"Very good expression... It seems that you have made up your mind, Yang Yun."

Although I spent an unforgettable month in the curse, it only lasted for one second in the main god's space. When Zhan Lan saw Yang Yun who reappeared a second later, he keenly discovered that the man who was still confused before was very different from before...especially the expression on his face. He was a man. The expression of making up one's mind to do something.

Zhan Lan had just seen this expression on Zheng Zha's face in the previous horror film.

Listening to Zhan Lan's emotion, Yang Yun smiled and replied: "Yes, because I suddenly felt that I was also burdened with a lot of things."

"So no matter what, I don't want to lose, nor will I lose to the upcoming enemy... What's wrong? Why are you looking at me with this expression?"

As Yang Yun was talking, he suddenly noticed Zhan Lan looking over with a strange look in his eyes. He quickly checked to see if he had forgotten to hide the holy spear and armor. After confirming that there was nothing strange about him, Yang Yun heard Zhan Lan smile and say: "It's nothing... I just feel that you and Zheng Zha are quite similar."

The sudden words made Yang Yun confused: "It's quite similar? How is it similar?"

Zhan Lan smiled and said: "There are many places... Let's not talk about this. Did you just return to the previous horror movie? Who did you meet?"

"It's a bit hard to explain. I'll talk to you later. I'll call two more people later and we'll return the curse together."

Yang Yun couldn't help but think of his experience in the remaining five days. He had to say that the Holy Spear Armor Avalon was indeed an imperfectly civilized natural weapon produced by the Human City. It was not at the same order of magnitude as other equipment and props.

Needless to say, extremely high mobility, with the spatial coordinates provided by Setsuna, Yang Yun only needed to close and open his eyes, and magical weapons descended from the sky and appeared in front of those ghosts, ghosts and urban legends. With one punch, side plots and reward points flowed into his pocket like water, greatly enriching his inventory.

Secondly, the defensive power that Avalon brought to him can be called an ideal land far away from everything. The defensive power of this armor is really extremely powerful. The pig-headed butcher that Yang Yun met in the beautiful country was comparable to the peak of demon-level strength. Even if the kitchen knife in his hand was curled, it did not hurt a single hair on his head... And then during the test, a series of quantum events occurred in an instant. Weapon attacks cannot break through Avalon's defense, which once again proves the gold content of this armor.


Zhan Lan was slightly stunned at first, and then reacted: "Yes, when you explained to Zheng Zha before, you said that you got some 'help' to get those cultivation techniques. Now it seems that this help is much more than It's so simple... But why don't you just tell Zheng Zha? Obviously the relationship between you two should be closer."

Yang Yun thought for a while, and finally decided to selectively reveal something to Zhan Lan: "It's hard to describe in one sentence. It's hard for me to explain clearly with words alone why we should hide it from Zheng Zha. You can roughly understand that our enemy is Zheng Zha." There is some kind of special surveillance mechanism. As long as Zheng Zha knows something, our enemies will also know it... And Zheng Zha is not the only one, even Zhang Heng also has this special surveillance mechanism."

"Zheng Zha and Zhang Heng?"

Zhan Lan was startled. She quickly went through Yang Yun's incomprehensible strange behaviors in her mind, and found that if this explanation was really used, then many strange places before would have corresponding reasonable explanations. However, she still asked doubtfully: "What is the principle of this surveillance mechanism? Although I am a mental controller, I have not noticed any clues..."

"...It's not that I don't want to say it, it's that I can't say it."

In the end, Yang Yun answered Zhan Lan with a familiar words, with a heavy tone: "I didn't explain these things to you before because the fewer people who know about them, the better. But now that Zhang Jie has left, the Zhongzhou team will face another challenge." Now that we are in the team battle, I can only tell you these things... After all, if you notice something is wrong, besides me, the first one to notice something is wrong will definitely be you as the mental controller."

Hearing this sentence, Zhan Lan's tone suddenly dropped an octave: "It sounds like I am Zhang Jie's spare tire."

As soon as these words came out, Yang Yun suddenly didn't know how to answer them. He had to say slightly awkwardly: "Well, I didn't mean that. But I think from the importance of the team, no matter what I do in the next team battle Whatever the layout is, you must know part of it and understand why I do it, otherwise..."

"Yang Yun..."

Zhan Lan covered her face silently and sighed: "Has anyone told you that you are really bad at pleasing girls?"


Yang Yun was dumbfounded. He had imagined Zhan Lan's reaction after hearing these words. There were some doubts, some doubts, some disbeliefs, and of course some turning around and leaving... But he never dreamed of Zhan Lan's answer. It's actually this. How did she suddenly turn a very serious topic 180 degrees and turn it around to love and not being able to please girls?

——Damn it, no wonder many people say that Zhan Lan is a love brain, and no one has such a reaction...

Although he was complaining about Zhan Lan fiercely in his mind, Yang Yun still put on Chu Xuan's paralyzed face and said seriously: "I don't think what I'm talking about now has any extra connection with pleasing girls. Under this situation, the survival of everyone in the Zhongzhou team is the top priority, so..."

"Okay, okay, no need to say any more." Zhan Lan stretched out a hand to stop Yang Yun's tirade. She sighed and said: "I can confirm that you have really never been in love, so as a No matter what I say to you, the Master of Love, I'm still talking to you... Tell me, who are you going to find next to return to the curse and see the person you want us to see?"

Emotion told Yang Yun that at this time, he should follow Zhan Lan's unfinished words and maybe even make some harsh remarks about Zhan Lan, who now looks like he has a lot of experience in love... If you understand so well, please ask Zhan Lan The lady must have had a lot of emotional experiences, right?

But reason told Yang Yun that he should put this unimportant matter aside at this time and continue with his plan, because time was very tight and everything had to be arranged tonight. Otherwise, once the matter comes tomorrow, when the Zhongzhou team gathers, there will be more troubles.

After a brief confrontation between the two thoughts, reason finally prevailed over emotion. Yang Yun did not continue to ask questions, but directly said two names to Zhan Lan: "Qi Tengyi, and..."

"Zhao Yingkong."

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