This endless world

Chapter 382 Get out of here!

--found it.

In the void, Yang Yun opened his eyes.

All his efforts in perception achieved corresponding results. At first, the void was still dead silent, but through the extension of Avalon's spatial perception, Yang Yun could feel that there were countless subtle spatial fluctuations not far from his position. Come.

Yang Yun, who lost an arm due to the space fluctuations, understood that this was the movement created by Zhao Zukong using "Cun Bu". This proved that the inner demon assassin who had attracted most of his attention with just one sentence had already made contact with his sister.

The space-type spiritual light is not among the restrictions of the main god, and the clone Zhao Zukong is using this power obtained from the depths of his heart without any scruples, fighting to his heart's content with the main character Zhao Yingkong... At the same time, he At the cost of this power, he will inevitably sink deeper and deeper into his inner demons, and eventually become a bloodthirsty demon.

Although the fluctuations in this space are extremely slight, if Yang Yun used Avalon's space jump to directly create a door on the wall and then pass through, then the space fluctuations coming now are like being separated by a wall. Knocking nails, or scratching the wall with countless blades, making a harsh noise... But this level alone is enough to become a beacon, providing Avalon with the positioning of spatial coordinates.

The space jump started again. When Yang Yun escaped from the brief discomfort, he saw a city wrapped in yellow sand and countless golden chains from the slit in the void. Among the yellow sand that blocked the sky and the sun, On it, there are nine phantoms of gods with different shapes.


Even if he didn't know much about Egyptian mythology, thanks to a series of animations and movies, Yang Yun could still recognize Ra, who was as hot as the sun, and Osiris, who was holding a crook and a flail. And as long as you get to know these two most famous gods, the name of the Nine Pillar Gods will be obvious.

But what Yang Yun doesn't understand the most is that the images of La, Osiris, and even the other six gods are extremely bleak. At first glance, they appear to be in a state of lack of power... It happens to be a god with a jackal's body. He His shadow is the most solid, and on top of his head is a viper crown that looks quite extraordinary. The energy fluctuations coming from the crown were even more intense than the shadows of the other eight gods around it.

Is it some kind of physical special prop? Or something else?

Yang Yun knew that the Demon Team in the original world line, like the Zhongzhou Team, had also experienced the world called "Legend of Gods and Ghosts". Even the clone Zheng Zha showed off the Sun Golden Sutra in front of his own body, which was quite impressive. "Teaching him by words and deeds" explained to him how to resurrect his teammates and trigger the Scorpion King branch in advance to obtain information about additional branch plots.

I also knew that this must be a plot that the positive people were deliberately looking for to make Zheng Zha and the Zhongzhou team make a comeback. Otherwise, it would be difficult for Yang Yun to understand the need for that demonic man Luo Li to say these words in such a long way. Sex...this doesn't fit with his personality or his style.

In the world of "Legend of Gods and Ghosts", there is Immortun, the high priest of ancient Egypt, and the Scorpion Emperor, the infamous ancient tyrant, and the two scriptures make it clear that there are indeed gods in Egypt in this world. In this case, it is quite normal for the Demon Team, under the plan of the clone Chu Xuan, to dig out a subplot from this ancient land that the Zhongzhou Team had not originally explored.

In an instant, several conjectures flashed through Yang Yun's mind. Even though he didn't know what methods the Devils had used to block his way back to the battlefield, Yang Yun understood the power covering the surface of the yellow sand. There is an inexplicable relationship.

Yang Yun, who was able to realize when his thinking was affected by positive and negative influences when he first entered the main god's space, could easily have a premonition of some "higher level thing" hidden under the surface of divine power.

After all, even the most forgetful person would have a hard time forgetting this power that he had once witnessed in Zhang Jie's soul. This "author's power" from the high-dimensional level is closely related to Yang Yun and the fate of the Zhongzhou team. Compared with the "author's power" of the positive ones, the power used by the negative ones is obviously much more conspicuous, and it is easier for people to notice that something is wrong.

——However, what needs to be done remains unchanged. Regardless of whether this divine barrier and the phantom of the Nine Pillars are the special props of the Demon Team itself, they are all obstacles that I must overcome.

Yang Yun clearly knew that what he should do now was to use his own strength to open the way forward, and then return to his friends.

——My friends are fighting, and I also want to stand side by side with them, instead of being trapped here alone.

It only takes a moment for thoughts to flow. Under the protection of Avalon, Yang Yun's body fell in front of the phantom of the god, and dozens of eyes locked on him in an instant, locking on this mortal who dared to face the god. .

The remaining icy power of the god represents a silent warning and a death sentence. The snarling venomous snake crown on Seth's head and the sudden increase in energy reaction show that even if it is just a phantom, it still has a power almost equivalent to the fourth. level of combat power.

"The so-called Egyptian Nine Pillars, is this what it is?"

Facing the gaze of the god, Yang Yun showed a disdainful smile, and pressed his right hand on his chest, where a strong heart of life was beating. The experience of a gloomy life once left an empty chest. From the light after Resident Evil 1, I gained many true partners that I once longed for but could not reach. I felt the true love that I had never gotten and the seemingly heavy weight, but it made me feel He was happy with the responsibility, and his still soft heart had already been filled with many things, as strong as steel.

Even if it faces the real shadow of the gods, this heart of life will never be afraid at all.

"You have already been defeated once."

Looking at Seth standing at the front, Yang Yunxiang also knew that the Devils' method of obtaining this power would never be so "gentle". And the clone Zheng Zha's soul light, Yan Yan, has extraordinary power against the so-called gods: "If you are really strong, you will not be defeated by the Demon Team, and you will not even have any remaining thoughts left." Now, I can only become a force in their hands, no matter how they are driven."

"At best, they are a group of domesticated guard dogs guarding the fence. Except for the good dog in the lead, the others are just bones in the grave. I don't know who to scare here..."

Green light lit up on Yang Yun's body, reflecting the armor on his body, turning into a sky-shaking arrogance, illuminating the black void around him... And the next moment, the man in armor turned towards the god in front of him The shadow launched a fearless charge!

"Give me, get out of here!"

I'm on a business trip from Friday to Sunday... I'll try to update it as much as possible. If I ask for leave, I'll tell you the above.

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