This endless world

Chapter 368 Different


This is Zheng Zha's feeling.

Although Zheng Zha had already understood the general strength comparison between him and the clone before the fight, he could not have imagined that he would be injured like this... That guy was four miles away from the God of Death. Zhang Jie is even stronger!

Zhang Jie's telekinesis can be said to have almost no blind spots, and his micro-level control is even more exquisite. However, the black flame used by the clone is even more powerful than Zhang Jie's double A-level telekinesis in terms of control and power. Even more terrifying... And unlike Zhang Jie, who was physically weak at the time, the clone is still superior to Zheng Zha, who has unlocked the fourth-level gene lock, both in terms of physical strength and nerve reaction speed!

——How the hell do you fight?

Seeing the black flames that had been beaten into sparks gather again around the clone, Zheng Zha couldn't help but feel heavy in his heart. Even though they only exchanged less than three moves, he could understand that his clone had taken a completely different path from his.

If Zheng Zha is unlocking the genetic lock step by step, accumulating energy step by step, practicing the energy circulation system, studying his own skills, practicing moves, and making progress in all aspects, then the clone is unlocking the genetic lock. Running wildly on the road, he doesn't care about his inner demons or his teammates... He only needs to continuously increase the level of his gene lock to gain extremely powerful power!

"Do you realize it? This is the difference between you and me."

The clone Zheng Zha stood in the sky, the black flames in his hands constantly changing, sometimes turning into a giant sword, sometimes turning into other shapes, but finally it settled on the exact same style as the purple thunder knife in Zheng Zha's hand, turning into a black flame Chang Dao: "When you unlock the fourth-level gene lock and can completely control every power in your body and freely manipulate your own genes, any self-created skills will be a piece of cake..."

Before he finished speaking, Zheng Zha felt a premonition of danger coming over him. Without thinking, he raised the purple thunder knife and blocked it upwards, just in time to catch the clone's blow. The speed was so fast that even his vision could not keep up. .

"Do you think you can match me because you have unlocked the fourth level gene lock?"

The deep and suppressed ink-colored flames licked Zheng Zha's skin wantonly, making his throat thirsty. The flame windbreaker was doing its best to protect the wearer's body. Without the defense brought by the combination of this armor and the red flames, he would probably be dead. Even the body optimized by the fourth-level gene lock will crack and burn due to the scorching heat.

But unlike the heat on the body surface, the words of the replica are more like cold ice, which contains the eternal calamity fire: "If there is not enough power, then everything is false!"

The long black sword suddenly exerted force, containing a huge power far exceeding thousands or even tens of thousands of tons. The black flames flowed wantonly like a crazy sea tide, trying to swallow Zheng Zha whole.

The deep purple sword made of thunder erupted with a roar that resounded through the sky. Zheng Zha couldn't help but take a few steps back, trying his best to use his subtle strength to resolve the violence coming from the sword. Two mounds of soil were piled up behind his heels, with a radius of thousands of meters. The ground within a few meters sank several centimeters at this moment.

——Arm tendon rupture.

Under the pressure of unlocking the fourth-level gene lock, Zheng Zha immediately understood his physical condition. Although the genes in his body were being continuously optimized, it was still difficult to resist the clone's blade.

It’s not the time for mothers-in-law and mothers.

Even though under the burning black flames, the violent desire in his heart was as high as ever, Zheng Zha understood that now was really a critical moment. If he did not start the "explosion", death would be his end... But even in such a dangerous situation, Zheng Zha Zha felt confident for some reason, confident that he could survive the "explosion" without being swallowed up physically and mentally by his inner demons.

The blood energy in the brain explodes like a mountain torrent, rushing down like a waterfall, directly colliding with the internal force in the Dantian area at the heart. Zheng Zha's eyes became even more bloody, and his strength increased several times in an instant, actually overwhelming the power of his own clone!


Accompanied by extremely violent war roars, like dragons roaring and tigers roaring, the blood in Zheng Zha's body surged and roared. The killing and violence buried deep in his genes were all released through the collision of two completely opposite energies. He waved the knife with one hand, and the skyrocketing There was a moment of shock when Ju Li blocked it. It seemed that he had never thought that someone could hurt himself in an extreme way and burst out such a powerful copy in an instant. The ink-colored long sword collapsed into dots of black flames. At the same time, Zheng Zha did something that he would never do in a rational state.

A heavy punch came straight out!

A Luohan Fist wrapped in thick and blazing bloody flames, exerted with all his strength, blasted straight towards the chest and abdomen of the clone Zheng Zha!

Carrying murderous intent and the suffocating feeling of being suppressed and beaten for so long, Zheng Zha's right fist hit the clone's body. This seemingly simple punch contains extremely powerful power and meticulous skills. It is like a miniature nuclear bomb exploding in the air, but the incomparable light and heat that distorts the space is restrained by this ultimate punch. , sweeping the tragic blood, forming a pillar of fire rising into the sky. The impact of breaking the speed of sound caused a scorching wave of air to rise in the surrounding air. Along with the rolling of large tracts of yellow sand, it formed a cone-like shape. of clouds.

This blow came so fast and suddenly that even the clone Zheng Zha had no time to dodge. He was hit head-on by this punch and his whole body was blown away a hundred meters away.

Zheng Zha gasped for air, shook his head violently, and then managed to maintain his consciousness in the blood-red field of vision, but what followed was severe pain in his right fist... ...On the right fist wrapped with red flames, there is a black flame burning, engulfing the red flames bit by bit and burning.

But Zheng Zha didn't pay attention to this little thing. He just took a deep breath and shook his fist hard. Under the influence of subtle power, the red flame and black flame were thrown to the ground at the same time by his action, leaving burning wounds on his hand.

"That's right. I am a decent person. Don't you also have this violent nature in your heart?"

In a cloud of smoke and dust, the clone Zheng Zha walked out slowly. There seemed to be a shallow fist mark on his chest, but it was quickly filled with black flames. He himself sneered and said: "That's it, kill." Drop everything, destroy everything, you don't need any partners, except for the strong people who have the same level of power as you, the only people left around you will be the weak ones who are afraid of your power."

"Let everyone fear you, dare not disobey you, surrender to you, and be driven by you, exactly like me..."

"...I am different from you."

Zheng Zha exhaled a long breath, and then took a deep breath, as if replenishing the energy in his body from the surrounding air, and as if to strengthen his confidence: "I will never become like you, devoting killing to For my own power is obtained with the help of my partners, and I will also use my own beliefs to use this power!"

"And my partner who shares life and death with me will also defeat other members of the Demon Team who are afraid of your power!"

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