This endless world

Chapter 36 Thinking and...Falling!

"Actually, I think you shouldn't say that to Li Xiaoyi."

At this time, everyone was already walking towards the interior of the spacecraft along Channel 15, and the further they walked, the more frightened they became. It was fine at first, except that there was some thick phlegm-like secretion on the ground, but the further you went in, the more secretion there was, and eventually there was even this kind of abnormal secretion everywhere.

The surrounding environment seemed to be surrounded by fleshy walls of living creatures, which reminded everyone of the alien creature's lair in the last level of the first generation of Contra... It was really disgusting and terrifying.

In order to ease the tense atmosphere, Yang Yun looked around and said, "You speak in a tone just like his father's. I think young people of his age are most annoyed by hearing such words."

Zheng Zha also watched the surroundings vigilantly, fearing that an alien would suddenly jump out from somewhere. He sighed after hearing this: "That would be better than his life... I don't want to see any of us die again." ”

Saying that, Zheng Zha glared at Chu Xuan fiercely.

Chu Xuan completely ignored what Zheng Zha was saying, because there was no trace of the aisle around him at this time. Not only was the ground almost covered with alien secretions, but large holes were often corroded out of the walls, turning the area into almost a cobweb maze. Among the people present, only Chu Xuan could remember the map and know which way to take to reach the queen's location.

"Five minutes' walk from the front is the location of Warehouse No. 2. Warehouse No. 1 is just below Warehouse No. 2. The Queen may be at these two locations... But I'm wondering if I can just walk in directly. It’s appropriate, this kind of terrain is the best ambush point for the cat alien.”

Zheng Zha directly interrupted Chu Xuan and said: "It's appropriate! There are six of us here, and each of us is the final combatant. We have already divided the work before, so just follow the plan! Don't try to use words to seduce everyone. Some people agree with you, and then they bully a small number of people and force them to be used as bait to attract the attention of the cat alien!"

Chu Xuan said calmly: "I can use it as bait, but can you guarantee that you will kill the cat as soon as possible after it shows up? Since you don't agree to let people explore the way in front, then you can take out Another plan is coming and I’m all ears.”

Seeing that the atmosphere between the two of them was gradually getting colder, Zhan Lan suddenly stepped in between them and said with a smile: "Don't be so serious. In fact, I don't think it is necessarily useful to arrange for people to explore the way in front. Cats are especially good at sneak attacks. If only If one or two people walk together, then it will definitely attack the one close to them first, but if one person walks in front and is followed by five people with firearms, it will not be stupid in the face of such a situation. Those who get out will definitely attack the five people behind first."

"Do you think my inference is correct?"

After listening to Zhan Lan's words, Chu Xuan bit his finger and said: "Yes, this inference is correct. Perhaps because of fear and nervousness, my thinking began to become a little confusing... I will not express any opinions and lead the way. I will continue with the mission, that’s all.”

With that said, Chu Xuan walked forward again, while Yang Yun behind him stared at his back and fell into deep thought.

This is already the third time that Chu Xuan said strange words that were completely inconsistent with his personality and character.

To be honest, Chu Xuan's performance in this horror movie is really too strange, not to mention his strange actions such as "underestimating Li Shuaixi", "misestimating the number of aliens", and being "careless". Not to mention whether the inference Zhan Lan just put forward is reliable or not, now he actually said something like "Maybe it's because of fear and nervousness that my thinking started to get a little confusing"?

Are you kidding me?

Even an idiot knows that Chu Xuan has no sense of pain, no touch, no sense of smell, no sense of taste, and no emotion! These are clearly written in black and white in the infinitely terrifying narration! Even in the entire second half of Infinite Horror, the reason why Chu Xuan helped Zheng Zha was because Zheng Zha made a promise to him... He had a way to make Chu Xuan feel pain, happiness, taste and everything. How ordinary people should feel!

If what Chu Xuan is saying now is true, then the core reason for Yang Yun to believe that Chu Xuan helped Zheng Zha in the second half of Infinite Horror is completely unfounded. This is obviously extremely ridiculous!

But if Chu Xuan's words just now were all nonsense, it would make no sense at all. Regardless of the fact that Yang Yun couldn't tell that Chu Xuan was lying, Chu Xuan had no reason to lie now. Most people lie for some reason, to achieve some deceptive purpose... Now everyone is jumping repeatedly on the edge of death, what is Chu Xuan's reason for lying?

Leading everyone to commit suicide? The immediate betrayal after getting the weapon is that Zheng Zha's gene lock cannot be opened automatically. Zhang Jie is probably happy to see people in the team kill each other. Besides Zhang Jie, who can stop the ability to open the first level? Gene-locked Chu Xuan?

Hidden clumsiness? If this continues, everyone will soon become the alien's food. What a fart to hide at a time like this!

Could it be that Chu Xuan is fake? How can it be! Not to mention the benefits of playing Chu Xuan, it is that he can freely unlock the first-level gene lock and his lines that are the same as those in Infinite Horror prove that the person in front of him is definitely Chu Xuan himself, and it is guaranteed to be fake!

Countless reasons appeared in his mind one by one, and were eliminated one after another. For a while, Yang Yun's head hurt a little from thinking about it. Because if it is true that due to the development of the plot in a novel, the character settings are changed or the image is deviated, that is actually a normal thing. But Yang Yun himself traveled into this world, so he couldn't use this reason to explain this situation...


Gradually, Yang Yun unknowingly fell to the end of the team because he was alerting the surroundings and thinking about the strangeness of Chu Xuan. But fortunately, this passage is not too long. Within a few minutes, the six people had walked out of the passage. Their eyes suddenly became brighter. At the end of the passage, they saw a vast flat land, and there was still a thick layer of white phlegm on the ground. Secretions, in addition to this, there are dozens of large boxes placed in a row in this space. This is Warehouse No. 2.

——By the way, if the development of the original plot is followed, the floor of Warehouse No. 2 should have been completely corroded by the Queen, and the Queen will use the first three newcomers to set a trap and hang them in the air.

——When we look up, we don’t pay attention to our feet. The queen used this trap to seriously injure Zheng Zha, the most powerful fighter, immediately.

Thinking of this, Yang Yun also raised his head and looked at the ceiling. Sure enough, as he thought, there were three unconscious newcomers hanging upside down from the ceiling. At this moment, except for their heads, their whole bodies were wrapped in the queen's body. in white discharge.

"Zheng Zha, at zero o'clock, knock down the newcomers on the ceiling first. They..."

"Yang Yun, behind!"

Before he finished speaking, Zheng Zha's roar sounded first. Yang Yun only had time to subconsciously raise his arm, and heard a muffled sound, and half of his tongue hit the arm that he raised to defend himself!

Fortunately, the protective jade pendant did a great job and came into play at the critical moment, automatically forming a translucent protective shield to block the blow. Coupled with the dim lighting in the warehouse, Zheng Zha and others could only see that Yang Yun seemed to have raised his arm to block the blow, but his second protective jade pendant was not exposed.

However, the protective jade pendant could only protect against attacks, but could not protect against the ensuing impact. Yang Yun could not help but be dwarfed by the impact. At this time, the floor that had been corroded by the Alien Queen was already overwhelmed. Yang Yun felt the soles of his feet sink, and a small area where he was suddenly collapsed. In the horrified eyes of Zheng Zha and others...

Just like that, Yang Yun and the cat alien that attacked him fell to the next floor!

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