among the fourth-level gene locks, but the clone Zheng Zha is even better. The explosive energy caused by the free-for-all collision between the two sides can cause the demise of a small city in an instant. And if the fighting continues, even this specially built giant city will not be enough to carry the actors' drama. Even if the country is completely destroyed, it will only be a matter of time.

Zheng Zha's chest rose and fell rapidly, making a loud noise like a large ventilator. He gasped and inserted the purple thunder knife diagonally into the ground, seizing the time to use his internal energy and blood energy to adjust his body's condition.

The Purple Thunder Sword that Zhang Jie gave him was indeed obtained from the ruins, and was much more than what it seemed. Not only is it incredibly powerful when used, but as he unlocks the fourth-level genetic lock more and more deeply, Zheng Zha can actually see some graphic moves from the weapons in his hands, and these moves are actually a complete set when combined. Sword skills...

Although he had not fought with the Purple Thunder Sword for long, Zheng Zha seemed to have practiced it countless times. He was very familiar with this set of swordsmanship and could use it without any problems. Because of this, he was able to barely have a 4-6 draw with the clone of himself while retaining the "Destruction" trump card.

Well, Zheng Zha four, clone six.

Even with the flame windbreaker and red flame protection, Zheng Zha still had a lot of burn marks on his body at this time, which were the scars left after being entangled by the violent flames... But compared with these skin injuries, what about the teammates who were fighting side by side? Something happened, which worried him even more.

"Looking at your anxious expression is really disgusting... Relax, you don't have to worry about which loser makes the first move."

The clone was whispering, like a demon coming from the abyss to the world, and he himself took a silent step forward, and in an instant, with a huge and furious black flame, he attacked again from an angle beyond Zheng Zha's field of vision. . He was clearly holding a thick long knife that was exactly the same style as Zheng Zha's, but the broad blade felt like a dagger when he used it, which was quite unlike him: "Because no matter who dies first, Or does it make any difference to you how many people died?"

"Of course there is a difference! Each of them is my partner!"

After several battles, Zheng Zha gradually adapted to the attack method of his clone. Zi Lei's blade left the ground in an instant and intersected with the ink-colored long knife again. However, the man who heard the clone's remarks could not stop his anger. Yu's heart surged: "A guy like you who still doesn't care even though four teammates have died is not worthy of being the captain of the Devils team!"

"My qualifications as captain cannot be judged by your judgment."

A cold light flashed in the clone Zheng Zha's eyes. Even though he said so, the sudden increase in strength in his hands showed that his heart actually reacted to Zheng Zha's words: "I told you, they are mine. The subordinates are the weak ones who fear my strength and grovel and pray under me. If they are successful in this battle, I will reward them. If they are embarrassed, I will also punish them. This is my way, my measure... …”

"And your so-called partners are also just a group of weak people who have to join a group for warmth in order to survive. They should accept your protection, but they have no help. It is really ridiculously naive."

With one move of one hand, the clone Zheng Zha transformed into a cold and cunning snake, a soaring eagle, and various different animals. In an instant, nine flaming beasts with different appearances, but with a vague sense of strangeness and holiness amidst the fierceness and evil spirits, descended here!

"Even if a thousand or ten thousand of them die, the Lord God will still send a steady stream of copies in front of me... But the potential certified by the Lord God cannot adapt to the waste of the Demon Team. No matter how many die, It’s like a passing cloud in my eyes.”

The eyes, the back of the head, the heavenly spirit, the throat, the spine, the arteries, the heart, the kidneys, the lower body... In the cold words of the clone, nine different animals roared together and rushed toward Zheng Zha!

"I said it all..."

"They are my partners!"

Zheng Zha roared angrily, and the energy in his body erupted like a volcano. The powerful energy burst suddenly and was immediately poured into the Purple Thunder Knife. Suddenly purple light shone brightly, and the deep purple sun illuminated half of the city. Facing the nine black flame beasts that attacked the major vital points of the body, Zheng Zha even created this round of thunder, and the enchanting and dazzling purple sun suddenly raised above his head...

Then, spin!

In an instant, Zheng Zha's whole body was integrated into this stunning sword. The sword was whirling like a wheel, and the layers were connected with each other. This powerful sword move that used offense instead of defense became more and more powerful as it continued to rotate. Even if nine The black flaming beast came with a fierce momentum, but it could only be smashed into pieces by Zheng Zha's "Heavenly Spin and Thunder" move, and then it was completely strangled in the violent thunder!

Blocking a blow, Zheng Zha's moves changed again. The whirlwind of swords burst suddenly, and countless thunder and lightning rays carrying the cold and cold sword energy of physical energy burst out, like thousands of blades, and like thunder and lightning in winter, turning into A giant chasing net hooded the clone Zheng Zha!

The thunder in the hell is followed by the winter thunder and thunder. Zheng Zha actually merges the sword skills he learned from the purple thunder sword into one, and even combines them to use them superimposed!

"My mate, is it possible that you are an old hen protecting her young?"

The laser light from the purple electric knife sealed every dodgeable space in the air. Even though he was caught in this deadly fishing net, the clone Zheng Zha still sneered, because he was not a desperate fish, but The evil ghost in the River Styx: "You don't need any teammates, you don't need any partners. If you have the strongest power, it doesn't matter if you are alone... Do you really think that those weak people can play any role?"

He opened his right hand, and the violent flames gathered in his hand. Condensed, compressed, and then transformed into three pitch black spheres.

"The subtle skills of the fourth level combined with the superb sword moves, it is obviously thunder and lightning, but it can be transformed into the meaning of frost to restrain my anger. It is worthy of praise."

"Then I will play seriously with you and take it as a reward for you..."

The moment he said these words, the sphere in the clone Zheng Zha's hand shot out——

"Rule Yan-Ying Huo!"

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