This endless world

Chapter 311 Four people return

"So, the return this time is just the four of us."

In the main square, Yang Yun looked at Zhan Lan, Qi Tengyi, and Zhao Yingkong in front of him, and announced to the three of them: "Zheng Zha and Zhang Heng have a special mechanism, and I can't tell them the information; while Cheng Xiao and Ling Dian Before entering the main god space, they were determined warriors. No matter how powerful the enemy in front was, they would not flinch...but you are different."

"When fighting, you must fight according to your own will. Only in this way can you exert your greatest potential... I will not force you, although I am doing it for the future of the Zhongzhou team and for our next team battle. There can be a glimmer of hope. But I also know that forming a small group without Zheng Zha’s knowledge may be seen as betrayal, so it’s not too late to regret it now.”

"Since I was able to believe you once in Death Comes, I can believe you a second time now. You just need to know what you are doing."

Zhan Lan was the first to respond. There was a sense of relief in her smile, which made her look even more beautiful: "Besides, I have boarded the pirate ship a long time ago, and now I have no choice but to jump off."

"I'm just a poor and helpless cultivator. I don't want to get involved in this kind of thing... But it's useless to say this now."

Qi Teng touched his hairline and smiled: "Although I am very weak now, I still understand that Yang Yun you are a good person and a wise man in the team. Whatever you want to do, you have your own The purpose will not lead us to a dead end... But please forgive me for asking, are you really not going to bring Ling Dian along with you?"

"The bullets from the sniper rifle will naturally appear where they should appear, so you don't have to worry about that." Yang Yun replied.

"No, I'm not worried, but Ling Dian and I are in the same boat. Now I'm secretly making up lessons, so what should he do..." Qi Teng suddenly saw Yang Yun's eyes in the middle of speaking, and said in shock. : "You're not going to ask me to give him lessons again, are you?"

Yang Yun patted Qi Tengyi on the shoulder: "It seems that you learn quickly and you can answer the questions quickly... Yes, that's why I didn't call for zero o'clock. Although university professors can teach middle school knowledge, they always It’s not down to earth.”

Ignoring Qi Tengyi who had a bitter look on his face, Yang Yun looked at Zhao Yingkong who was holding his shoulders. This little girl had always had such an angry expression after scolding him like she was giving up on herself just now, even on weekdays. The smile he had been maintaining no longer remained: "I said, you don't need to force yourself. In this trip, your role is just a patient who needs treatment."

"Stop talking to me in that condescending manner."

Zhao Yingkong rolled her eyes and said with some yin and yang: "I know my own body best, I don't need you to worry about it...Besides, you didn't forget to give me the right to choose, right? I don't want to play a patient now. Character, don’t expect me to obey your arrangements.”

Yang Yun thought for a while and said sincerely: "Of course I haven't forgotten it. You are right. I made the first impression. After all, it is your freedom to see a doctor or not."

"...It's good to know."

Seeing Yang Yun's sincere apology, Zhao Yingkong had no choice but to turn his head to one side and became sulky. At this time, she really looked a bit like a fifteen or sixteen year old girl.

But it was at this tilt of the head that Zhao Yingkong saw Zhan Lan, who was looking at her with a strange look. The assassin girl rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "What's wrong, sister Zhan Lan?"

Zhan Lan originally wanted to ask Yang Yun in the spiritual link why Zhao Yingkong's current behavior was completely different from her usual behavior. But Zhao Yingkong took the first step and said it directly in front of several people. The only mental controller of the Zhongzhou team could only touch his hair and said helplessly: "I just wonder why sister Yingkong said something special today. Duo, this is not like you as usual, and the title just now...she would never call me that at all."

"Of course it's because I'm not the 'Zhao Yingkong' you know, sister Zhan Lan."

Zhao Yingkong walked up to Zhan Lan with a smile and said: "I am too lazy to say anything too complicated. After all, I have no intention of introducing my past interests to unfamiliar people... You just need to know that she is my other personality. That’s it.”

"Dual personality? So that's it..."

Zhan Lan immediately looked at Zhao Yingkong with a surprised look. As a writer, she was surprised at first, and then seemed to think of something. The look immediately turned into affection. Zhao Yingkong's heart tightened when he saw it, and he said warily: " I always feel that you are thinking about something very bad... No matter what you are thinking about, it is best not to think about it."

"Yeah." Zhan Lan nodded quickly, but there was a hint of concern as a big sister in his eyes: "I don't want to anymore."

Although Zhan Lan said so, Yang Yun understood that this emotional woman did not know how many bizarre life experiences of Zhao Yingkong she had imagined in her mind. It's probably a story about a lonely girl who was born into a family of assassins. She received rigorous training since she was a child, but because she was too outstanding, she had no friends and was shunned by others. She could only imagine a second personality in her mind, a tortuous and bizarre story... It's not Yang. Yun has the ability to read minds, but it's Zhan Lan's occupational disease. He has already written this story into an outline and passed it on through the psychic chain!

——Don’t tell me, this outline is quite well written. Could it be that Zhan Lan was not just a third-rate writer for female videos before entering the main god space, but had the potential to become a god?

"Okay, that's enough chit-chat."

Putting aside the random thoughts in his mind, Yang Yun coughed lightly and drew everyone's attention to himself again. Because he saw Zhao Yingkong looking at Zhan Lan with increasingly unkind eyes, he seemed to have discovered that the title "Sister Zhan Lan" had caused him a lot of trouble. In order to prevent this assassin girl with little devil attributes from taking action directly, he had to end the short chat: "Anyway, we will return to the Grudge next... As for the time, let's tentatively set a hundred days."

"I remember if it wasn't the previous world, it would have been fifty reward points a day, right? It's five times more expensive than the normal ten points a day."

Zhan Lan closed her eyes and contacted the main god, and soon received a reply from the main god. She said in surprise: "And you actually need to pay for an additional D-level subplot to open the previous world? Then it will cost five to return for one hundred days. Thousand reward points and a D-level side’s so expensive.”

"But we have to spend the money." Yang Yun directly pointed out a fact: "The world is completely unsuitable for returning to exercise after the God of Death. No one knows whether we will be targeted by the 'God of Death' again when we return..." If this happens, it won’t be a problem that can be solved with reward points, but a battle royale.”

"That's true." Qi Teng clapped his fingers with a bitter look on his face: "And besides the curse, I also have to spend a lot of reward points to return to the Harry Potter world. After all, that is my base camp... Ah, it seems like the reward points are not enough at all.”

Zhao Yingkong also looked up at the big ball of light in mid-air: "I don't know if I can exchange it for something with the Lord God. Since she earned these reward points with my body, it should be okay for me to spend some... It's just afterwards. The corresponding memory needs to be slightly modified."

"rest assured."

Listening to the words of the three people, Yang Yun smiled slightly: "I guarantee that your trip this time will be worth every penny."

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