This endless world

Chapter 349 Negotiation?

The sixth sense of a strong person is always sharp.

The clone Zheng Zha was able to get Chu Xuan to tell the truth with such certainty, not because he had obtained the evidence that the clone Chu Xuan had hidden it from everyone, but simply because this ruthless captain of the Demon Team actually had someone behind his back. A history full of blood and tears... a history of being ruthlessly crushed intellectually and being plotted countless times by the clone Chu Xuan.

This is experience and a sixth sense. The clone Zheng Zha was convinced that this man, who was analyzing two possibilities indifferently on the surface, must be hiding something behind his back that he did not resort to speaking.

"It's not a new idea, just some unverified conjectures and questions."

The moment they heard this, everyone in the Demon Team cast their eyes on the wise man who was half-speaking, showing various expressions. The clone Chu Xuan, who did not feel that there was anything wrong with his behavior at all, just pushed up his glasses gently: "This is the world of Resident Evil 2. According to the development of the plot, the current Raccoon City has already broken out. Resident Evil… But until now, we haven’t seen the mass specialty products of this world.”

What are the specialties in the world of Resident Evil?

Zombies, of course.

Zombies are slow-moving, irrational monsters that are extremely thirsty for flesh and blood...or biochemical weapons. Their individual combat effectiveness may not be strong, but they are highly contagious, and their greatest advantage is their quantity.

"I thought that the moment the Lord God's protective shield was lifted, zombies would smell the living breath exuding from our bodies and attack us."

The clone Chu Xuan's eyes turned to the top of the building and then to the street below.

Two days ago, on the eve of the arrival of the Central Continent Team, many residents of Raccoon City smelled the bad smell in the air and fled the city through the checkpoint, which was about to erupt in a biochemical crisis; a day ago, Zheng Zha Si When people followed Jill to the checkpoint, the T-virus infection had spread silently among the crowded and impatient crowd; and at the moment when the Demon Team arrived, the biological crisis had officially broken out.

The building density of Raccoon City, which was expanded by the Lord God, is not high, and the housing prices must be astonishingly low. And in this dark night, the lights of thousands of houses on weekdays are even more sparse. Even in the brightly lit city center, the lights in those high-rise buildings look so dim and weak... The biggest source of light now is the burning shops and cars on the street.

Zero-dollar shopping, a traditional American skill.

However, those robbers who were accustomed to smashing, smashing and robbing did not take away their trophies. Many valuable or worthless things were randomly thrown on the streets without leaving with their "owners".

This is normal, because zombies don’t need anything else outside of themselves except fresh flesh and blood. At this time, Raccoon City is already in the stage of a biochemical crisis. There are many cars burning on the streets, and there are also sporadic zombies wandering endlessly on the streets, looking for fresh flesh and blood around them... At first glance, it looks like A common apocalyptic scene in Resident Evil movies.

"But as it stands now, the number of zombies seems to be a little low."

After being reminded by the clone Chu Xuan, everyone realized that in Amiya's mental scanning screen, the zombies on the streets were too rare, especially when the Lord God expanded the area of ​​Raccoon City. The difference is particularly highlighted... If the number of zombies in the movie is like the sesame seeds on the sesame seeds, then the number of zombies now is like the slices of meat on the beef noodles, and the difference between the two is especially great.

"The number of zombies is decreasing...what could be the reason for this?"

The clone Zheng Zha naturally saw this fact, and his eyes involuntarily moved to the person who could solve his doubts, and the clone Chu Xuan also gave the answer the next moment: "The reason for this situation. There are too many, and it is still not completely certain...perhaps it is because the Lord God completed the evolution of the T-virus in advance, which caused the zombies to reduce their number by devouring each other, thereby increasing their individual combat effectiveness."

"Maybe it's because the Lord God simply expanded the area of ​​Raccoon City without increasing the number of humans living in it by a corresponding amount; maybe it's because the Zhongzhou Team did something that reduced the number of zombies. "

"This is the reason why I didn't tell you. There is not enough information collected so far to determine the specific situation, but I am more inclined to the last conclusion. This change is related to the Central Continent Team..."

"Chu Xuan, the other party's mental controller has begun mental scanning."

Just as the clone Chu Xuan was explaining, Tom suddenly spoke in the spiritual chain, with unconcealed surprise in his words: "Very strong mental power. In terms of mental strength alone, the mental power controller of the Zhongzhou Team Even though their strength is not much worse than mine, it's just that they are a bit jerky when using it. This can explain the previous situation. It seems that they have just mastered this power, and they don't have much experience in fighting other reincarnation teams... …”

"And this mental power seems to be scanning directly towards us, and there is no hostile sentiment in it... Could it be that they want to negotiate with us?"

At the end of the sentence, Tom was shocked by his suspicion...negotiation? Negotiating with the Devils? It seems that the Central Continent team is indeed a team that has very little contact with other reincarnation teams. Otherwise, how could it possibly think about negotiating with the notorious Demon Team in the Main God Space?

"Negotiation? Ha, interesting."

Before the clone Chu Xuan opened his mouth, the clone Zheng Zha took the initiative to take over the conversation. The black flames that he had finally suppressed rose up again on his body, and there seemed to be little flashes of light in the black flames: "Let this mental power scan over, and remember to do other shielding work to prevent them from getting excess information... I want to see what the guys from the Central Continent team are planning."

"The people from the Demon Team agreed to our application for psychic contact."

At the top of the Umbrella company building, Zhan Lan closed his eyes and said to Yang Yun beside him: "It seems that our initial disguise is successful. I can feel that the devil's mental controller maintains a strong hold on us. The most basic warning, but it is just a 'warning'."

"I understand that the Demons agreeing to our application for mental contact is an attitude in itself, showing their strength. No matter what calculations we have, they have the attitude of confidently accepting the attack... At the same time, it is also a kind of arrogance that only belongs to the strong. "

Yang Yun looked at Zhan Lan and nodded slightly: "This is a good thing and an opportunity, and we can't waste this opportunity... Zhan Lan, always be prepared, there is only a moment's chance to take the lead."

"……I see."

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