This endless world

Chapter 342 Umbrella was dealt with

"Where the hell are you going? This place is going crazy right now!"

"Go to the checkpoint! The deputy team and the others are all there to maintain order. I heard that Umbrella Company has built a new military checkpoint there. I'm going to see if this is really the case!"

"Then...take us with you, okay?"

"It looks like you have received professional training, but I don't want to ask you about your origins at this time... I don't like long-winded men either. If you want to go, hurry up and follow me."

"If you drive a police car, you can probably arrive around dusk..."

After a short conversation, Zheng Zha, Zhang Heng and the other three people smoothly blended into the team of plot characters. This was not because Jill was too trusting of strangers, but because facing those unknown monsters, naturally the number of people The more, the better.

Gil is not stupid. Rather, this elite member of S.T.A.R.S. has experienced many battles, so he is naturally aware of the undercurrent surging in Raccoon City. And having had several crisis management experiences, she also understands that the current chaos may be just a sign before the storm is coming. With Zhan Lan's mental power as an aid, she subconsciously ignored the weirdness of Zheng Zha and his group, and only regarded them as companions who had the same goal and wanted to leave Raccoon City.

In Gill's eyes, Zheng Zha and his party were equipped with weapons and were obviously elite warriors who had seen blood. They were a great help in this unknown journey... Only by uniting those smart people who can clearly see the situation, and those who can Only professionals who have the ability to protect themselves in a crisis can survive this coming biochemical crisis.

"The time now is half past nine in the morning."

After watching Zheng Zha and the other two leave the police station with Jill according to the original world line, Yang Yun glanced at the big clock hanging on the wall of the police station office: "Jill just said that when they arrived at the checkpoint, It will probably be around dusk.”

"Although in the movie, from the police station at the beginning of the plot to Jill and Alice finding Angela Ashford, everything happened within about twenty-four hours, but the Lord God increased the size of Raccoon City. area, the moving speed of the car will not become faster because of this, so the time of the plot will be lengthened accordingly... By rough estimation, Zheng Zha and the others arrived at the church in the movie and officially met the heroine Alice By then, it will probably take until the early morning of the next day.”

"After reuniting with the heroine Alice, they will then receive the task of finding his daughter from Dr. Charles and go to the school to find Angela Ashford. This time is estimated to be about thirty-six hours... … That’s pretty much it. But before that happens, we have to get everything done and give the Devils a big gift."

Several people nodded silently. Yang Yun had talked about part of these plans with them before, but Qi Tengyi couldn't help but said worriedly: "All arrangements will be completed within thirty-six hours. The time is very tight. Ah, Yang Yun, what kind of excuse are you going to use to infiltrate Umbrella? If you plan to pretend to be a mutant infected by the T virus, show your powerful power, and then infiltrate Umbrella as an experiment, Then I can actually..."

"Sneaking in? Why should we sneak in?"

Yang Yun looked at Qi Tengyi strangely and nodded his forehead: "I always feel that you have some misunderstanding about the actions we are taking now. It is not that difficult to deal with Umbrella Company, especially When we have Zhan Lan."

"Thirty-six hours is all the time we use to complete the preparation work... and the time to deal with Umbrella Company is not included in these thirty-six hours."

Qi Teng suddenly showed a black question mark expression: "But you just said clearly that you want to enter the Umbrella company. For this, you need the full cooperation of Zhan Lan and Zhao Yingkong... Could it be that the mission of our team is not led by a One or more people appeared in Umbrella Company's field of vision, attracted their attention, and then broke into them naturally; Zhao Yingkong used infiltration to enter Umbrella Company, and after figuring out their guard strength, he then Should we cooperate internally and externally to control the top management of Umbrella?"

"...Qi Tengyi, it seems that your mentality has not changed yet."

Listening to Qi Tengyi's words, Yang Yun said helplessly. In fact, what Qi Tengyi said is not wrong. This is the method used by the Zhongzhou team to return to the Resident Evil world in Infinite Horror to obtain the original solution of the T virus... But the time point at that time was already when Resident Evil 3 was about to begin, and the Zhongzhou team He also received a side mission to save Alice, and needed to wait for Alice's body to be completely repaired by Umbrella Company. But now, Alice is still alive and kicking.

And without so many worries and constraints, what is Umbrella...?

Yang Yun looked at Qi Tengyi and said: "In Raccoon City now, except for the protagonist Alice, there should not be any supernatural powers. Even the top executives of Umbrella Company are just a group of ordinary people, and they have There may be any technological device that can block mental power, so..."

"While I am explaining these words to you, the task of taking down Umbrella Company has been completed."

As soon as he finished speaking, a scene appeared in the minds of everyone in the spiritual link - it was the high-ranking supervisors or ministers at the Umbrella headquarters in Raccoon City who were controlled by Zhan Lan's mental power at the same time. fact.

"The hypnosis techniques Zhang Jie taught me are very useful."

Zhan Lan smiled slightly. As a second-level mental power controller, after a long period of practice, it was now effortless for her to control the consciousness of dozens or hundreds of ordinary people at the same time.

"...So, now all the top executives of Umbrella Company in Raccoon City, including all their armed forces, are essentially under our control?"

Qi Tengyi said in hindsight: "Is it that simple?"

"It's that simple, but Zhan Lan deliberately avoided Dr. Charles Ashford to prevent the butterfly effect from affecting Zheng Zha's plot line."

Yang Yun responded: "This is the victory of the mental controller. When a mental controller has no checks and balances and can freely develop without restrictions, then it will lead to a future like the present."

The result is a natural result and there is nothing surprising about it. Mental power controllers are a dimensionality-reducing blow to ordinary people. This may be why in the X-Men universe, the American military is so afraid of Professor Power controllers may not be able to control the later big boss Albert Wesker or the heroine Alice, but they must control the Umbrella Company who are now in Raccoon City and have no superpowers and are only mortals at best. Rolling the top layer into a round shape and flattening it is as easy as flipping a finger.

"Let's go to Umbrella's headquarters."

Yang Yun, who calmed down Umbrella Company in a few words with an understatement, smiled and said, "It's time to make the next step."

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