This endless world

Chapter 302 I am willing to fight for the cause of cultivation for the rest of my life

Chapter 302 I am willing to fight for the cause of cultivation for the rest of my life...

It is not difficult to pull Qi Teng into the team.

When Yang Yun and Zhan Lan knocked on Qi Tengyi's door, the man who had just unlocked the first level of genetic lock in the last horror movie was still reading at night, as if he had experienced the death of four It didn't hinder his steps... and Yang Yun really saw the fairy aura floating above Qi Teng's head at this moment.

Well, Saitoichi is indeed "cultivating immortality" now, so there's nothing wrong with him.

"Yang Yun, and Zhan Lan...what's the matter so late?"

Qi Tengyi rubbed his eyes at first. After seeing the person clearly, his eyes lit up: "Are you here to help me solve the problem? You guys came just in time. I have a few questions about cultivation that I want to ask you. …”

Study, study makes me happy.jpg

"Uh, this..."

Yang Yun wiped the cold sweat from his head and glanced at the top of Qi Tengyi's head unconsciously. Although Qi Tengyi hasn’t obtained "Yu Qing Martial Arts" for a long time, he has clearly mastered the Gan Emperor technique without any teacher, and even his hairline has moved back a little... If this continues, the future Zhongzhou Team I don’t know if I can experience the legend of gods and ghosts again and invite Immorton to join the Central Continent team, but I’m afraid there will be no shortage of bald heads.

Seeing that Qi Tengyi seemed to want to pull him to join him, Yang Yun quickly raised his hand to stop him: "What, Qi Tengyi, I came here to actually find a mentor for you. Do you have any questions about cultivation?" You can ask her."

Not to mention the doubtful look from Zhan Lan next to him, Qi Teng's eyes lit up immediately after hearing this: "Teacher? Are you a tutor who can help me solve my problems in cultivation?"

Yang Yun is really not sure whether Setsuna understands cultivation, but looking at her quantum state virtual creations, I'm afraid it won't be a big problem to solve Qi Tengyi's current confusion: "Well, that's right, although she may have left It’s not a path to cultivation, but some things are always analogous, so..."

"What are you waiting for?"

Qi Teng immediately rushed into the room. A moment later, he walked out with a backpack and a lot of paper information in his hand: "I have too many questions and I can't wait to find someone to answer them." Confused, when will we set off? Is it now?"

"Don't be impatient. Before that, you need to understand one thing."

Yang Yun cleared his throat: "That means that all our current actions are hidden from Zheng Zha, and we cannot let him know until our next team battle."

Qi Teng calmed down after hearing these words. He looked at Yang Yun who had just said these words, and then at Zhan Lan who was silent beside Yang Yun. He immediately understood something: "So ...Is this considered taking sides? At this time when Zheng Zha has just taken over as captain?"

Qi Teng is a man of nerves but not stupid, so he can naturally understand what Yang Yun is doing now. At best, he was taking sides, at worst, he was secretly building his own team within the Zhongzhou team without telling Zheng Zha... At this moment, several conspiracies suddenly emerged in his mind, and The man also took a few steps back with a horrified look on his face: "If I say no, you won't silence me, right?"

"What are you thinking about?" Yang Yun suddenly couldn't laugh or cry. Unexpectedly, Qi Teng lost a hair and had quite a lot of drama: "Actually, it's like this..."

————Yang Yun is explaining——————

After listening to Yang Yun's explanation of "predicting the future", Qi Tengyi finally understood: "So the next team battle will be dangerous?"

"Yes, according to my expectation, if you want to compete with the opponent, Qi Tengyi, your strength is indispensable." Yang Yun nodded: "So I must make it clear to you here, and the only way Hiding the truth from Zheng Zha can give us all a chance to survive."

Qi Teng frowned and looked back and forth on the faces of Yang Yun and Zhan Lan. But no matter how he looked, he could only see that Yang Yun had made up his mind, while Zhan Lan, as a mental controller, maintained his facial expression management as usual, and couldn't tell anything at all... After thinking for a long time, Qi Tengyi could only sigh and said: "Do I have any choice? I'm afraid, Yang Yun, you had made up your mind like this from the beginning when you handed me the exercise book, right?"

"Well, I really didn't mean that. I just thought that since you are particularly talented in ancient writing, it would be easier to practice cultivation with half the effort." Yang Yun briefly explained, and from Qi Tengyi's original work, about mining from the Lord of the Rings The information that came out can be translated to a certain extent, which shows that this man does have corresponding talents: "After all, orthodox cultivation requires condensing runes. If you can use this talent in orthodox cultivation, you will naturally be less likely to leave." Lots of detours.”

"You really think highly of me." Qi Tengyi smiled bitterly: "Do you know how much effort I have spent during this period and how much hair I have lost? Those papers almost condensed so many things into one sentence. No words can be exaggerated, but because of this, as someone who has never been exposed to cultivation before..."

"Okay, okay, I know you've been working very hard, so I've found a mentor for you."

Yang Yun quickly comforted Qi Tengyi, patted the liver emperor's shoulder, and a trace of true energy was transmitted to him. The effect of this newly condensed true energy is really wonderful. Just a trace of it was injected into Qi Tengyi's body, and the young man with thick dark circles was shocked. Not only did his condition improve a lot, but his appearance also seemed... Much more energetic.

Qi Teng was startled at first, then looked at his body in confusion, raised his head and asked Yang Yun: "Is this your new power? It seems to be somewhat different from the life energy and internal power you used before... Wait, no Will it be the one I think of?"

Yang Yun smiled and nodded: "Yes, that's it. Work hard and you can do it too."

Hearing Yang Yun's admission, Qi Tengyi's eyes suddenly burst out with a fanatical light, which was somewhat similar to Chu Xuan in Alien. This man who has been studying cultivation day and night first lowered his head and muttered a few words. , and then said: "I am willing to fight for the cause of cultivation for the rest of my life...Brother Yun, as long as I can master this power, from now on, if you say one, it will be one, and if you say two, it will be two, I will never frown!"

"It's not that exaggerated. You and Zhan Lan should go back and wait for a while."

Yang Yun quickly comforted Qi Tengyi to make him less enthusiastic: "The next Zhao Yingkong will not be so easy to convince."

Hearing this, not only Qi Tengyi, but also Zhan Lan also showed a look of understanding: "Oh, I understand, Zhao Yingkong has always been stronger, maybe you two will have to fight..."

"Yes, Zhao Yingkong is quite special..."

Yang Yun nodded and clenched his fist: "But the reason for the fight may not be what you said."

——After all, what I am looking for is ‘Zhao Yingkong’.

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