This endless world

Chapter 350 One hundred armed helicopters

Chapter 350: One hundred armed helicopters

The transmission of spiritual power is rapid.

After Tom covered the mental shield tightly to ensure that no information on his side would be leaked, he approved Zhan Lan's mental power application. In the eyes of everyone on the Demon Team, a vague portrait drawn purely by mental power was gradually shaped on the top of the building.

"What's this skill, Tom?"

The clone Zheng Zha looked at the swaying illusion that was gradually taking shape in front of him, with a hint of surprise in his eyes: "Use limited mental power to shape it, and synchronize it with the appearance of the other party... The mental power controller of the Zhongzhou Team is really Have you just mastered this power?"

"Maybe it's astral projection redeemed from the Lord God? Or maybe it's a skill like psychic projection? I'm not sure..."

Tom tried hard to recall the vast spiritual power skills of the Lord God, but he knew exactly what the clone Zheng Zha wanted to ask: "But this skill is just to create an illusion of mental power to facilitate long-distance communication, and to communicate with ordinary people." The psychic chain is just the difference between a phone call and a video call, and does not have any offensive capabilities...I am sure that there will be no problems."

"Well, I'll leave it to you." The clone Zheng Zha nodded. Whether it was because of his status in the team or his past history, he had reason to give Tom more trust: "Don't let any accidents happen."

The clone Chu Xuan existed behind the scenes as always, and the clone Zheng Zha himself was responsible for the negotiations. This was not only because he was the captain of the Demon Team, but also because he was looking forward to... looking forward to seeing his true form.

——Although there is no way to directly appear in front of the main body through space transfer, it is not bad to say hello in advance. I don’t know what the main body’s expression will be when it sees this familiar face.

However, the clone Zheng Zha was disappointed after all. When his face was fully formed, he saw a face that had been forgotten in his memory for a long time, and a sentence of surprise.

"Zheng Zha?"

"...It's you, Yang Yun."

Even though the clone Zheng Zha is not the original character, he still has memories from Resident Evil 1.

But after joining the Devils, the clone Zheng Zha lost a lot of things, not only his previous bonds and feelings, but also his former innocent self. Normally, when he saw Yang Yun, he might still have some slight mood swings, but after discovering that the person on the other end of the call was not his own body, the man who had turned his whole body into a demon only felt that it was boring: "Since you took the initiative If you use your spiritual power to negotiate with us, it means that you are the wise man of the Central Continent Team... There is really no one left in the Central Continent Team."

The third-level gene lock can already recall every detail in the memory, the two rescues in Resident Evil 1, the joy after returning to the main god space for the first time, and the days and nights in the ten days of sparring, and Yang Yun's instructions before entering the horror movie were all recalled one by one by the clone Zheng Zha.

——But it's just a recall. Now, those things are no longer important.

There was no fluctuation in the heart of the clone Zheng Zha. For him, those past memories could not hinder him at all, and they could not make him miss his old love at all, because the man named Zheng Zha had already died that day. The only ones left are the terrifying demons who climbed out of hell and were obsessed with "becoming stronger".

All the bonds and interpersonal relationships in the Zhongzhou team have been abandoned by the clone Zheng Zha himself. Even Yang Yun, who once reminded him, was just a stepping stone in his way to become stronger.

Faced with the obviously contemptuous words of the clone Zheng Zha, Yang Yun's tone did not change at all. He just stared at the scar on the clone Zheng Zha's face with his eyes: " seems like what you experienced in the Devils There are many more things than I imagined.”

"This is not a meeting of old classmates, but a life-and-death battlefield."

Although he didn't care about the scar on his face, it didn't mean that the clone Zheng Zha could tolerate this kind of scrutiny. This man didn't even have the last trace of patience and directly gave Yang Yun an ultimatum: "Tell me If you are in good shape, wash your neck and wait... We will crush you all soon."

The so-called negotiation must be something that can only be done when the strengths of both teams are close. From the perspective of the clone Zheng Zha, the strength of the Central Continent team and the Demon team are obviously not on the same level. This team battle is not even a battle. It is just a cat and mouse game at best.

Maybe this idea is arrogance in a general sense, but the Devils do have the capital to be arrogant...especially since they just defeated the Celestials in the last horror movie.

"This is not like your style, Zheng Zha."

Seeing this attitude, Yang Yun immediately threw his original plan of "talking to the Demon Team and the clone Chu Xuan" into the trash can... After all, regardless of the attitude of the clone Zheng Zha, or the fact that the clone Chu Xuan did not show up Facts have proved that there are still irreconcilable conflicts between the two teams.

However, Yang Yun did not change his tone because of the attitude of the clone Zheng Zha. He still said unhurriedly: "There may indeed be a strength gap between the Zhongzhou team and the Demon team, but since I said we want to negotiate, then There must be corresponding chips."


What leverage can you have?

Are you worthy? Do you have a bargaining chip that you can use to make me look at you?

In fact, after experiencing the hell of the Demon Team, the clone Zheng Zha has always had a certain amount of disdain for the members of the Zhongzhou Team who played house and night - he has been in three horror movies without doing anything, but there is no subplot. Zhang Jie, who has never been seen before; Zhan Lan, whose breasts are bigger than his brain and can only talk on paper; Li Xiaoyi, a good-for-nothing loser whose first horror film was 10 points backwards; seems to have some ideas, but neither the operation nor the experience are too good. More than the immature Yang Yun.

...and the self that used to be full of hope that I could survive in this cruel world of reincarnation with these useless teammates.

The clone Zheng Zha didn't even bother to reply. He immediately ordered Tom to cut off the communication and prepared to ride on the Green Goblin skateboard for a bloody massacre... The brief conversation with Yang Yun had exhausted all his little patience. All, and now the devil needs to use the blood of his enemies to satisfy the never-extinguishing fire of destruction in his heart.

However, Amiya's sudden words made his plan fail.

"The source of the other party's spiritual power has been locked, Captain. It came from the direction of the Umbrella Building... but a group of armed helicopters were also dispatched along with it."

Another mental controller of the Demon Team, Amiya's voice came from the psychic chain: "The Umbrella Building is not far from here. At the speed of those armed helicopters, they will arrive at us in about five minutes. The location..."

"What's the quantity?" The clone Chu Xuan's voice sounded in the soul chain.

"About, a hundred."

"This is my bargaining chip."

As if he heard the conversation between the Demon Team members in the spiritual chain, Yang Yun spoke at the right time: "One hundred armed helicopters are probably the entire armed force of Umbrella Company in Raccoon City, and they will not hesitate to do so. Destroy the company's enemies at all costs."

"Being attacked to this extent, even if you, Zheng Zha, can survive the attack by chance, it will be difficult for your teammates to survive the attack... What do you think? Are you interested in hearing what I have to say next?"

One hundred armed helicopters are a force that cannot be underestimated in modern warfare, but this Umbrella elite force cannot arouse the clone Zheng Zha's interest at all.

"Is this your bargaining chip?"

The clone Zheng Zha sneered, black flames rose up from his body, and two wide bat wings more than three meters long suddenly spread out from his back.

"You don't understand what real power is."

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