This endless world

Chapter 296 Wait for me a second

——Yang Yun almost thought that he was caught by Zheng Zha again.

But after a brief panic, Yang Yun came to his senses. Regardless of the fact that he had done nothing wrong and was just checking the redemption at the Lord God, the voice was not a male voice, but a female voice...

"Zhan Lan, can't you sleep either?"

Yang Yun turned around and saw Zhan Lan walking out of the room. At the same time, he secretly complained that he thought too much... Forget it when he returned to exercise before, but now it was the first day after returning to the main god space from the mission world. Zheng Zha must be making puffs while holding Loli in his arms at this time. How could he come to the Lord God Square to inquire about redemption?

Zhan Lan didn't know what Yang Yun was thinking, so she replied: "Yes, I can't sleep. Plus, I got two B-level subplots from this horror movie, so let's take a look at the Lord God's redemption... What are you doing?" Already?"

Yang Yun was startled: "Me? I didn't do anything."

"Don't lie to me. I asked Zhang Jie to teach me how to use mental power in the last horror movie. I can feel the anxiety and irritability in your mental power fluctuations."

Zhan Lan approached slowly. Although she couldn't see any major problems from Yang Yun's expression, she still caught the slightest fluctuation in mental power: "So... it has something to do with the team battle?"

"...I can't hide it from you."

Seeing that Zhan Lan had already seen it, Yang Yun knew that hiding it would be useless, so he could only sigh and reveal his true emotions: "Yes, this time in Resident Evil 2, we are going to face an extremely terrifying opponent. "

If you want to deceive Zheng Zha, how can you do it without first getting rid of Zhan Lan next to him? As early as Zheng Zha had just broken the "deal" between Yang Yun and Zhang Jie and was still struggling in his room, Yang Yun and Zhang Jie knocked on Zhan Lan's door in advance and successfully succeeded in explaining the truth to Zhan Lan. A "heroine" was invited for this big drama.

Originally Zhan Lan still didn't trust the two of them, but when Zhang Jie was about to discuss the Resurrection Stone, and after reciting all the private chat conversations between her and Zheng Zha's spiritual link, Zheng Zha's "former comrade" just wanted to turn back time... Yang Yun still remembers Zhan Lan's embarrassed expression when she heard Zhang Jie retelling the private conversation between the two.

Especially the sentence "If we were to forcibly eavesdrop on our spiritual connection without me noticing, then Zhang Jie's mental power would probably be ten or twenty times stronger than mine. How could he be that strong?"...Listen The moment he said these words, Zhan Lan's face turned red and he wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

These words of Zhan Lan are enough to become a lifetime of black history, the kind that will be passed down forever in the Zhongzhou team. It has to be said that this is also a kind of fearlessness of the ignorant.

Moreover, Yang Yun's request was not excessive. After completely defeating Zhan Lan's psychological defense, he just clearly revealed Zhang Jie's identity to this shy and angry little woman, and explained the identity of Zhang Jie in the next horror film "Death Comes Part 4" The difficulty of the game and what the Zhongzhou team was going to encounter, and at the same time asked Zhan Lan to perform a play without telling Zheng Zha, putting everything on the bright side.

Zhan Lan is not an ignorant person, nor is he the kind of fool who can't see clearly the form. Regardless of the fact that Yang Yun's request is not excessive, even if it is ten times excessive, so what?

It was precisely because he knew the difficulty involved and understood what Zhang Jie had done to a mental controller that Zhan Lan decided to act in a play according to their instructions. Zhang Jie did not use the Eye of Suggestion to hypnotize her directly. Instead, Yang Yun gave her a "script" and chose to come in front of her and lay it all out in the open. This represented an attitude in itself... attitude of being polite first and then fighting, and cannot be disobeyed.

Of course, if Yang Yun and Zhang Jie really intend to threaten Zheng Zha's life, then Zhan Lan will not hesitate to risk his life. But in Yang Yun's script, Zhan Lan only needs to help Yang Yun say some nice words, and at the same time follow Professor Zhang Jie's mental skills to go to the world of Death Comes Four to actually experience it.

"The superpower development I exchanged from the Lord God, the ability to truly awaken is actually to predict the future, not physical recovery... Facts speak louder than words, Zhan Lan. Whether you believe me or not, everything I do now is for Let’s live and let all of us live better, that’s all.”

Yang Yun's emotions were sincere and his words did not seem false. The most important thing was that he had a carrot in one hand and a stick in the other, showing his sincerity with his actions... So Zhan Lan chose to believe Yang Yun for the time being. According to the script, When Zheng Zha knocked on the door of his room not long after, he selectively said a few words to Yang Yun, successfully dispelling some of Zheng Zha's concerns.

After practicing the "Changing Diagram of the Stars" and entering the world of Death Comes Four, Zhan Lan immediately understood what Zhang Jie had done. In fact, the main god had lifted the shield of the protective shield very early, so Zhang Jie could lead the others and leave. Zheng Zha was so angry that he punched the protective shield and made ripples... The protective shield itself was what Zhang Jie was trying to do. A telepathic barrier created to isolate the inside and outside.

According to Yang Yun's words, combined with the mental skills taught by Zhang Jie and the special ability that he stole from Zhu Wen, Zhan Lan, who successfully saw the death energy, understood that Yang Yun's words that night were all true.

That's why Zhan Lan chose to follow Yang Yun's script and took the initiative to guard his unconscious teammates. At the same time, he pointed out the way forward for Zheng Zha and asked him to find Yang Yun and Zhang Jie alone. Because from the beginning, Zhan Lan herself had Zhang Jie's mental shield, and acting separately from Zheng Zha could prevent her from being attacked by the god of death.

It was precisely because he understood Yang Yun's abilities and knew how much Yang Yun had silently paid behind the scenes that Zhan Lan chose to stand on Yang Yun's side without telling Zheng Zha. Hearing what Yang Yun said at this time, the face of the current Zhongzhou team's only mental controller suddenly turned ugly: "Did you see another bad future?"

"Yes, in Resident Evil 2, we will most likely face the Demons."

Of course, it was impossible for Yang Yun to keep the Zhongzhou team in the dark. After thinking about it for a while, he decided to selectively reveal some things to Zhan Lan: "In the Demon team, there is a clone of Chu Xuan, and at least two There are four openers of the fourth-level gene lock, and one of them is a copy of Zheng Zha... There is a high possibility that he and Zheng Zha will fight to the death."

The moment she heard the news, Zhan Lan, who understood the meaning of Yang Yun's words, immediately turned pale. She almost groaned and squeezed out a sentence from her throat: "Why did we just die because of Zhang Jie's sacrifice?" You escaped, and now you have to encounter something like this again?"

"...Perhaps, this is our fate."

Yang Yun replied solemnly, and he suddenly remembered something. He raised his head and asked Zhan Lan: "Zhan Lan, what were you originally planning to do tonight? Did you plan to exchange it for a Rebirth Cross to give to Zheng Zha?"

Zhan Lan, who was told what he was thinking, was suddenly startled: "Ah, how did you know? I think Zheng Zha almost died in the horror movie this time, so..."

Yang Yun sighed, knowing that this was Zhan Lan's own original intention, not the remote control of the positive person. This point is clearly stated in Infinite Future. It is the result of the plot's own development, so it doesn't say much. After all, he himself almost redeemed a Rebirth Ankh just now, but...

As the protagonist, Zheng Zha just paid it off. Do he really want to place his hopes on this rebirth ankh?

Since the villain can do something to make the Central Continent team enter Biochemical 2 a horror movie ahead of schedule, does he really not consider the prop of the Rebirth Ankh?

"...I'm sorry, Zhan Lan."

After thinking about it, Yang Yun finally couldn't make up his mind, so he had to turn back to Zhan Lan and said, "Wait for me for a second."

Then, his body disappeared.

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