This endless world

Chapter 34 Alien Suspense (Part 1)

"...It seems that I haven't heard gunshots or explosions for a long time." Yang Yun suddenly said on the way to Chu Xuan's location.

Zheng Zha also closed his eyes and listened for a few seconds before replying: "That's right, Chu Xuan has already solved the last alien? Come to think of it, judging from the previous confrontation with me, Chu Xuan is obviously very skilled. Using the gene lock and the strong fusion gun in Zero Point's hand, an alien shouldn't be a problem for them."

Yang Yun also nodded, and as he spoke, everyone had arrived at their destination. There were traces of corrosion from alien blood and debris left by explosives along the way. It was obvious that they had gone through a lot of fierce battles.

Just when a few people walked around the corner, they happened to bump into Ling Dian walking towards him with a melt gun. He seemed to have suffered a serious injury on his left chest. Blood seeped out through the bandage. It looked like it was really serious. Somewhat embarrassed.

Seeing Zheng Zha and Yang Yun leading the way, Ling Dian was startled at first and subconsciously raised the strong fusion gun in his hand. But the man reacted quickly. He looked at the state of several people in surprise and said with a wry smile: "Killed two aliens, but you didn't even get a serious injury. I didn't know it was the exchanger from the main god." Too magical and powerful, or Chu Xuan underestimated your strength... Come with me, Chu Xuan and Overlord are both inside."

When the five people followed Ling Dian and walked in, they were faced with an alien half-body. The missing half of the body was obviously the result of a strong fusion gun. Ling Dian also explained: "Chu Xuan's plan was originally no problem. We first used blood to lure the alien, used bombs to injure the alien, reducing its ability to move, and then killed it with a single blow from the strong melt gun... Unfortunately, in the end, There was an accident."

What accident? Yang Yun wisely did not ask further questions, because Ling Dian was halfway through speaking and obviously handed over the task of explanation to Chu Xuan. But Yang Yun could also keenly feel that after seeing that no one in the team led by Zheng Zha was reduced, Zero Point's attitude towards them was much better than at the beginning. It seems that the experience of this battle also made this sniper It is difficult to maintain the proud figure before.

After walking through the door, the figures of Chu Xuan and Ba Wang were directly in sight. A hole was opened in Ba Wang's chest, and it looked like it was located near the heart, while Chu Xuan was almost unscathed. However, it can be seen from Chu Xuan's slightly haggard eyes that this man's state of mind has changed a lot compared to when he first entered... As for the actual situation, I am afraid only he knows it in his heart.

——Just facing an alien, were Chu Xuan and the others still fighting so awkwardly? No, this wound...)

Yang Yun originally thought that Overlord was just penetrated through the chest by the alien's tail. For the sake of the next battle, he wanted to go up and see if there was any chance of rescuing him. But when Yang Yun walked in front of Overlord, he realized something was wrong. There was a hole in the man's heart... This bear-like man had stopped breathing long before Yang Yun and others arrived.

Moreover, this wound is different from all previous wounds caused by aliens. Even compared to the wounds made by tongues, this wound is too small. And judging from the mixture of relaxation and surprise on Overlord's face, it was obvious that he was killed by an alien sneak attack without any precautions.

"It was my carelessness. I miscalculated the number of aliens on the ship."

Chu Xuan spoke, and he said regretfully: "I thought that among the plot characters on the ship, only up to five ordinary aliens and one queen would be born, but I forgot one thing. The heroine Ripley also raised A cat as a pet... This cat was also parasitized by an alien, and it was this messenger alien that attacked in secret and killed the Overlord with one blow."

Messenger alien?

Everyone was shocked. They had also seen this kind of alien in Alien 3. In the movie, a dog was parasitized and a monster called the "Messenger Alien" was born. This kind of aliens are different from those born from the human body. Although their power and destructive power are not as good as ordinary aliens, their agility and speed of action are far beyond them. This actually makes them more dangerous killers than ordinary aliens.

Chu Xuan sighed and said: "We followed the plan and easily killed the alien just now. But at the moment when we were relaxed after our victory, the cat alien sneaked up from the ceiling and struck directly. The tongue penetrated the Overlord's heart... Although Zero Point reacted quickly and shot and broke its tongue immediately, the cat alien spewed a large amount of corrosive blood from its mouth and turned around to escape. If it weren't for Zero Point Hide quickly, I'm afraid he won't be able to see you alive at this time."

Ling Dian also pulled the bandage on his chest. Everyone could see clearly that the skin and a piece of muscle there had been completely cut off with a dagger, and there was an unpleasant smell. Apparently Ling Dian cut off the flesh on his chest immediately after being sprayed, otherwise he would have been seriously injured even if he had not died.

"Now there is good news and bad news. The good news is that the alien cat's tongue was broken by Zero Point, and he was also hit by several bullets shot by me. Now he should go back to the queen's lair to rest and heal. For the time being, We are unable to attack us again." Chu Xuan said in a low tone. "As for the bad news... Next up, we're going to be facing off against the Queen and an elusive cat alien in her lair."

Chu Xuan was in a very depressed mood, but Zheng Zha had no sympathy for him. Just like Yang Yun said before, there is no savior in this world. The overlord asks for mercy and gets mercy. Zheng Zha can pity Chu Xuan, but who can pity Li Shuaixi?

"Then let's form an alliance. You are a team, we are a team, no one will betray anyone, no one can betray anyone..."

Zheng Zha spoke. He looked at the Overlord's corpse. In just ten minutes, the mercenary who had chosen to follow Chu Xuan turned into a corpse: "Of course, you can choose to refuse. Your wisdom and layout ability It’s very important, and I do need these; but equally, you also need our strong melt guns and combat power.”

Chu Xuan bit his finger, looked at Zheng Zha and said: "Okay, I agree to your proposal, but there is one thing you must know... Once you can't keep up with me, for the safety of most people, I will definitely I will abandon you!"

"On the contrary, I will save you!" Zheng Zha said coldly: "For your intelligence and for our survival, I will definitely save you!"

Chu Xuan was silent for a while, lowered his head and murmured, "Now is not the time to talk about this. The recovery ability of creatures like aliens is so terrifying. While the cat alien's injuries have not recovered, we should go directly to fight with them." The Queen engages in a decisive battle.”

"No, not that fast. The cat alien is just a side dish anyway, the queen is the real main course."

Yang Yun frowned and spoke out, refuting Chu Xuan's judgment.

After seeing Chu Xuan, Yang Yun did not speak, but observed silently. To be honest, he could not understand Chu Xuan's state more and more now...

Compared with the wise man who had no plans after being resurrected, the current Chu Xuan can only be considered a smart man at best. He makes mistakes, omits calculations, and makes impatient proposals with obvious loopholes... Although these mistakes are normal for other people, they are very strange when it comes to Chu Xuan!

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