This endless world

Chapter 35 Alien Suspense (Part 2)

"Zheng Zha just killed two aliens, and his condition is far from recovered. The zero-point injury needs further treatment. My life energy has also been exhausted. Plus the consumption of weapons and ammunition... pursuit is definitely not feasible. I suggest that we go Replenish some equipment to the arsenal and get enough rest before going to the final battle."

Yang Yun put forward his own suggestions.

After observing for a long time, Yang Yun came up with completely opposite opinions to Chu Xuan. In his opinion, everyone in the Zhongzhou team was injured, and they experienced the death of the Overlord. Both their physical and mental states had reached a critical point... Under such circumstances, he was going to challenge the Queen and an unknown monster hiding somewhere. Alien cats are no different than seeking death.

So here comes the question...Chu Xuan, why did you come up with such a ridiculous layout?

As the strongest wise man, Chu Xuan couldn't help but know that compared to chasing down a cat alien, the Queen was the final boss of this horror movie; it was also impossible for him not to know that the isolation in the No. 1 and No. 2 warehouses How bad is the terrain in the queen's lair when the walls, surveillance systems, and even lighting equipment are not functioning properly.

"I agree with Yang Yun's plan, Chu Xuan, your plan is too radical."

Zheng Zha naturally trusted Yang Yun more, and compared with the plans of the two, Yang Yun's plan was obviously more secure.

Besides, Zheng Zha does need some time to recover his physical strength and get familiar with the state of unlocking the genetic lock. If one could proactively master the method of unlocking the gene lock like Chu Xuan did, instead of passively opening the gene lock every time he encountered danger, then the chances of defeating the Queen would naturally increase a lot.

Chu Xuan closed his eyes, exhaled and said: "A pertinent suggestion. I was emotionally affected by the cat alien's sneak attack and the death of Overlord, so I came up with an impatient plan... I need to calm down, so I'll do it first. Just follow Yang Yun’s plan.”

——What’s even more strange, “it affects my mood”, “needs to calm down”...were these words really spoken by Chu Xuan?

Regardless of Yang Yun's suspicion, after finishing speaking, Chu Xuan asked Zheng Zha for another piece of food and water. The man didn't care about the surrounding environment and just started eating while walking. While eating, he said: "As for the Queen, from the movie, it looks like it is about three times the size of an ordinary alien. I just assume that the thickness of the Queen's shell is only twice that of an ordinary alien, but that thickness can only be achieved by strong melting." Only a gun can cause effective armor-piercing damage... It is still very difficult to cause fatal wounds."

"We can use the strong melt gun to break its shell first, and then attack with the spiral thorn." Zheng Zha showed Chu Xuan the spiral thorn he made. He used his internal strength and threw it towards the wall next to him. Just like the previous demonstrations, this spiral thorn penetrated deeply into the wall next to it.

After demonstrating the power of the spiral thorn to Chu Xuan, Zheng Zha took out the alien tail from the Najie. At this moment, several grenades were tied to the tail: "We still have this. If this thing is poured into the inner force and thrown If it is, it should be able to penetrate directly through the queen's carapace. If the grenade is detonated directly in its body, it can cause very large damage... But this thing is much heavier than the spiral thorn, and it also consumes more internal energy. The most I can do is throw it. twice."

"Enough... there is more than one way to break the armor, and we do have a high chance of killing the queen." After Chu Xuan looked at the damage caused by the tail and spiral thorns in Zheng Zha's hand, he said, "Then please Give me your melt gun too...I will create opportunities for you."

Zheng Zha snorted. He looked at Chu Xuan's plain face. After thinking for a long time, he finally handed the Qiang Fusion Gun to Chu Xuan reluctantly. Zheng Zha himself, on the other hand, holds the spiral thorn in one hand and the alien tail in the other, looking like a dual-wielding javelin thrower in the Olympics.

"Then, let's assign the next tasks." After taking over the strong fusion gun, Chu Xuan first studied how to fire it, and then said: "Zheng Zha, 伱..."

"Make no mistake, just because I accept your proposal does not mean I accept your leadership."

Zheng Zha interrupted Chu Xuan's words without mercy. He said in a firm tone: "Clear your position, Chu Xuan, we are allies, and we are just allies! Both of us only need to complete our own tasks. You and Zero Point are responsible for destroying the Queen's shell and creating opportunities for us, while we are responsible for causing fatal damage to the Queen... How about that?"

When he said the last two words, Zheng Zha's words already had a bit of a dangerous flavor. It seemed that he really didn't like Chu Xuan's tone just now, and now he was going to tear up the alliance agreement again if they disagreed.

Chu Xuan was not angry at all, he said: "I was rude... Is this what you call an alliance? That's fine, both of us just need to be responsible for the parts we should be responsible for. I agree to your proposal."

"But please note one thing. In this case, I don't have to make plans to protect you. We will share the risk very fairly."

Zheng Zha sneered and said: "I just need this kind of fairness, why do I need your protection? Is it just to be abandoned by you in order to be designed in the future? Are you kidding... We need your wisdom, and you also need our strength. We The relationship is that simple, nothing more!”

While talking, everyone had arrived at the weapons depot. The door to the weapons depot was much thicker than the door to the normal room, almost as thick as the separation wall. And Zheng Zha also took a few more glances at the structure of the weapons depot. There are no ventilation ducts here. If the door is locked from the inside, even if two or three aliens attack, they will not be able to force the door open. It looks like this. The most heavily guarded place in the spaceship... Thinking of this, Zheng Zha also had some concerns in his mind.

Chu Xuan went directly into the weapons depot and rummaged around. After a while, he said helplessly: "Unfortunately, this spaceship is just a merchant ship after all. There are no explosives such as grenades or plastic explosives, nor heavy weapons or It’s a sniper rifle, just some light weapons… better than nothing.”

With that said, Chu Xuan took out a few AK47s from the arsenal... It has to be said that this kind of rifle is really durable. Even humans who can carry out interstellar navigation are still using this kind of weapon.

"Do you need it?" Chu Xuan looked at the crowd and asked.

"No, this kind of weapon can't even tickle the queen."

Zheng Zha refused directly, and then seemed to have made up his mind. He looked at Li Xiaoyi who seemed to want to step forward to take a handful and said: "Li Xiaoyi, just stay here. This is the safest place on the entire spacecraft." This place, hiding here should ensure your safety... I won’t be able to take care of you in the subsequent battles.”

Li Xiaoyi was stunned at first. After understanding what Zheng Zha meant, the young man's face immediately turned red. He was half excited and half embarrassed and said: "Brother Zheng Zha, I don't want to be a coward...I don't want to be a coward either... You can fight!"

Zheng Zha just pointed at the wound on Li Xiaoyi's thigh. When Li Xiaoyi also looked at the wound, he said: "Yang Yun's life energy has not been able to restore you to the point where it does not affect your actions. You understand it's okay, it's safe here. Just wait here obediently, wait for us to kill the queen, and return to the main god space together."

After listening to Zheng Zha's words that seemed to be comforting and coaxing a child, Li Xiaoyi's face turned from red to green and white again. After a while, the young man lowered his head and gritted his teeth and said: "...I know Yes, Brother Zheng Zha."

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