This endless world

Chapter 322 Three bullets zero point!

"Sylph, the natural elf, comes from the "Fighting Series". Among the four natural elfs, she controls the wind. She has a naughty and noisy personality and is compatible with the power of the wind. She can provide assistance to the redeemer... A B-level branch plot is required, and the reward is Five thousand points.”

"It sounds like a summoned beast of some kind of element, and it's also a self-aware one."

After reading this exchange, Yang Yun made the following evaluation: "It is equivalent to having one more person to fight, and the self-aware summoned beast does not need extra distractions to control. It is indeed very suitable for Zhang Heng. It is probably a certain It's in the game world, you see, and the personality is also specially noted... Does it feel like a Pokémon development game? The kind where you can merge with the master at critical moments and become one mind?"

"Absolutely. I think the type of elemental archer is also good, so I recommended this exchange to Zhang Heng." Zheng Zha nodded: "And not only the power of wind, this type of exchange also has earth elves. Nomu, the water elf Undine, and the fire elf Salaimanda are all priced the same... and it is said that after gathering the power of the four elements, they can also integrate the power of the four elements into one, bursting out with powerful energy. The power comes."

"Then I'll redeem this."

Hearing that both Yang Yun and Zheng Zha thought the exchange was good, Zhang Heng no longer hesitated and contacted the Lord God directly.

As the reward points and side plots were deducted, a blue light was cast on the main god. The next second, as a gentle breeze blew, a green and white elf about twenty or thirty centimeters tall formed in the void and appeared next to Zhang Heng.

The elf, which had only a pair of small wings similar to those of a dragonfly and a tuft of fur on top of its head, blinked in confusion at first, and then her eyes lit up when she saw Zhang Heng next to her. As her wings flapped, the elemental elf named Sylph sat on Zhang Heng's shoulders and said with a smile: "I see, are you the master who signed the contract with me? Please give me more advice in the future."

"Ah...please give me some advice."

Zhang Heng scratched his head. From what Yang Yun said, he thought that Sylph was a form of existence similar to Digimon or Pokmon, a form where cuteness and strength coexisted. Unexpectedly, what was exchanged was a shrunken human elf, just like a real elf shrunk in proportion.

Because he knew that Sylph's body was entirely composed of wind elements, Zhang Heng always felt that there was a refreshing breeze coming from his shoulders... and after understanding that this might be her "body fragrance", the face of the archer who had just changed professions changed. He immediately turned red.

"This reaction... Master, are you not very good at getting along with girls?"

After seeing Zhang Heng's red face, Silver suddenly showed a malicious smile and blew directly into Zhang Heng's ear. The breeze immediately made the baby-faced young man jump up like a frightened rabbit. . Sylph laughed happily, jumped down from Zhang Heng's shoulder, and circled around him. She was really innocent and tight.

"I finally know what the 'naughty and noisy character' in the Lord God's description actually means... Looking at it like this, she is obviously a little girl who loves mischief."

Looking at Sylph's performance, Zheng Zha also roughly understood the character of this wind elf, but this made him think deeper: "Speaking of which, why does she have a corresponding character? Could it be that her Is there something similar to a guide inside the body, a mimetic personality shaped by the Lord God?"

"...I guess it may be that in a certain world, the main god used its own power to copy Sylph's ontological consciousness and corresponding personality in that world." Although it feels like Zheng Zha's topic jumps a bit. , but Yang Yun still gave his own thoughts: "Copy a copy of memory, consciousness, personality and even soul... If it is the Lord God, this kind of thing can also be done."

"That's it...forget it, I don't want to anymore."

Zheng Zha sighed, thinking about such deep-seated issues might involve the nature and authority of the Lord God. In the absence of actual evidence, even if you force yourself to think about it, it is likely to be a fantasy that is divorced from the facts... But in any case, the Lord God copied an actual human soul, which is better than copying the consciousness and memory of another person. The situation of forcibly loading into a blank soul is much easier to accept.

"I'll be next."

Seeing that Zhang Heng was still fighting with his summoned beast, Ling Dian, who had been silent on weekdays, took the initiative to stand up. The man did not hesitate and said directly: "I need to upgrade my Eagle Eyes to B-level clairvoyance once again improves my dynamic and static vision, allowing me to hit targets better. This is the direction I decided to strengthen as early as the last horror movie... As for the other B-level subplot , I plan to spend it on bullets.”

"Bullet?" Zheng Zha was stunned for a moment, then said quickly: "Clear vision is okay, but at zero point, it would be too extravagant for you to directly exchange a B-level subplot for bullets... Besides, B-level consumption type bullets , are you planning to shoot a nuclear explosion with one shot?"

"No, I plan to exchange for three C-level sniper bullets. Let's not talk about whether I can control the B-level bullets. Even if I can fire them, my Gauss sniper rifle will explode first." Zero point is set. Waving his hand, he rejected Zheng Zha's statement: "The main outcome of horror movies is team battles, so I want to exchange some legendary magic bullets to deal with the enemy's key figures to achieve a one-hit kill effect... Please Zheng Zha Hey, please help me find it."

"Okay, let me come and find out..."

When Ling Dian successfully upgraded his Eagle Eye to clairvoyance, Zheng Zha also got the corresponding answer from the Lord God: "Ling Dian, what do you think of these bullets?"

"The origin bullet comes from the Xingyue world view. It contains the composite properties of 'cutting' and 'combination' inside. The corresponding 'origin' will be driven into the enemy's body along with the bullet. While causing physical damage, it will immediately cut off the target. It uses the bomber's energy circulation system and makes a simple and rough connection to achieve the effect of the energy running rampant in the body, thus making the enemy incapable of fighting... It requires a C-level branch plot and a reward of two thousand points."

"Green Dream, from the fantasy world view, is a wooden bullet made of yew wood by the Druid sect. After being enchanted, it is a special ammunition used to fight against poachers and negative energy creatures. It contains the ability to transform flesh and blood into trees Curse, it also has a strong restraint effect on negative energy... It requires a C-level branch plot, and the reward points are 1,500 points."

"The time disorder bomb comes from the world of science fiction. After hitting, it can disrupt the opponent's spirit. At the same time, it will cause the victim to have a disordered sense of time and be unable to freely control his body... A C-level branch plot is required, and one reward point will be awarded. One thousand five hundred points.”

After reading the effects of these three types of bullets, Zheng Zha added: "The energy circulation system is basically the top priority of every reincarnation, and the origin bullet can have a very good effect on it; the Green Dream is a specialized Type of attack, it has a restraining effect on enemies with strong regeneration capabilities and special zombie monsters that may appear in the next horror movie; time disorder bullets are based on the mental aspect, causing strong interference to the enemy... There are these three types of bullets, Basically it can deal with all types of enemies."

Ling Dian didn't reply, just closed his eyes for a moment, and when he opened his eyes again——

Three warheads have landed in his palm.

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