This endless world

Chapter 323: Clone Arc and Weapon Upgrade Tree

"In my case, like Zhang Heng, I must first strengthen my bloodline to level B."

The zero-point bullets had been exchanged, and Qi Tengyi stood up. He had already thought of his words: "As for the remaining B-level branch plot and a C-level branch plot, in addition to the few skills that I liked before, In addition, I also plan to exchange some magic materials and the like. Part of it will be used for research, and the other part will see if I can go back to the Harry Potter world and exchange it for some finished materials, such as elixirs, or Other types of props.”

"It makes sense. This time we passed the captain's certification and forcibly escaped the attack of Death. No one knows whether we will be targeted again if we choose to return to the world where Death has arrived."

As soon as Qi Tengyi finished speaking, Yang Yun took up his words: "So I suggest that you spend more reward points and choose to return to the Harry Potter world for exercise. After all, we have no relationship with the plot characters in that world. It’s not bad, with Qi Tengyi’s relationship here, Hogwarts can be considered half of our base camp.”

"It's not a bit more expensive..."

Zheng Zha inquired about the main god, and then frowned: "Opening the previous world requires a D-level branch plot, and it consumes fifty reward points a day, which is five times as much as returning to the last horror movie... Regardless of how many reward points we have now, in fact they can’t withstand consumption for too long.”

"Otherwise, don't you want to take a gamble that we won't be chased by the God of Death after we return to the world where the God of Death comes?" Yang Yun shrugged his shoulders: "The risk is too great. If we are really attacked by the God of Death, For that, it’s a never-ending situation. Besides, resurrecting teammates can only be done in the Harry Potter world. In any case, our D-level subplot must be spent.”

Zheng Zha looked at the teammates around him. Most of them, led by Qi Tengyi, had expressions of approval. Even Zhan Lan also helped: "Zheng Zha, you are not a mental controller. There is nothing you can do about it." I felt that horrible feeling as if I was being targeted by the whole world. I don’t want to experience that feeling again... Yang Yun is right. Returning to the Harry Potter world to exercise is still a problem that can be solved with money. , if you really encounter danger in the world where death comes, you will lose your life."

"...You are right, you can make more money, but you only have one life."

Zheng Zha finally nodded after listening to Zhan Lan's words. At best, it’s just to spend more reward points. There is no need to save money to really save your own life... So he said to everyone: "Listen to Yang Yun, everyone will leave a D-level subplot for the next part. Unlock the world of Harry Potter.”

Qi Tengyi smiled slightly. After he strengthened the B-level wizard bloodline, he retreated. Zhao Yingkong stood up immediately and took out a weapon that looked a bit like a deep sea trident from the space bag: "I This morning, a B-level subplot was spent on upgrading three weapons into three-dimensional heavy halberds."

"Is this heavy weapon... really suitable for you?"

Zheng Zha looked at the 1.5-meter-long halberd and hesitantly asked his own question. In his opinion, this kind of heavy weapon is more suitable for strong men, rather than those who are almost three yuan heavier. Zhao Yingkong, who has a high sword: "Well, I don't have any objection to your fighting style, but you are still an assassin after all, not a berserker..."

Zhao Yingkong replied expressionlessly: "Among the assassins, there are those who are unparalleled, wearing heavy armor and using big swords; there are also assassins who kill with one blow and kill everyone along the way. And as an assassin, you should I am familiar with all kinds of weapons, so I have no problem using heavy weapons.”

When Zheng Zha was still thinking seriously about whether this was Zhao Yingkong's "assassin joke" or whether she really thought so, the assassin girl changed the topic again and added the second half of the sentence: "...Besides, these three The Yuan Chongji itself is a combination of three weapons, which can be injected with energy and freely change its size."

As he said that, everyone was surprised to see that as Zhao Yingkong injected energy, the three-yuan heavy halberd of about 1.5 meters quickly shrank, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a light weapon similar to a three-edged military thorn, the green Yaksha. , the red dispersion and the blue wisdom shine with a cold light. Under the flow of red, green and blue, the three-yuan heavy halberd looks even more extraordinary.

"It's great, a B-level weapon..."

Zheng Zha wanted to sigh a few words as usual, but then he thought about Zhang Jie having just handed him a purple thunder knife. He immediately put aside his envy and jealousy and asked curiously: "So Zhao Yingkong, what are you doing?" Now that you have the weapon, what are you going to exchange for it next?"

Just when Zheng Zha thought that Zhao Yingkong would exchange some skills to cooperate with the assassination, the assassin girl said without hesitation: "I plan to spend a C-level branch plot to unlock the additional exchange for Yaksha's upgrade to a clone arc."

"Clone arc?" Zheng Zha asked while searching for the name in the main god: "This name seems to sound like a weapon... With this three-yuan heavy halberd, do you need to exchange it for other weapons? "

"Yaksha, Sanhua and Huiguang are three different types of weapons. They can be combined freely and upgraded into other weapons respectively. After synthesizing them into the ternary halberd, I unlocked this series of weapons All upgrade routes can be freely converted into their forms in this series of weapon upgrade trees to cope with diverse battlefield situations."

Zhao Yingkong seemed to have expected Zheng Zha to ask this question, and quickly explained: "Yaksha can be upgraded to the clone arc, Sanhua can be upgraded to the halberd of heaven, and Huiguang can be upgraded to the ethereal blade. After the upgrade is completed, It’s like I have a B-class weapon that can be freely converted into four forms, and they all have their own unique functions.”

"And after unlocking all the weapon upgrade trees, I can also upgrade and evolve the quality of these weapons through the refining effect. As long as there are side plots, the strength of this series of weapons will be comparable to A-level, or even higher ."

Zheng Zha said in surprise: "In this case, aren't these weapons equivalent to growth weapons? The kind that can accompany you to the end without being eliminated?"

The clone arc, as you can tell from the name alone, is a legendary magic weapon that allows the holder to create one or more clones. Zhao Yingkong's series of weapons can be freely converted into four forms, and have their own unique effects. The synthesis is smooth and will not be eliminated as the owner's strength increases... and the little monk, captain of the Yinzhou team It's different from that snake. This is simply the weapon that every reincarnation dreams of!

Thinking of this, Zheng Zha suddenly felt that the Purple Thunder Sword he just got was no longer fragrant...

The clone arc is an accessory for enemy magic. Its appearance has changed a bit. In fact, it is the same thing as the clone ax. If you are interested, you can go to Baidu to check it out.

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