This endless world

Chapter 341 Detachment and “Contact”

"It seems you understand, Zheng Zha."

Seeing Zheng Zha's expression, Yang Yun sighed and said: "This is not the first time. The Lord God secretly dug a hole for us in the early days of entering the mission world... Just like in the Harry Potter world, our initial identity cannot stand It’s the same as deliberation.”

"If we use that mission requirement as an analogy, it's the same as asking us to protect Dumbledore."

"...Is there anything wrong with protecting Dumbledore?" Zheng Zha scratched his head. He didn't understand Yang Yun's meaning: "Our mission that time seemed to be to protect Dumbledore from death within thirty days... In the meantime Is there any problem?"

"There is a huge difference between protecting Dumbledore and protecting Albus Dumbledore."

Yang Yun denied Zheng Zha's statement: "Albus Dumbledore, the principal of Hogwarts, is Dumbledore, and Aberforth Dumbledore, the owner of the Pig's Head Bar, is also Dumbledore. Even in the most extreme case, we have to consider the situation where Arianna Dumbledore is not dead..."

"There is a huge difference between protecting one Dumbledore and protecting three Dumbledores... So now you understand some of the Lord God's literal traps, right?"

Looking at Zheng Zha who was stunned, Yang Yun shook his head helplessly. Although Zheng Zha simulated his ideas through the third-level gene lock, the current captain of the Zhongzhou team is still too young and has not experienced the insidiousness and beatings of the main god... He is still far away from becoming a fully qualified captain. A long way to go.

"I'm off topic, let me continue talking about this horror movie."

Perhaps it was because the positive person learned that the opponent in this team battle was beyond his expectation, and was currently trying to find ways to give the Central Continent team time to respond. At this time, the protective cover of the Lord God has not yet been lifted, which also gives Yang Yun sufficient time to explain the Lord God's text trap, and try to make the 'future' move in the direction he said: "First of all, Zheng Zha, you have to understand , the Lord God will not issue missions that require death. He may secretly dig holes for us, but he will never stand in opposition to us and deliberately make things difficult for the reincarnations who complete the mission."

As he spoke, Yang Yun motioned to Zheng Zha to read the words on the Lord God's watch carefully, especially the sentence "If Angela Ashford dies after forty-eight hours, double the side plot and reward points will be deducted": " Since the plot character dies after forty-eight hours, the Lord God will judge that our mission has failed. So at the beginning of the plot, when the biological crisis in Raccoon City has not yet fully erupted, Angela Ashford is still safe... Of course, no matter what Whether it is according to the plot of the movie or the arrangement of the Lord God, she is likely to gradually fall into danger as time goes by."

"Although the possibility of her early death is not ruled out, considering the time when Jill and Alice found Angela Ashford in the movie, and the Lord God deliberately expanding the area of ​​Raccoon City, thirty-six to four She should be relatively safe within ten hours...and this period of time is the time the Lord God has left for us to prepare for the Demon Team."

"It's less than two days..."

Zheng Zha pondered after hearing the words. After not seeing the murderous intentions hidden in the plain words and not understanding Yang Yun's examples, he turned on the third level gene lock and simulated Yang Yun's way of thinking. : "You mean, the policy we should adopt is to follow the plot characters and try not to destroy the corresponding plot lines... Is this the best way to complete the mission?"

Seeing that Zheng Zha had caught up with his thoughts, Yang Yun nodded and said: "Yes, Zheng Zha, don't forget one thing. This horror movie is difficult for eight or nine people. Excluding the impact of team battles, only You need to follow the original plot step by step, so there won't be too many problems. This kind of task process should be more in line with the difficulty of this horror movie... Do you still remember the Resident Evil 1 we experienced?"

"...I still remember it fresh." Zheng Zha's tone couldn't help but sound heavy when he mentioned the place where everything started: "That horror movie was also about the same level of difficulty."

"Excluding the side plot of the laser channel, in fact, if we don't change the plot according to Zhang Jie, then the danger we face will most likely only be facing one on the train with the protagonists of the plot, or Two creepers.”

"That's what I meant."

Yang Yun snapped his fingers: "The Lord God's mission is actually divided into two parts. The first part is to find Angela Ashford, and the second part is to take her out of Raccoon City safely. Compared with following Jill, The first part can be completed by running through the story, but the second part is the real difficulty of this mission.”

"After all, most of the difficulties in the former are in the church where Alice first appeared, where the plot characters will be attacked by crawlers; while in the latter, they need to face trackers with heavy firepower weapons, and the possibility of Ambrey appearing. Pull the company’s armed forces.”

"...Indeed, the safest way is not to cause too much trouble and to follow the plot to find Angela Ashford."

Zheng Zha looked at the rewards for completing the main mission and thought that the difficulty of the Central Continent team's missions had returned to normal. He suddenly felt that what Yang Yun said made sense. Now it was not just about fighting a whole spaceship of aliens and an alien queen. It’s time for a D-level subplot.

After thinking about this, Zheng Zha already understood what Yang Yun meant: "In addition to the heroine Alice, another important supporting role, Jill Valentine, first appeared in the police station, so..."

"Let's split up."

Yang Yun and Zheng Zha said the same words in unison.

After these four words of tacit understanding, the two looked at each other and smiled. Zheng Zha took the initiative and said: "It is undoubtedly a waste for everyone to follow the plot, so we need to split up and a team of people follow the plot to find Angela Ashe. Ford, the other team will contact Umbrella Company in advance."

"Detachment can effectively avoid the waste of combat power."

Yang Yun, who had made a plan long ago, thought further than Zheng Zha: "Zheng Zha, you and Cheng Xiao, Zero Point, and Zhang Heng act together, even if the Lord God evolves the T-Virus in advance and improves the zombie and... With the strength of the Creepers, there won’t be any problems leading the team with your strength.”

"And I and others went to Umbrella Company to make arrangements in advance for the arrival of the Devils."

After listening to Yang Yun's words, Zheng Zha said doubtfully: "Zhan Lan's spiritual link can cover everyone. Before the Demon Team comes, our two teams can stay in contact at all times. It doesn't matter where she is... But does Zhao Yingkong... Wouldn't it be more appropriate to follow the plot and find Angela Ashford?"

Yang Yun smiled: "It's different. Entering the Umbrella Company requires the full cooperation of Zhan Lan and Zhao Yingkong..."

"You don't think that the 'contact' I mentioned is to go to Umbrella Company to treat you to dinner, right?"

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