This endless world

Chapter 351: Driving the tiger away from the mountain

"Tell me, what do those gentlemen at Umbrella Company think?"

On an armed helicopter, the pilot was complaining to his comrades sitting next to him: "I heard that man-eating monsters have appeared in this city. Now the whole city is in chaos, and people who want to leave are being We were blocked at the city's border, and now the people above actually sent us out to capture some 'biological weapons'..."

"We are mercenaries who collect money to do things. Our bounden duty is to complete the mission. Finding out the secret behind the mission is the way to death."

Unlike this talkative mercenary, the older companions around him obviously know the way to survive in this profession: "Talk less, do more, it's that simple."

"Okay, okay, you are the chief... I don't want to come to this damn city anymore. There are still people at home waiting for me."

The pilot shrugged his shoulders and glanced at the direction displayed on the radar: "We are almost at the target location. I want to see what the so-called 'biological weapon' is."

"Be careful...wait, what is that? Why does there seem to be something in the air in front of you?"

It was still the night before dawn, and the sky had not yet broken, but some things not far away could already be vaguely seen. The mercenary sitting in the co-pilot was usually the sniper in the team, and his eyesight was better than that of his companions. Through the dim light, he seemed to see a monster with bat wings on its back in the sky.

"Wow, is it true? Can that so-called 'biological weapon' fly?"

The driver sighed exaggeratedly, but judging from his tone, he did not take this matter to heart, but regarded it as a novel topic of conversation. After all, in his opinion, a hundred armed helicopters are enough to destroy all targets in the city. Even if they are facing a superhero in the movie, that guy will not be able to survive the dense firepower network... …

Then, he saw an unforgettable sight.

Black flames covered the sky.

With just one strike, nearly a third of the armed helicopters were destroyed...and this was just a casual strike from the clone Zheng Zha, and it couldn't even be called a formal self-created skill.

——I know that your so-called "If the Umbrella Company sends hundreds of armed helicopters to attack us, except for the captain, the rest of us will die here" is not credible even half a word.

Yang Yun's mental illusion tilted his head slightly, watching the clone Zheng Zha spread his bat wings and rise into the sky, using the black flame condensed sword in his hand to sweep dozens of helicopters into burning fireballs, and obtained Achievements beyond imagination. He silently raised the threat of the clone Zheng Zha to another level in his mind, and at the same time felt lucky for his strategy of dividing a hundred armed helicopters into three teams.

One hundred armed helicopters can destroy all members of the Demon Team except the clone Zheng Zha. This is a long-circulated saying, and "Zhang Heng of the first-level gene lock can use the wind arrow to cause damage to the clone Zheng Zha." "Fatal Threat" is the same as the product of over-interpretation of the battle in Resident Evil 2... But compared with the Wind Arrow, which can only blast a hole as big as one meter in expressiveness, the threat of a hundred armed helicopters is obvious Far beyond the former.

But the biggest problem may be that this sentence was actually said by the clone Chu Xuan himself. The credibility is obviously one level higher than the former. After all, the Devils have no need or reason to lie when they have an absolute advantage. Liar... So when Yang Yun unified the armed forces of Umbrella Company in Raccoon City, he immediately dispatched these armed helicopters to test the quality of the Demon Team.

Even if Yang Yun unlocks the third-level gene lock by himself, it is difficult to imagine that these armed helicopters will wipe out the demon team including the clones Chu Xuan and Zhao Zukong in addition to the clone Zheng Zha. picture. Perhaps these armed helicopters should not be equipped with heavy machine guns, but tubular pulse ejection guns with unlimited bullets to do this kind of thing... But this does not prevent these one hundred armed helicopters from playing their due value.

——Tom’s metal manipulation ability is not enough to make a hundred helicopters crash. Zhao Zukong’s assassination skills are not suitable for use in this kind of air battle. At least I can’t imagine him using a small weapon. The scene of shooting down an armed helicopter with a dagger... And the clone Chu Xuan is an example of someone who will not participate in the battle as a combatant until the last moment.

Therefore, whether it is for the purpose of establishing power or to show strength and not expose more of the Devils' strength, the clone Zheng Zha is the most suitable candidate to annihilate these one hundred helicopters. He has the ability to fly and high mobility, and his Soul Light Flame is most suitable for large-scale group battles.

——But even the clone Zheng Zha cannot destroy a hundred armed helicopters whose formation and distribution I have specially adjusted in one blow, not to mention that at this time, he will most likely not use these self-created skills... ...He is not the kind of person who goes all out to fight the lion when he comes up, but the kind of torturer who will slowly toy his prey to death.

And this is my opportunity, an opportunity to make him careless, make him careless, and separate him from the other members of the Demon Team.

——He needs two seconds, or three seconds, to destroy all the armed helicopter groups and then return here.

"...He is indeed very strong."

Looking at the clone Zheng Zha who just made a horizontal slash and expanded to tens of meters with the black flame sword, Yang Yun called Zhan Lan in the spiritual link and pretended to mutter to himself: "A hundred armed weapons The helicopter doesn't seem to be any hindrance to him."

"You don't look surprised." A calm voice followed Yang Yun's words that were half emotional and half acting.

"Clone of Chu Xuan..." Listening to this familiar tone, Yang Yun naturally knew who the person who spoke was: "Sure enough, people like you are destined to be copied into the Demon Team."

"You seem very familiar to me, but I don't have any contact with you in my memory."

The clone Chu Xuan looked at Yang Yun's shadow and pushed up his glasses: "It's my real body. Have you had any communication with you in the Zhongzhou team?"

——Yeah...Chu Xuan helped me a lot and taught me a lot. Without him, I wouldn't be here today.

——The difference is that last time I was Chu Xuan’s student, but this time, I am standing on the opposite side of him.

"You're stalling for time."

Yang Yun didn't speak, but the clone Chu Xuan didn't need his answer, because every wise man has a scale in his heart, and other people's answers sometimes don't matter.

After just one or two sentences of conversation, the clone Chu Xuan stated Yang Yun's true intention in a positive tone: "Your trump card is not just a hundred armed helicopters, this is just an appetizer. . Is it a nuclear bomb for a targeted strike? Is it an ambush? Or..."

"You still can't guess it now?"

One moment, Yang Yun's voice was transmitted through spiritual power, with an ethereal flavor, but the next moment, his voice had already crossed the space.

"Chu Xuan."

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