This endless world

Chapter 343 The non-existent person

The headquarters of Umbrella Company is not far from the police station. Even in Raccoon City, which was specially enlarged by the Lord God, the drive between the two is less than half an hour. But in today's megacity of tens of thousands square kilometers, this distance can be said to be almost negligible.

This may be a deliberate arrangement by Umbrella Corporation, because judging from the plot of the movie, Umbrella Corporation is already equivalent to a special existence with some government responsibilities. It can nuclear neutralize Raccoon City without any scruples, and then disguise itself as a An "accident" is enough to prove its huge power in this country.

Soon, Yang Yun and his party arrived near the Umbrella Corporation headquarters building. Even in the chaos of Raccoon City, except for the blockade area set up outside the building, the place is still extremely peaceful, as if The chaos outside has not affected this company at all.

"Stop, this is Umbrella Company's area, no further progress is allowed."

Seeing Yang Yun and his group of five people driving straight towards the car, the two armed guards at the door suddenly showed vigilant expressions. They raised their weapons at the same time: "The situation outside is very chaotic. The order we received is Don’t let anyone else enter the headquarters.”

"Irrelevant persons? I think you seem to have made a mistake. How can the five of us be irrelevant persons?"

Facing the black muzzle of the gun, Yang Yun just smiled. He got out of the car and opened his arms to show that he had no ill intentions: "We have an appointment."


The two guards did not relax their vigilance, but Yang Yun's attitude still made them lower their guns slightly: "We haven't heard of any reservation."

"It doesn't matter, you can report our names to your superiors, and then you will get the corresponding order permission to invite us into the building."

Yang Yun smiled politely and said, "Well, let me introduce you first...this is Claire Redfield."

As he spoke, Yang Yun pointed at Zhan Lan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, and then introduced him one by one to the two guards at the door: "This is Ada Wang, and this is Leon Scott." -Kennedy, and this is Rebecca Chambers."

"...Understood, we will report to our superiors now."

Seeing that Yang Yun and his party were so steadfast in their oath, and even took the initiative to report their names, as if they were not afraid of verification at all, the two guards immediately believed it... However, their long-term professional qualifications at Umbrella Company made them unable to do so. Didn't let down his guard. One of the guards was still pointing his gun at Yang Yun and others, while the other guard pressed the headset on his ear and asked the superior in the contact channel for instructions in a low voice.

"...Do you have to be so mean-spirited?"

Qi Tengyi, who had long known that the top executives of Umbrella were mind-controlled by Zhan Lan, said helplessly in the spiritual link: "I can definitely use a Muggle expulsion spell or other types of spells to make them ignore us and enter Umbrella." The one who pulled the company building... Besides, with Zhan Lan’s mental control, even if you say you are Ultraman, they will probably let you go, right?"

In Qi Tengyi's view, Yang Yun's actions at this time were completely unnecessary. Since the upper management of Umbrella was already under control, wouldn't it be enough to just arrange everything? Now this is happening... After thinking about it, Qi Tengyi can only use the word "bad taste" to describe it.

"We still have to go through the procedures. What if the Demon Team has superb hacking capabilities after entering and can view the process of us entering Umbrella Company?" Yang Yun replied with a smile: "The Great Hidden is hidden in the city. Since the goal can be achieved through formal channels, there is no need to use other means."

While Yang Yun was speaking, the guard who just asked for instructions from his superiors seemed to have received a response. He made a gesture to indicate to his companions to put down their weapons, and then saluted: "Sorry, I was rude just now. I'm really sorry. It’s been a rough few days, and there are rumors about monsters everywhere… I welcome the arrival of several distinguished guests, Director Kane has been waiting for a long time.”

"It doesn't matter, you completed your tasks well."

Yang Yun smiled, got back into the driver's seat, and even nodded to the guard who was doing his duty faithfully. After receiving orders from their superiors, everyone's passage was unimpeded and they entered Umbrella's headquarters.

"Compared with those things, I'm more curious about you, Yang Yun, why you arranged for us the names of the male and female protagonists of the Resident Evil game series."

After officially entering the Umbrella Building, compared to Qi Tengyi's complaints, Zhan Lan's focus was obviously on the other side: "These names are not irrelevant... but compared to them, they are well-deserved in the game. The protagonist, in the Resident Evil series of movies, except for Claire Redfield, no one else seems to have appeared much?"

"Although they don't appear much, it doesn't stop their names from representing something."

Yang Yun replied with a smile. At the time when Zhan Lan and others entered the main god space, the Resident Evil series of movies should have only reached the third part, and there were no follow-up fourth and fifth parts, so she didn't know about Chris and Leon. The appearance of others is also a normal thing: "Even in the Resident Evil movie universe, they have become supporting characters to set off the protagonist Alice, but borrowing their names may also bring us some good omens. "

"Is this why you deliberately didn't use the name of the original protagonist of the Resident Evil series, Chris Redfield?" Zhan Lan shook his head helplessly: "Because he defeated his teammates, which is unlucky?"

"Congratulations, you got it."

Yang Yun looked back at the four people assigned to their respective roles: "I hope that the roles you play can make everything go smoothly for us in this team battle."

As "Rebecca" Setsuna said nothing and showed no reaction, her face still had that cold expression. The white coat she wore also made Setsuna look more like a researcher.

Zhao Yingkong, who plays "Ada-King", smiled sweetly: "It seems to be somewhat similar... After all, I also have a task that I have to complete this time."

"I always feel like you're talking about something metaphysical."

As a cultivator, Qi Teng, who believes in science but doesn't understand what luck is, shook his head: "Forget it, it doesn't matter... But Yang Yun, since we all have roles to play, who are you?"


Yang Yun smiled and whispered: "I am Hank, the fourth survivor..."

"...also a person who doesn't exist."

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