This endless world

Chapter 303 Zhao Yingkong and

Chapter 303 Zhao Yingkong and..."Zhao Yingkong"

Zhao Yingkong didn't sleep.

After Yang Yun knocked on her door for ten minutes, the assassin girl opened her door. At this time, she was wearing a black tights, which outlined all the beautiful curves of a girl, especially her breasts. The pair of jade rabbits in front of them are even more heavy and ready to come out.

"Have you seen enough?"

Zhao Yingkong's cold voice sounded in Yang Yun's ears: "It's so late, what do you want from me?"

"Although there is indeed something...but you should treat it first, or do you want me to help you treat it?"

Facing Zhao Yingkong's gaze, Yang Yun shrugged without any pressure. Are you kidding? With this kind of clothes, he can't even catch up to one third of the moment when he is accustomed to wearing only a white coat... And Yang Yun doesn't have it either. To lie, he was really not admiring Zhao Yingkong's figure, but looking at her injuries.

Although ordinary people might not be able to see it, Yang Yun knew very well that what was hidden behind Zhao Yingkong's tights was her scarred body. Whether it was some dried blood, abnormal muscle swelling, the forceful gesture of just opening the door, or the beads of sweat on his forehead, it was proven that Zhao Yingkong was actually seriously injured.

You want to ask why?

"Haste makes waste... The second-level gene lock pursues the control of the body. Sometimes high-intensity training will not make you master faster. Instead, it will leave you with hidden injuries due to overload of the muscles. .”

The reason is simple, of course because Yang Yun has seen similar situations twice... The time when he was sparring with Zheng Zha in The Grudge was once, and during the year when he returned to the Harry Potter world for training The experience was once. Yang Yun, who is now free of distractions, still doesn't understand that Zhao Yingkong is working hard to practice the second level gene lock, so as to catch up with him and Zheng Zha as soon as possible?

Therefore, Yang Yun was not dumbfounded just now, but was analyzing Zhao Yingkong's physical condition, slightly changed his original plan, and said these words with good intentions... His mind was thinking about what to say next at high speed. , what should be done, and my heart is completely filled with the upcoming Devil Team, and there is no such thing as a charming thought.

"...Come in, it's good to save some reward points."

After confirming that there was no sign of lying on Yang Yun's facial expression and that he was really examining his physical condition, Zhao Yingkong's tone softened slightly and his body relaxed a little, no longer pretending to be in good condition.

Zhao Yingkong may be new to the world, but she is by no means the ignorant killer who knows nothing. In fact, she knows very well how she should behave in front of what kind of people. Maybe she can show her unwillingness to admit defeat in front of everyone in the Central Continent Team, and everyone will smile in good faith. But now that the two of them were alone together, Zhao Yingkong didn't need to hide herself too much in front of a doctor who could save her the cost of full body repair bonus points.

——Anyway, this is not the first time I have received treatment from the person in front of me.

"Okay, that's almost it."

Yang Yun took back his right hand that was attached to Zhao Yingkong's back and sighed that this true energy was really useful. Although there is not much true energy in his body now, and there is no way to use it as a regular method, as long as it is mixed with life energy in a ratio of 2:8, its effectiveness will not drop too much... Of course, this ratio was the best ratio that Yang Yun came up with after studying it for a long time in Grudge and asking Setsuna to use the computing power and spare energy of the Nether core to calculate it.

"...The effect of your treatment this time is much stronger than before."

Zhao Yingkong didn't even say a word of thanks. She just felt the muscles and meridians in her body silently. After a long time, she said, "Did you have another breakthrough after fighting Zheng Zha?"

"It doesn't count."

Yang Yun thought it would be better to keep things like foundation building a secret for the time being. Anyway, the friends of the Zhongzhou team currently have only a short time to cultivate. Even Qi Tengyi, who has made the fastest progress, is still far away from foundation building: "Don't just hide. Train by yourself in the room, and occasionally combine work with rest, such as practicing more of the cultivation techniques I taught you."

"You call this a combination of work and rest?"

Even Zhao Yingkong, who can be called a "training madman" in the eyes of ordinary people, couldn't help showing a speechless expression when he heard Yang Yun's words... Good guy, you have finished practicing Gene Lock and practicing cultivation, right? Do you really think anyone has such strong recovery ability as you?

However, Yang Yun, whose physique and energy far exceeded that of ordinary people, was not aware of it. After going over his plan in his mind, he continued to ask: "The two cultivation techniques I gave you last time, How's your practice going?"

"...Since the return of the God of Death, I have found that I have made some progress. Now the avatar has been cultivated to the point where I can temporarily separate two clones."

Although he didn't want to show his growth in front of the other party, but thinking that Yang Yun might have a certain understanding of these cultivation techniques, Zhao Yingkong hesitated for a while and decided to tell the truth. She stood up from her sitting position, and saw her figure swaying for a while, and two Zhao Yingkong appeared on the spot, and the two Zhao Yingkong said at the same time: "Although this mirror image is not yet capable of attacking, at the moment I can now completely simulate my own appearance and movements, making it difficult for enemies to distinguish. This is no less than a B-level skill exchanged from the Lord God."

After saying these words, Zhao Yingkong's momentum suddenly faded, and the mirror image beside her also disappeared without a trace. "And the next step, my goal is to inject energy so that the mirror image can have my momentum and killing intent, and can Making corresponding attacks according to my movements not only strengthens my attack power, but also confuses the opponent even more... and at the highest depth, I can even freely transform my body in the mirror."

"At that time, your mirror image will no longer have this name. It should be called the external incarnation."

Yang Yun smiled and helped Zhao Yingkong make up for the advanced level of the "Clone Appearance" technique: "It seems that you have given up on the path of winning by quantity, and instead embarked on the path of winning by quality, that's fine."

"Only cattle and sheep can flock together, while ligers and tigers can only travel alone."

Zhao Yingkong's eyes seemed to be dark for a moment, but she still insisted on using the words she said when she first entered the main god's space: "No matter whether it is teammates, partners, or even brothers and sisters, it is impossible to have a heart-to-heart truly trust Yes, only yourself."

Even though he knew that this sentence might offend Yang Yun, Zhao Yingkong still said it. But what surprised her was that Yang Yun was not angry, nor did he refute this sentence. Instead, he brought up another topic: "How are you practicing the other technique?"

"You mean that book called "The Chapter of Dividing Demons"?"

Zhao Yingkong frowned: "I understand that you gave me this skill book to let me strengthen my soul power and mental power, so as to avoid being scanned by the mental power controller while lurking... But I think this This technique is not suitable for me at all. Did you make a mistake when you selected it?"

Faced with Zhao Yingkong's doubts, Yang Yun just continued to ask noncommittally: "Why do you say that?"

"Because I haven't gotten started yet." Zhao Yingkong was slightly discouraged: "It only took me one day to get the hang of the technique of "Clone Transformation", and the subsequent practice went smoothly; but "Clone Demon Chapter" Even though I have spent a lot of time practicing this technique, I have not made any great achievements so far, and I have not felt any progress... Is it because I don't have the talent in this area?"

"Well, indeed, because to be precise, this skill is not prepared for you, but for 'Zhao Yingkong'."

Facing Zhao Yingkong's words, Yang Yun just looked into the assassin girl's eyes and said softly: "So, do you mind having a real chat face to face?"

"Zhao Yingkong."

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