This endless world

Chapter 310 The power of choice

After repeating his story for the third time, Yang Yun was already familiar with it.

Since this set of lies with strict logic and no flaws can deceive the Great Demon King Chu Xuan, who is the most wise man in the main god space, and deceive Zhang Jie, who is equivalent to the fourth-level mental power controller, then he can also deceive an inexperienced person. Teenage girls, of course, are not a problem. After removing the factors of pros and cons, the whole story suddenly became something that Zhao Yingkong could fully understand.

"So, is this the end for me?"

When Zhao Yingkong finished listening to her story, the smile on her lips became brighter. She seemed to have no objection to her final ending: "It sounds... really beautiful."

"You don't seem to care about your own death." Yang Yundao said.

"That's right." Zhao Yingkong admitted without hesitation: "We who belong to the empty plan are ourselves a group of failures with defective genes. My name, Zhao Yingkong, is even more so... The cherry blossoms are most beautiful when they are not in full bloom. The season of brocade is the moment when it falls and dissipates when it is about to die."

Yang Yun looked at the expression on Zhao Yingkong's face, and he had some enlightenment in his heart. He could understand some of Zhao Yingkong's mentality at this time. In fact, we can get a clue from the composition of the name "Zhao Yingkong". Kong represents the group of boys and girls in Kong's plan, and the word "Sakura" itself predicts her ending... After all, the flowering period of cherry blossoms is generally different. It will take more than half a month.

"After I simulated your thinking through the third-level gene lock, I found that this is the ending you chose for yourself a long time ago... So, do you want to usher in this ending in advance?"

Zhao Yingkong's mentality is not beyond Yang Yun's expectation. Rather, compared with Zhao Yingkong, the protagonist of the final battle, Zhao Yingkong, who has not yet established a deep bond with everyone in the Zhongzhou team, can only miss his dearest brother. ...So, Yang Yun will make an offer to Zhao Yingkong that she cannot refuse.

"You mean the final spiritual light completion of the 'Kong' plan? Yang Yun, you are really good at calculating."

Zhao Yingkong directly pointed out Yang Yun's intention: "Although it is slightly better than the previous unscrupulous prying into the girl's secrets, but you should be very clear about what you are doing now, right? You are using me without any scruples, letting me Die together with my dearest brother to complete your plan."

"Yes, but isn't this what you expected?" Yang Yun admitted without hesitation: "I have just asked for your opinions and opinions. From now on, this is a win-win situation."

"From your point of view, you can stay together with your dearest brother forever and prevent each other from sinking alone in the darkness; from the perspective of the Zhongzhou team, this has completed a successful exchange of money for us. Everyone has defeated a formidable enemy; for Zhao Zukong himself, he can also find his own place of peace of mind, no longer needing to bear the pain of killing his relatives again... but can die in your hands. , which is also what he has always pursued.”

"Three wins? Not necessarily. Yang Yun, you are not candid."

Zhao Yingkong chuckled, stretched out his finger and shook it: "Actually, it's four wins, right? That's about my sub-personality. My brother and I died together, and even the light of the soul was integrated into one, in the Lord God's place If I am resurrected, will it be me or her who wakes up again?"

Zhao Yingkong's situation is actually very special, because her two personalities actually split on her own initiative, and there is no such thing as a soul. If she is resurrected after death, only one Zhao Yingkong will be resurrected... This is also the question that Zhao Yingkong just pointed out. If the main personality fulfills all his wishes and meets his ending with satisfaction, will Zhao Yingkong still have the situation where the two personalities coexist after resurrection?

"I think there is a high probability that it won't be possible, because by then, I am afraid that I, who have no regrets, will have become a mere memory, willingly replaced by the sub-personality. And the complete spiritual light after completion will be completely cheap That little girl who knew nothing..."

Zhao Yingkong smiled softly and pointed out what she thought was the fourth level of intention: "These are the words you didn't say, right, Yang Yun?"

"All the gifts of fate have already been marked with a secret price. You have to pay for what you get. This is the simplest truth."

Yang Yun shook his head and denied Zhao Yingkong's statement, without even a change in his expression: "Zhao Yingkong, I really can't solve your problem of the light of the soul now, and I can't save you two brothers and sisters, so I can only ask you this The entrustment, and the reward is the best outcome for you under the current situation... As for what happens after resurrection, I don't have the energy to think about it yet."

"Ha, you are really gentle."

Zhao Yingkong bent down and smiled tremblingly: "Is it true that you were right? Otherwise it will be difficult for me to explain your behavior. With your advance plan, even if the Zhongzhou team is really wiped out in the next team battle , I also believe that you will have a backup plan. After all, your life is tougher than a cockroach."

"Giving my sub-personality such a great gift makes up for the loopholes in the light of her soul, so that she does not have to indulge in inner demons and can even climb to a higher level... This is a gift equivalent to the gift of reinvention. , you really don’t mean that?”

Yang Yun was not moved at all by Zhao Yingkong's half-joking, half-serious words. He sat on his chair with only calmness in his eyes: "I heard that assassins are the profession with the most contractual spirit. Now I give You place an order. Therefore, you only need to give your answer now. Should you accept this order or not?"

"I..." Zhao Yingkong thought for a while, deliberately lengthened her tone, and finally said: "I won't answer."

"Excuse me, I'm sorry about what happened today."

After hearing Zhao Yingkong's answer, Yang Yun didn't hesitate and got up and left. But when he walked to the door of the room, Zhao Yingkong, who was waiting for him to turn back, really didn't expect him to leave so neatly and quickly shouted: "Hey, you are leaving now? What does tonight's matter mean?"

"An attempt will lead to success and failure. And from some previous things, I know that it is very important to give other people the opportunity to choose."

Yang Yun's hand was already on the doorknob: "Therefore, I give you the right to choose. As you said, this ending is not fair to you as the master. Next, I will take you to a Go through the curse, try to heal you through cultivation and spirit technology, so that you can become a real member of the Zhongzhou team. Then use your own hard power to fight Zhao Zukong in Resident Evil 2 It's over...No matter what you do by then, it will be your own decision."

After saying this, Yang Yun didn't care about Zhao Yingkong's reaction behind him. He planned to open the door and leave without looking back. But when he had half-stepped out of the door, he heard Zhao Ying's breathless shouting behind him: "I'll take it! I'll take it, okay! You really deserve to have Yang in your name, and your personality is like As hard and straight as a poplar tree!”

"A straight man of steel! An elm-headed man! A stinking piece of wood who doesn't understand the hearts of girls!"

"You don't have to force yourself to accept this commission. Since you don't want to die like this, then I will respect your decision and help you through another method."

Yang Yun did not refute the curses coming from behind him, but replied calmly: "I may not be able to save everyone, but I can at least give them one more choice... No matter whether this choice is right or wrong, it will still matter. It’s their own will.”

"Rather than a puppet in the hands of 'fate'."

After speaking, Yang Yun walked out of the room.

Not a trace of hesitation.

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