This endless world

Chapter 381 Chess Piece

"That's it."

The clone Chu Xuan opened the car door and walked out. He looked at the Umbrella company building not far away and put away the information in his hand. Feng Luo, who was sitting in the driver's seat in front of him, also opened the door and walked out: "You seem a little bit You don't seem to be in a hurry. Nearly half of the two hours have passed. Ming Yanwei, who is coming to settle accounts with you, is about to arrive at the speed of the Green Devil's skateboard... And I always have a hunch that the Zhongzhou team will not be like this. Sit back and wait for death.”

"In order not to run into a trap, a little waste of time is necessary."

The clone Chu Xuan stared at the Umbrella Company building indifferently, without even shifting the focus of his gaze: "The score and deduction reminders of the Lord God can be transmitted to the ears of every member of the Samsara Team without any obstacles, and This reminder sounded seven times. Judging from the strength Yang Yun showed before, if he is still alive, he should have been separated from the parting gift I gave him. "

In other words, another fourth-level strongman from the Central Continent team is about to escape?

This was the thought that came to Feng Luo's heart, but before he could say it, the clone Chu Xuan said one step ahead: "I understand what you are worried about, but Yang Yun cannot easily return to the battlefield. Space is stable, even if The Zhongzhou team has a second reincarnation who can transcend the restrictions of the Lord God and interfere in space, allowing Yang Yun to overcome the two tests I mentioned before, as well as the third hurdle called the 'shackles of war'."

The yoke of war.

Feng Luo naturally knew nothing about the magic that the demon team had obtained after returning to the legend of gods and ghosts after completing the "Pilgrimage Road" of slaying the Egyptian gods... But now it sounds like this can even change the return of the main god. The powerful skills of rules have other effects?

"The essence of the 'War Shackles' is actually the application of part of the power of the Egyptian Ennead God. It can also be said to be a divine enchantment that gathers the remaining power of the Ennead God and releases it in the form of Set."

The clone Chu Xuan explained while looking at the miniature tablet computer that he took out at some point. For some reason, Feng Luo always felt that his conversation seemed to be a little more high-spirited than usual: "This divine barrier itself contains the properties of 'war', 'inescapable' and 'isolation between inside and outside', which is similar to the main god Marr in myths and legends. Si's "Hot Blood Arena" and the A-level skill "Inherent Barrier" that can be redeemed from the Lord God have similar effects."

"Whether you are entering from the outside or breaking through from the inside, you need to use force to break through the divine barrier of the Nine Pillar Gods, and any attack on the barrier will be regarded as a provocation to the Nine Pillar Gods...even if their bodies are He is dead, and the other eight pillar gods are of little use, but the Seth phantom blessed by the snake crown is still equivalent to a fourth-level combat power."

"Also, the Lord God's restriction on the members of the Samsara Team not to use space transfer props and enhanced skills is itself related to the stability of space. Even if Yang Yun's unexplained space movement method cannot be stopped, it will still be possible throughout his life. Now that people are exiled, they will also become an obstacle that cannot be ignored."

"...In other words, even if Yang Yun wants to return to the battlefield, he can't break through the dual restrictions of the 'shackles of war' and the Lord God?"

After Feng Luo was silent for a few seconds, he asked again. He originally thought that the wise men of the Zhongzhou team used the main god's prompts to free Yang Yun, who was affected by time and space, as a clever move, but the clone Chu Xuan even calculated this move in advance...

"Yes, so generally speaking, Yang Yun will not appear in front of us again. If he really crosses the third obstacle I set for him..."

After saying this, a strange light flashed on Chu Xuan's glasses, and Feng Luo beside him felt cold all over. The man keenly realized that now was not the time to continue asking, and quickly changed the subject: "But the current situation is not so optimistic, right? The captain's team, if we exclude Ming Yanwei who wants to seek revenge on you, , but they are all dead."

"They have already played their corresponding value. As long as Zheng Zha does not fall, there will be no factors called 'accidents'." In an instant, the clone Chu Xuan returned to his usual coldness. The feeling is no longer as sharp as before: "When a chess piece has played its role, it has no meaning of existence for me. Whether dead or alive, it is not worth my continued waste of energy. "

——He is always like this, treating everyone as a pawn.

This was the first sentence that appeared in Feng Luo's mind, but he did not say it stupidly: "Including Dechai? I remember that the captain valued him quite a lot, and said several times that his melee ability was very strong... "

"It's only very strong within the scope of the second level. According to my calculations, in the next three horror movies, he will not be able to touch the edge of the third level gene lock. The second level is his limit. .”

The clone Chu Xuan pushed up his glasses, but he still looked away from the screen of the microcomputer: "The current 'strong' is not really strong. Is there potential for development in the future? Can the fourth-level gene be unlocked? The lock is what I focus on.”

"This is also the reason why you and Ming Yanwei are listed as 'Observer No. 1' and 'Observer No. 2' in the database I established... Everyone else except Zheng Zha, they are just Just a guinea pig."

——Including, Zhao Zukong?

This was a question that Feng Luo didn't dare to ask. Now he was beginning to regret that he had mentioned Decai just now. Even if his relationship with the clone Chu Xuan was extraordinary, he would never dare to let himself know the answer to this question. Because sometimes the more you know, the more mistakes you make... Although it seems like it was just an unintentional chat between the two of them, if that lunatic Zhao Zukong learns of the conversation between the two, what will he do? Do?

Just when Feng Luo was sitting on pins and needles, the clone Chu Xuan suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky on the other side: "It's almost done."

What's almost done?

Feng Luo also turned around to look, but before he could ask the question, he saw a white line coming from the sky in the distance, leaving behind circles of sonic boom clouds, and hit Umbrella's The upper floor of the building... But it was only then that the two people standing on the ground heard Ming Yanwei's miserable howl like a ghost demanding life.

"Chu Xuan!!!"

"The mental misdirection set up in advance a long time ago, and the related use of the power of faith. I made her think that my current location is inside the Umbrella Company building."

Even though his ears were filled with Ming Yanwei's angry screams, the clone Chu Xuan's voice was still extremely calm, as if Ming Yanwei was not shouting about himself, but someone else: "There was no response to the impact. It seems that the mental controller of the Central Continent team is not here..."

"It's time to switch to the next target."

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