This endless world

Chapter 295 Chapter of Rebirth

Chapter 295 Chapter of Rebirth...

"You really dare to do it, the naysayers..."

When Zheng Zha told the news that there would be another team battle in the next horror movie, everyone's expressions were not very good. After all, except for Cheng Xiao, they had all experienced team battles with the Yinzhou team. In that battle, everyone basically walked away from the edge of life and death.

In a team battle, no one can survive alone, and fighting with other members of the Samsara Team is more terrifying than simply facing enemies in horror movies.

So when Zheng Zha noticed the low pressure in the room, he also smiled and announced the disbandment, asking everyone to have a good rest for a day and discuss the team battle the next day.

Only by having a good rest can you fight better, this is what Zheng Zha said, but how can Yang Yun sleep when he knows what kind of enemy the Zhongzhou team is about to face? He didn't feel sleepy at all. After everyone returned to their rooms, Yang Yun went directly to the Main God's Square and began to inquire about the exchanges there.

Zheng Zha, who is at least the fourth-level junior, and has even completed the personalization of the light of the soul in advance; Zhao Zukong, the elusive clone who possesses the fourth-level junior strength; his strength is unknown, but as long as he exists in a reincarnation team Within, Chu Xuan could turn that team into a strong team instantly... In Yang Yun's heart, he had already scolded the naysayers who led to the current development of the situation seventeen or eight times.

There is no time for Zheng Zha to become familiar with the fourth-level gene lock, there is no transition to a horror movie, and there is even no Alien 4 that was originally used to refresh the scene... Could Death be counted as a refresher scene? This is outrageous, okay!

Yang Yun was almost itching with hatred. He couldn't figure out how the yet-to-be-developed Zhongzhou Team could compete with the Demon Team. After all, absolute power plus absolute wisdom was more than one plus one. Second, it's so simple... How should I use my foresight to turn the current situation around?

The only good news is that Yang Yun's success in the horror film "Death Comes Four" is pretty good. Since Zheng Zha almost ended the world within twelve hours, all nine plot characters survived. The Zhongzhou team also received a B-level branch plot, a C-level branch plot and an additional reward of 8,000 points. .

And coupled with the guaranteed reward points of 1,000 points for each horror movie, the main mission of 1,000 reward points for every survivor, and the completion of the most difficult B-level side plot and 5,000 reward points, so now Yang Yun actually There are two B-level side plots, one C-level side plot and 23,000 reward points. I have to say, this is a huge gain.

However, this harvest is destined to be spent in the team battle with the Demon Team. Yang Yun almost searched his mind to recall the BUG-level exchanges he had seen in his previous life, whether they appeared in the original book or were spoiled by the author. Whatever came out of the Internet, or came from the imagination of Tieba readers... He went to check with the Lord God.

Telekinetic floating cannon... I checked it once before, but still couldn't find it for exchange.

Samsara Smoke...can't be found either, and I don't know if I don't have the corresponding permissions, or if I need to strengthen the so-called demon fox body to redeem this exchange, I can't see it.

Tushita purple fire refines all demons...

The Dragon King's Reverse Scale Sword - The Demon Surrenders and Cuts...

Central Wu soil apricot yellow gas...

One finger to mend the sky, one finger to God Wa, one finger to mend the sky...

Armed by the saint, the Four Symbols, Five Elements and Eight Trigrams kill the immortal sword formation...

Free fighting method, dark return song...

Prehistoric - the space of silence, original darkness - the singularity of time...

Information Law, Demonic Way...

No, no, still not!

No matter how Yang Yun searched, even in the end he gave up on himself and searched for skills that he couldn't afford to exchange, but he couldn't find the corresponding exchanges. Even the Continental Shelf Oscillator, which Adam once threatened Chu Xuan in The Lord of the Rings and wanted to die with him, needed two A-level side plots to redeem...

——Fuck, is there really no way I can escape this disaster? Is there really no way to have the power to change all this?

The more Yang Yun checked, the more his face turned pale. Without Zhang Jie's help, Zheng Zha, who had obtained the captain's authority, was not around. Yang Yun could not find those BUG-level redemptions, so he could only flip through the Lord God's redemption list like a headless fly. , trying to find a prop or skill that can make a comeback. Gradually, the object of his investigation began to change from confronting the Demons head-on to escaping from the battle and escaping from the Demons...

Random plane coordinates... can ignore the restrictions of the main god and cross space, and randomly transfer to another plane. It requires an S-level branch plot and 50,000 reward points, and requires saint-level strength to carry out group transfers based on plane coordinates... It can't be replaced, and it can't meet the conditions for space transfer.

The Trojan-class spaceship, from the Gundam series, can go in and out of the atmosphere directly. It is not difficult to go to Mars... It requires two A-level side plots and 80,000 reward points, which I can't even get enough even if I sell it.

Demiplane, after redemption, you will randomly get a demiplane ranging in size from one hundred meters in diameter to one thousand kilometers in diameter, which can accommodate humans to hide... It requires two A-level side plots and 20,000 reward points, and it cannot be exchanged. rise.

Subspace... The B-level branch plot starts with no upper limit. I can afford to change this. However, the B-level and double-B-level subspaces are of inferior quality. If a bomb explodes in it, the entire subspace will be destroyed. Annihilation. Even if the outside world attacks the subspace with powerful energy, this thing will be damaged or annihilated, leaving no bones of the people inside...

The individual soldier's jump engine requires long-term coordinate guidance and a strong energy supply. It requires an A-level branch plot and 10,000 reward points...

——This won’t work, and that won’t work either!

The more Yang Yun looked at it, the more irritated he became. These exchanges were either unaffordable or extremely demanding and had many restrictions. They were not helpful at all to the current situation.

...until Yang Yun's consciousness fell on an exchange.

"The Ankh of Rebirth, from "Warcraft", requires 7,000 reward points and two B-level side plots. The person holding this object can be resurrected five minutes after death, and the physical injuries are restored to the best physical condition. Half, at the same time, you can ignore the main god's return request and choose to leave the horror film directly. If you do this, this horror film will not be able to obtain the stipulated one thousand reward points..."

——Do you want to change it?

Looking at this exchange, as well as the reward points and side plots he currently holds, Yang Yun couldn't look away for a long time. Yes, I never thought before that I only need to redeem a Rebirth Ankh, die in the battle with the Demon Team, and then choose to return directly to the main god space, and I can easily escape the Demon Team's pursuit!

It is not shameful to run away, surviving is the most important thing, just like Zheng Zha in the original world line, just like Kua in the beginning of death, live, no matter what, you must live. After all, survival is the instinctive desire of every living thing. There is no shame in living, even if you return alone...

By some strange coincidence, Yang Yun's consciousness almost touched the redemption button until...

"Yang Yun?"

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