This endless world

Chapter 312 Stars, Cultivation, Seeking Medical Treatment

"So this is why you brought the three of them here?"

In the core control room of Lungominyad, Shushu closed the notebook in front of him with a frosty expression: "I didn't remember that this place became your hotel. You can come and leave whenever you want... This time, Did you even bring people for sightseeing?”

"How can we talk about sightseeing? At least we should use the word "further education" to describe it..."

Yang Yun was still retorting in a low voice, but when he saw Setsuna's increasingly unkind eyes, he quickly promised: "I'm sorry, this time it was a matter of course. If I bring someone here next time, I will definitely explain it to you in advance. .”

"There's a next time, right?"

Although as a soul body, there is no need to breathe at all, Setsuna still took a deep breath. Just when he was about to have an attack, he saw Yang Yun's sneer expression and had no choice but to shake his head: "Forget it, I have the Holy Spear Armor anyway." Leave it to you, this little thing doesn't matter at all... You always have your own plans, if this behavior can increase your survival rate by even one percent, I won't have any objections."

"...Thank you for understanding."

Seeing that the coldness in Jisuna's tone was no longer so severe, Yang Yun breathed a sigh of relief: "Where's Liuli?"

"She hasn't woken up yet. She will probably be in a deep sleep for a long time." Setsuna turned her ice-blue eyes and said, "Tell me about the teammates you brought."

After hearing this, Yang Yun quickly brought the three people who were still looking at the various instruments in the core control room curiously, as if Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden, and introduced: "This is Setsuna, the master here. It was thanks to her help that Zhang Jie and I were able to completely eliminate Ashiya Doman."

Setsuna said hello calmly, and after receiving responses from the three of them, she asked Yang Yun: "So, what do you want me to help the three of them learn?"

Yang Yun first nodded towards Zhan Lan and said: "First of all, Zhan Lan. She is a spiritual controller. She practices the "Changing Chart of Stars". She is still in the visualization stage, so I plan to let her first. Let’s start from this aspect.”

"No problem, there is a simulated universe device in Lungominiad, you can just go there to practice and gain enlightenment."

With a wave of his hand, the data took shape instantly, turned into a card and fell into Zhan Lan's hand, and a door opened on the side wall: "If you have anything you don't understand, you can call Xiaoyun at any time, and it will help." Answer any questions you have."

"Xiaoyun, I'm always at your service."

Following Moment's words, a misty white unknown creature floating in the air emerged from nowhere and flew to Zhan Lan's side. At the same time, a smiling face appeared in the white mist, which looked quite cute.

"Xiaoyun is the 864th generation of optical brain. If you can understand it, it is strong artificial intelligence. Due to lack of energy, I have not enabled it before... What's wrong, why do you use that Looking at me?"

Setsuna was still explaining what Xiaoyun was, but he didn't expect that Yang Yun next to him looked over with a strange look: "I know what an optical brain is, but why did you name it like this?"

"Because it has this name since it was created." Setsuna said expressionlessly: "And when you look at it, does it look like a cloud?"

——It is indeed very similar, but I always feel that this name is not a coincidence...

While Yang Yun was still thinking, Zhan Lan's eyes stayed on their faces for a moment, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he nodded and said: "Then I will go practice first and won't disturb you anymore."

Seeing Zhan Lan leaving directly, Yang Yun put such unimportant matters aside and turned to look at Qi Teng, who was almost staring at the rune arrays on the wall of the main control room. : "This is Qi Tengyi, an expert in ancient writing. He has a certain talent for cultivation... I brought him here mainly to let you answer his questions about cultivation. At the same time, I think he is very good at formations." talent."


Hearing these words, he glanced at Yang Yun for a moment, as if he had thought of something, but in the end he said nothing and said directly to Saito: "Come forward, let me see how much knowledge you have about cultivation." One step."

Hearing that a question was about to be asked, Qi Teng suddenly became nervous. He knew that this was almost a basic test now... But fortunately, the questions asked by Setsuna were relatively basic, and Qi Tengyi worked extremely hard during this period. Although some parts were not clear, he still answered them after all.

After listening to Qi Tengyi's answer, Setsuna also nodded and said: "Very good, I probably know your situation. Being able to practice this technique is a sign of talent... You are very good. Next Go to the room over there and practice on your own first. If you have any questions, you can always ask me."

As he spoke, the screen that also appeared in front of him instantly, and something similar to a tablet computer, fell into Qi Teng's hand.

——This skill? Isn't this just an ordinary exercise book called "Basic Cultivation Method"? Since it is called Basic Cultivation, it should be the most basic thing, similar to the nine-year compulsory education?

Qi Teng scratched his head in confusion, but he didn't ask stupidly after all. He just felt a little more confident inexplicably... It seems that even in ancient civilizations, not everyone can cultivate?

——Come on, Qi Tengyi, you can do it! Although I started a little late, hard work can make up for weakness. As long as you are willing to learn, there is no obstacle that you cannot overcome!

Touching his forehead, Qi Tengyi secretly encouraged himself in his heart. He smiled gratefully at Setsuna and walked towards another door that suddenly appeared.

In an instant, he looked at Qi Tengyi's back and silently conveyed a message to Yang Yun beside him with the fluctuation of his soul: "Didn't you say anything to him?"

"Of course not. If I tell him now that the name of the technique is actually "Yu Qing Cultivation Method", wouldn't he be scared to death?" Yang Yun also used soul waves to pass the information back.

After receiving this information, Jisuna did not comment on Yang Yun's hiding from Qi Tengyi and changing the "Yuqing Cultivation Method", which requires the highest qualifications and the most difficult to practice among the Sanqing Dao Jue, and asked him to learn it on his own. Instead, he looked at Zhao Yingkong and said proactively: "So, what are you doing here by bringing a teammate who has unlocked the fourth-level gene lock this time? I can't teach her anything about combat."

"I'm not asking you to teach her anything..."

Yang Yun also looked at Zhao Yingkong, who had been looking left and right at the surrounding situation since he entered the core control room without even saying a word. At the same time, he still had a faint smile on his face: "Actually, I I brought her here for medical treatment.”

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