This endless world

Chapter 324 A girl in love is an invincible girl?

Chapter 324 A girl in love is invincible...a girl?

After completing the redemption of the clone arc, Zhao Yingkong, who still needed to leave a D-level branch plot to open the Harry Potter world, was in a dilemma as to whether to exchange for the Halberd of Heaven or the Ethereal Blade.

The effect of the Heavenly Halberd is to disarm the enemy, achieving an effect similar to "Expelliarmus". If it suddenly occurs in a close combat, the enemy who is caught off guard may be killed by a single blow due to losing the weapon in his hand; and the Ethereal Blade You can turn your body into a virtual state to achieve an effect similar to physical immunity, thereby avoiding most attacks... These two weapons are used for offense and defense. No matter what effect they have, they are both abnormal in battle. Practical, no wonder Zhao Yingkong is so entangled.

At this moment, the assassin girl frowned, and there was a unique charm in her look. But Zheng Zha, who knew a little bit about her character, understood that this was not the time to disturb her. It would be better to wait for Zhao Yingkong to make his own choice... And now, the only ones on the field who have not exchanged are Yang Yun and Zhan. Lan, and Zheng Zha himself.

"Then I'll redeem this."

Zhan Lan looked at the two people around her, and her eyes stayed on the faces of Yang Yun and Zheng Zha for a long time. After making sure that they had no objections, she closed her eyes and contacted the main god. Her exchange was actually roughly confirmed that night. When Zhan Lan opened his eyes again, there was already a small sachet in his hand.

And Zhan Lan turned around directly and handed the sachet to Zheng Zha in front of him: "This is what I exchanged... Thank you for saving me in the last horror movie, and thank you for saving me before." I gave it to you, Zheng Zha, several times."


Zheng Zha immediately felt a toothache. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that after being alone together in the last horror movie, Zhan Lan had obviously launched an offensive against him again, which made it impossible for him to accept it or not.

But even if Zheng Zha didn't reach out to take it, Zhan Lan still placed her hand firmly in front of him, while maintaining a decent smile. There seemed to be some kind of power in that smile, which made Zheng Zha feel dazed for a moment... When he came back to his senses, Zheng Zha's right hand had unconsciously stretched out and took the incense from Zhan Lan's hand. bag.

--what happened? I just……

Without thinking about the situation just now, Zheng Zha subconsciously stuffed the sachet into his arms with his right hand as he listened to the whistle in his ear. Without looking back, he picked up a red flame with his left hand and threw it over, ignoring the cheering people on the side. Cheng Xiao screamed with fever. And amidst the accompaniment of the man's screams, Zheng Zha did not directly stop Zhan Lan from coming to the stage in public, but quietly asked in the spiritual link: "Zhan Lan... what did you exchange for me? "

Zhan Lan's answer came quickly: "Phoenix Embers, legend has it that it is the Nirvana of the Phoenix. The ashes left after rebirth can directly resurrect the dead once, and the physical condition can be restored to the state before the horror movie started... Very Is it useful? With this, you don’t have to worry about dying in the next team battle.”

"Resurrection item?"

Zheng Zha's voice suddenly rose an octave in the spiritual link: "How many reward points and side plots are needed for such a precious thing? You just gave it to me directly?"

"Not much, just two B-level side plots and seven thousand reward points." There was some deep and long-repressed emotion in Zhan Lan's voice, and there seemed to be a trace of undetectable trembling: " Zheng Zha, it’s going to be a team fight again, I don’t want to see you die for some reason, let alone see you die in front of me.”

"I could have exchanged it for you for a rebirth ankh that would allow you to leave the horror movie and return to the main god's space. But I know that as the captain, you are unlikely to abandon any of your companions, so I exchanged this pack for you. Phoenix Ember...promise me to accept this gift, okay?"

Zhan Lan's words were so affectionate that Zheng Zha didn't know how to answer. He could only retort weakly: "But after exchanging this, Zhan Lan's own strength..."

"Don't worry about me, isn't there a saying? A girl in love is invincible."

After hearing Zheng Zha's disguised acquiescence in accepting the gift, Zhan Lan's words suddenly revealed a certain brisk mood: "With this mood, my strength has improved a lot recently. You see, it's Even you now, weren't you affected by my spiritual power and took the sachet unknowingly?"

"So the strange feeling I had just now was because of this?" Zheng Zha subconsciously wanted to have a seizure, but after seeing Zhan Lan's gentle smile, he could only sigh helplessly.

While acknowledging that Zhan Lan's mental power is strong enough to affect him, Zheng Zha also remembered what Zhan Lan said during the redemption of the last horror film, and said in the spiritual link: "Forget it, since I have accepted it, then I will definitely I will live up to your exchange and protect you in the next team battle...I swear!"

Seeing Zheng Zha and Zhan Lan flirting with each other, Yang Yun wanted to know that the two of them must be doing something shameful in their spiritual connection... As the mastermind behind the current situation, Yang Yun had no consciousness at all. He glanced at the person beside him who was still checking the information. After seeing that she didn't make any comment on this scene, he coughed lightly: "Ahem... Zhan Lan, have you finished the redemption? If so, the following It’s my turn.”

Interrupted by Yang Yun, Zhan Lan suddenly let out a small "Ah" and said quickly: "No problem, Yang Yun, you can redeem it..." After saying that, she and Zheng Zha glanced at each other. But he looked away at the same time.

Except for Cheng Xiao, who finally put out the flames on his butt, the other senior members of the Zhongzhou team remained silent and did not make any comments. In fact, except for Zhang Heng who just entered the scene in Harry Potter, everyone is an old team member who has experienced the curse and the battle with the Indian team. There is no trace of Zhan Lan attached to Zheng Zha. Feelings?

Just like Zhan Lan said, maybe a girl in love is invincible, but the thoughts of a girl in love are really easy to guess... Although Zhan Lan was twenty-three or four when he first entered the main god space, he has experienced several horrors now. After the training of the film, when I was about 25 or 26 years old, I may have long been unable to bear the title of "girl".

Of course, no one would seek death and say so, even Cheng Xiao, who has always been good at seeking death. But it didn't stop Yang Yun, who was despised by Zhan Lan before returning to Grudge, from secretly thinking about some rude things in his heart.

Damn, there is also a love master...

Which love guru can even give something in such a roundabout way, like mother-in-law or mother-in-law?

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