This endless world

Chapter 369 Sniper

"Damn, luckily that skill saved my life..."

When Zhang Heng shot Francois with an electric arrow, and then shot the Green Devil skateboard under the feet of the two Demons behind him into powder, the muscular man Dechai reacted quickly. The muscles on his body instantly bulged and he grabbed it with both hands. He grabbed several wires not far away from him, and with this force, he crashed into the side of the building, avoiding the damage of a direct fall.

Ming Yanwei, who was in front, was unscathed. She stared blankly at the direction where the electric arrow came from. At the same time, she gritted her teeth and controlled the Green Goblin skateboard to fly away without even looking at her two teammates. One glance.

Among the three, Nochard, the sniper, was the most miserable. He fell directly onto a car from a height of tens of meters, and the huge impact instantly crushed the car under him into scrap metal... If it weren't for the clone Chu Xuan had been specially issued to snipers and The mental controller's protective shield activated on its own to protect his body, so it was really possible that the Demons' sniper would fall to death like this.

Even though the replica Chu Xuan's scientific research creation, which was equivalent to double C-level protective props, saved him from serious injury, Nochard was still dizzy after being thrown. He couldn't help but let out painful groans and curses: "These bastards, They said they were from the same team, but no one helped me..."

Although Nochard said so, he actually knew in his heart that the reincarnation team of the Devils was different from other teams. The team followed the naked law of the jungle, and everyone was killed under the high-pressure policy of the captain. They were barely held together. The wise man in the team has always been ruthless, and the second strongest man is still a madman who may violently kill people at any time... In this case, don't expect the Devil team to have any life-or-death friendship and be able to rescue each other.

When the wind is favorable, perhaps ordinary members of the Devils team can follow behind the big brother in the team and wave the flag to cheer. When it is not so dangerous, they can also play drums and catch some soup; but if they really fall into a headwind situation , they need to be allowed to fight on their own, so at a critical moment everyone can only rely on their own strength to survive the test of the Lord God.

Have potential, live.

No potential, die.

Simple and crude, but this is how the clone Zheng Zha leads the team. Perhaps in this team, the two as mental controllers can get some proper protection, but the importance of the sniper is obviously not as important as the former . Therefore, even as a sniper, Nochard has to go to the front line of the battlefield in person on weekdays. In addition to a proper sniper position and some self-developed technological props given to him by the clone Chu Xuan, he Can't get anything more.

Just like at this moment, when the clone Zheng Zha focused all his energy on his own body, Nochard was abandoned by his two "teammates" as expected... and was waiting for him. , is the muzzle of the Gauss sniper rifle.

Zero point would not miss this opportunity. He was at the best sniper point in this area and immediately pulled the trigger in his hand.

The bullet came out of the barrel, and the loud sound of the Gauss sniper rifle echoed in the night sky. This shot should have hit the target immediately, smashing the opponent's head into a crushed watermelon——

However, it came up short.

Holding the Gauss sniper rifle tightly in his hand, Zero Point narrowed his eyes slightly as he stared at the figure in the mirror who jumped up from the roof of the car in panic after dodging the bullet, and rolled sideways to find cover.

——This shot had penetrated the opponent's protective shield, but fell into the air before hitting the head. It was not an evasive action by the enemy itself, but rather seemed to be deflected by some unknown force.

Zero point made a judgment in an instant. He knew that there were thousands of ways to redeem the Lord God's space, and it was normal for them to have skills or items that could evade long-range snipers. Zero Point was not upset after missing the shot. He just silently replaced the ordinary sniper bullets in his hand with high-explosive bullets.

——The protective shield has been broken, so first, we must verify the opponent's avoidance method.

——If I hadn’t redeemed that skill in advance, I would have died for the second time just now.

Nochard, who was leaning against the wall of a house, was breathing heavily. His heart was still beating wildly. He was very familiar with the sound and power of the Gauss sniper rifle... Just now, he really felt I walked away from the gate of hell once!

The protection of avoiding arrows is a skill that Nochard, who knows that most of his enemies are also long-range attacks, redeems it in advance from the Lord God. It is this skill that allows him to passively dodge without even realizing it. A zero-point blow.

This exchange, which has been strengthened by Nochard to double B level, can almost dodge all long-range snipers within sight. Even attacks that I am completely unaware of can be avoided in advance. It is this The skill allowed him to escape Zhang Heng's electric arrow.

The double B-level protection of arrow avoidance, coupled with the magic bullet shooter bloodline that has also been enhanced to B-level, is the reason for his existence as a sniper of the Devils - after all, the sniper's opponents will probably be Samsara who are also long-range attackers. Or, when two sides "snipe" each other, the side with dodge always has the advantage.

Touching the Gauss sniper rifle behind him, Nochard felt a little relieved, but before he could carefully observe the surrounding environment and find a suitable sniper position to counterattack, a premonition of danger suddenly enveloped his consciousness - —


The explosion sounded suddenly and enveloped the house where he was hiding. Fortunately, Nochard had already jumped out first. Although countless stones hit him, these stones were all protected by the evasion effect. They all moved away, but none fell on him...

"Damn it, let's fight!"

Knowing that his position was completely controlled by the opponent's sniper, Nochard felt cruel. He rolled over and stood in the open with his own exchange, placing the Gauss sniper rifle on his body. Go ahead and look for traces of the enemy. The shooting interval of the Gauss sniper rifle is as long as seven seconds. As long as he can seize the opportunity within these seven seconds, he can still win!

With the blessing of the Magic Bullet Shooter bloodline, Nochard quickly found the zero point position, but it took him a little more time after all. Just before he fired, the opponent's Gauss sniper rifle sounded again.

But Nochard was not worried. Just like another member of the Samsara Team he had killed before, he was confident that even if he was the one who fired from behind, he could dodge the opponent's bullets and win the sniper attack in a preemptive manner. victory in the battle, so he only needs to——

Nothing is required.

Before he put Zero Point's figure in the scope and mobilized all the magic power in his body to shoot the bullet, Nochard only felt a numbness in his chest... followed by a sharp pain that rushed through his body.

Nochard's throat didn't even let out a scream before he spit out a large mouthful of blood. Whether it was cardiopulmonary function, nerves, or energy circuits, they were all shifted through the twisted evil eye, impartially. The bullet that entered his body tore him to pieces.

Origin bomb, hit.

"One of the opposing team members has been killed. The Central Continent team has gained three positive points and currently has 6,000 reward points. At the end of the horror movie, those with negative reward points will be directly wiped out..."

Kill one.

Listening to the Lord God's prompt in his ears, Ling Dian's hands did not tremble at all. He just wiped away the blood left in his eyes very quickly, then quickly turned the muzzle and looked for the next enemy.

At zero o'clock, he has always been the most trustworthy man in the Central Continent team at that critical moment.


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