This endless world

Chapter 370 No martial ethics


Decai crashed into the building, collapsing several desks and rolling around on the ground a few times before standing up unscathed. His body was covered with a layer of faint white light, which was exactly this white light. The light protected his skin from scratches by glass shards and gravel.

Dechai didn't pay attention to his situation. He just looked in a certain direction for the first time and said in a cold voice: "Stop hiding, I have discovered you."

"I didn't hide it..."

Coming out of the darkness was Cheng Xiao, who was flexing his hands and feet. This man who usually smiled playfully had a serious expression on his face at the moment. He first looked at Dechai's hands and feet several times, and then looked at him again. The white light on his body said in a positive tone: "Muay Thai master, add fighting spirit to exchange."

"A warrior from the East?"

Dechai glanced at the joints of his fists, where there were thick calluses left by years of hitting and training. Although he had no intention of hiding it, the person in front of him could see it at a glance, which proved that the other person was obviously quite familiar with it.

"Cheng Xiao, my name."

Cheng Xiao cupped his hands and put on a strange boxing posture: "I have long heard the old man say that Muay Thai is fierce. It is said that they can train every part of their body into the strongest weapon. The bones of their fists are as hard as steel. Breaking through... I didn’t meet any masters in the real world, but unexpectedly I met one in the Lord God Space.”

"...You reminded me of troublesome things and some not-so-good memories."

In Cheng Xiao's tone, in addition to the high-spirited fighting spirit, there seemed to be some kind of realization that he was happy to see the hunter. However, Dechai was not even in the mood to talk to the person in front of him, because he had heard this tone before. Once.

Some memories before entering the main god's space are gradually recovering. After experiencing two horror movies in the original team, Dechai unlocked the genetic lock and entered the clone of the Devils, but this does not mean that he did not have a past before he was copied. In fact, just like the clone Zheng Zha still has all the experiences and memories of the original body, Dechai also has all the memories from birth to copy.

The Lord God will not make mistakes in this regard, so in today's demon team, there will not be some "strange characters" who were copied, but due to unknown reasons, lost all their memories and started from scratch.

Before entering the main god space, Dechai was an underground black boxing champion. He maintained a very high winning rate and was active in the underground boxing circles in Southeast Asia. He was known for his vicious attacks. People who fight with him often end up not very good, ranging from having their hands and feet broken, to being disabled for life - but it is rare that this man's men don't have many lives, and in the disorderly underground black boxing ring, This phenomenon can be said to be extremely rare.

This is not because Dechai is a merciless man, but because this guy, as the challenger, has never used his full strength. He has always been a "performer" to maximize the interests of himself and the bankers behind him, and he has no self-esteem as a strong man.

Dechai is talented. If not, he would not have been able to win consecutive games by only using his maximum strength of seven points. Even the games he lost were intentional for the sake of odds, and the goal was just for the greater good... Under the influence of money, he could give up some of his principles.

But everything was broken that day.

"You obviously have the talent to move to a higher level, why don't you hone it and improve it, instead of just wasting your time for money in this quagmire-like place?"

The person who said this was an old man in his sixties. This uninvited guy jumped down from the audience after a game and challenged him on his own. And this arrogance that does not match his age does have corresponding capital - the Muay Thai that Dechai is proud of is no match for his Chinese martial arts. Even with all his strength, the young man was still knocked to the ground by the old man.

"This is an energy called 'internal force'."

To this day, Dechai still remembers the old man's expression. His chest was heaving violently, and there was unstoppable pity in his eyes. He stretched out his hand towards Dechai: "You can achieve this by yourself. It's a pity that your talents are wasted here... Before learning martial arts, you must understand martial ethics, so that you can climb to a higher realm."

Facing the old man's declaration of victory, Dechai also gasped for air. He said in a voice that only the two of them could hear, without moving his lips: "I, I admit..."

The old man was right. Dechai was indeed talented. During the battle, he had memorized every move of his opponent. At the same time, he understood that if there was a formal duel, he would definitely not be the enemy's opponent.

But the old man thought something wrong. He didn't understand Dechai's persistence, and he didn't understand what Dechai could do to prevent the people behind him from losing a lot of money.

So he died, killed by a sneak attack - the anesthetic gun bullets hidden in the dark penetrated the old man's body silently. Decai jumped up from the ground and used all his cruel methods on the man who had shown kindness to him before. At the last moment, he stabbed the old man in the chest with a hidden dagger.

"Your martial ethics can't save you."

Standing in front of the old man's body, Dechai seemed to be answering the question, but also seemed to be trying to convince himself: "In my world, these two useless words do not exist."

Afterwards, the underground black boxing ring where Dechai was located was uprooted by the power belonging to the ancient martial arts family, which finally made him desperate and enter the main god space. This is another story.

The past is fleeting. As a man who has participated in three horror films of the Devils, Dechai has long developed the habit of using all his strength to fight the lion against the rabbit. I saw a rattling sound on the man's back, and two arms grew directly from his back. Then the four-armed man's muscles bulged, and he stepped on it. His whole body was wrapped in white light, and he moved toward Cheng. Xiao rushed over!

Second level gene lock?

Seeing the changes in the muscle condition of Dechai's body, Cheng Xiao suddenly became concerned. Facing four fists that came from different directions, he stepped on his feet and easily dodged Dechai's attack. At the same time, he lightly pressed his left hand on the opponent's fist at an incredible angle. , with this power, the whole person instantly floated into the air like a flying bird——

"Nandou Water Bird Fist... Feiyan Liuwu!"

Cheng Xiao's strength is naturally far inferior to that of Dechai, but he grew up in an ancient martial arts family and has sparred with Zheng Zha countless times in the Harry Potter world. His vision is certainly not comparable to that of Dechai who was born in the wild. Maybe the enemy's fist is as sharp as a big ax and as heavy as a hammer, but as long as you borrow the opponent's power from the side, the big ax and hammer can only fall into the air!

Like a roc turning around, Cheng Xiao used the side of Dechai's fist as a fulcrum and turned his head and feet into the air. Then he clenched the five fingers of his right hand together like a sharp beak and pecked at Dechai's neck... It looks like a swan with its head raised to the sky!

The neck has always been a vital part of the human body. Cheng Xiao's blow came fast and hard, and colorless internal force surrounded his palm. If this blow hit, even Dechai would be seriously injured!

But how could Dechai be so easy to deal with? Even if he could not fully grasp the secrets of the second-level gene lock, he could already control the muscle movements of his whole body. He saw that the muscles all over the body of this strong man were swelling and shrinking like running water, and the countless skins on his body became slippery. It also made Cheng Xiao's fulcrum unsustainable.

Without the fulcrum, Cheng Xiao's attack power also lost nearly half. Even if the blow hit Dechai's vital point, it only defeated the layer of white fighting spirit covering his body, causing his neck bones to make a kaba sound without breaking. . On the other hand, Dechai clenched his fists on his back again, his joints rattled, and he forcefully exerted force a second time at an impossible angle, hitting Cheng Xiao again who had no time to dodge!


The power of the second-level gene lock has exceeded ten tons, and coupled with the blessing of fighting spirit, the power of Dechai's fist is no less powerful than the impact of a heavy truck. Cheng Xiao only had time to summon up his inner strength and put his left hand in front of him to draw a Tai Chi pattern. Two fists penetrated his defense one after another, causing the man to vomit out a large mouthful of blood and drenched it on Dechai. He was knocked straight out and crashed into a desk not far away.

"Idiot, in a head-on confrontation, your internal strength cannot be a match for my fighting spirit."

Although it can be felt that the blow seems to have hit the cotton, and the force is not fully applied, the blood represents the real injury to the opponent. Decai didn't care at all. He casually wiped a handful of the blood that Cheng Xiao had sprayed on the back of his head and neck. He looked at the enemy who was knocked dozens of meters away by the blow and fell to the ground with a disgraced face and said with a grin, "Surprisingly, Actively jump your body into the air and lose your center of gravity... Do you think this is part of daily practice?"

"This is not a venue for martial arts competition, but a life and death battle!"

Dechai, who had just used his own self-created skill to relax his joints and penetrated Cheng Xiao's defense with his second force, said while moving his neck slightly, squeezing the joints of his four hands. Xiang, walked towards Cheng Xiao with a leisurely pace, preparing to give the enemy the final blow.

"Yes, I know this is not a venue for martial arts competitions."

Cheng Xiao got up from the ground and spit out the blood in his mouth: "There is no way. The power of the second-level gene lock is too huge. It may take me a long time to use Round Tai Chi to slowly defeat him in a head-on battle. You're going to die... I have no choice but to use this method."

"You? Consume me to death?"

Dechai burst out laughing, as if he had heard some big joke: "Is it because of your last move to block my fist? What about round Tai Chi? You still can't block my fist..."

Before Dechai finished speaking, his knees suddenly softened and he knelt down on one knee. For the first time, the muscular man showed a surprised expression: "What's going on? My body..."

"Poison, poison. The mouthful of blood I spurted out just now was mixed with the neurotoxin potion I took in advance. After breaking through your Dou Qi defense layer with the Nan Dou Water Bird Fist, it should take effect now. "

Cheng Xiao sighed, held his knees and stood up. The blow just now may have hurt him a little, but it was still too far to make him lose his fighting ability: "You know why I knew from the beginning that you were using fighting spirit." Is that so? Naturally, it’s because I am also following this path.”

And where Decai couldn't see it, the large area of ​​skin on his back that was sprayed by Cheng Xiao had long been corroded by flesh and blood, and even bones were exposed in some places. This was the characteristic of the Ernan Poison Body.

The green light on Cheng Xiao's body disappeared in a flash. It was not the green light that represented life energy, nor was it the color of wind-type fighting spirit. It was unique to him, meaning the color of poison-type fighting spirit: "But look at you. With your physique, this toxin can’t completely make you lose your fighting ability.”

Cheng Xiao's eyes fell on Dechai's trembling thighs. This guy was indeed a strong man who had unlocked the second-level gene lock. At this time, he was not only trying his best to remove toxins, but also mobilizing all his muscles. Be prepared for a counterattack... If Cheng Xiao dares to let down his guard and approach rashly, the counterattack that will follow in the next moment will turn the entire battle situation upside down.

——In this case, it might be a little troublesome to kill him.

No one understands the terror of a Muay Thai master better than Cheng Xiao, especially since this guy’s melee combat ability is undoubtedly strong. But when he was worried about how to kill the enemy, the sound of the Lord God’s prompt in his ear solved the problem. Xiao's doubts.

"One of the opposing team members has been killed. The Central Continent team has gained three positive points and currently has 6,000 reward points. At the end of the horror movie, those with negative reward points will be directly wiped out..."

By the way, there is also this trick.

Dechai, who also heard the Lord God's prompting, spent half of his energy fighting the toxins in his body, and half of his energy preparing to fight back, trembled all over, and a bad premonition arose in his heart, and then he heard the poisonous bastard opposite him reveal his face. He smiled evilly: "I'm sorry. Since it's a life-and-death fight, you have to use every possible means... Properly utilizing every power around you is also a part of fighting."

With that said, Cheng Xiao took out the communicator from his arms with a smile and said to the person on the other side: "Zero Point, you should have done the killing just now. Can you see me? I'm begging you."

"Copy that, wait for me for two seconds."

What came from the other end was a ruthless, yet extremely reliable voice. But the sound sounded no less than the death knell to Dechai. The Muay Thai master who had not fully recovered his mobility and originally planned to deliver a fatal blow when Cheng Xiao approached subconsciously said: "Wait, you can't Doing this...aren't the people in your country the most martial-minded?"

"Although the old man has always said that people of his era were most empathetic to martial ethics, he stopped talking about it after my distant elder, who was also eminent of martial ethics and a good teacher, had an accident in Southeast Asia. Such nonsense... After all, no matter how important martial ethics is, it is not as important as one's own life."

Cheng Xiao took his communicator back into his arms and shrugged his shoulders: "You have to be powerful when you go out to hang out, and you don't feel ashamed if you rely on your teammates. Sometimes it's good not to have martial ethics... If you are capable, you can also call me a teammate. ?”

"I killed it..."

Veins popped up on Decai's forehead, but the next moment, the bullet from the Gauss sniper rifle had penetrated his head.

My body is not very comfortable... I would rather say it's very uncomfortable, so I'm going to sleep first.

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