This endless world

Chapter 297 Fear

"So, you came to me."

In the core control room of Urungominyad, Momo, who had partially recovered from the injury on his leg, closed the notebook in his hand and glanced at Yang Yun, who was in a low mood: "It hasn't been a long time since you left last time. It’s only three months.”

"Why are you alone this time? Where is the guy named Zhang Jie?"

"Zhang Jie...he went back to his hometown to retire and get married."

Yang Yun thought for a while and finally used a euphemism: "As for this time, I plan to come to Liuli, but I think it's better to say hello to you first. After all, I don't know how to get there. The Hall of Valor in the River of Life..."

"Liu Li is in a deep sleep now. It took too much of her strength to merge with the Hall of Valor, so she has never regained full consciousness since you left."

Before Yang Yun finished speaking, he immediately cut off his words: "So, do you have anything to tell me and the same thing, or do you have to get Liuli?"

"...No, that's not the case."

Although he wanted to chat with Ruri, who had defeated Ashiya Michitoshi together, Setsuna in front of him was also a companion fighting alongside him. But Yang Yun and Setsuna were still a little embarrassed when they were alone. After all, he was right here criticizing this person's ideas.

But since Setsuna said so, Yang Yun couldn't force himself to find Liuli: "It's still a matter of the main god space... In the next world, we will have a team battle with other reincarnation teams, and in the enemy's team, There are two enemies who are no weaker than Ashiya Michitoshi, and a top wise man."

Setsuna's movements suddenly paused: "...You have never told me these things before."

"Because this is not part of my plan." Yang Yun scratched his hair irritably: "In my expectation, there is always a certain buffer time, allowing me to prepare more fully and adopt a more complete attitude. Go face the enemy, and now..."

"So you came here today because you are afraid of the enemy's strength and want to talk to Liuli?"

Listening to Sesuna's sharp words, Yang Yun smiled bitterly: "I'm not afraid of it... I'm just a little confused."

The fear is not over. Yang Yun has already had the awareness to face the Demon Team. Before he entered the alien, he specifically reminded Zheng Zha to let him know that it would be absolutely safe to return to the room. It was already a matter for the Demon Team. One piece was left behind. After that, he worked hard to strengthen the Zhongzhou team, including returning to the curse to kill Ashiya Michitoshi, giving the cultivation technique to every member of the Zhongzhou team, and lending the Purple Thunder Sword to Zheng Zha through Zhang Jie's hand. These were all It was to prepare for the team battle with the Devils, but...

It's too short, the time is really too short.

As far as the current Zhongzhou team is concerned, with the cultivation techniques given to them by Yang Yun, everyone may become stronger in the future, and their upper limit is destined to be higher than at the end of the war. But if these players from the Central Continent team, who have not yet grown up, are to face the Demon team in the next game, I am afraid that the ending of team destruction will not change at all.

The two level 4 demons are like two heavy mountains. If the high-end combat power of the Zhongzhou team cannot resist the clone Zheng Zha and the clone Zhao Zukong, then there is no need to wait for the clone Chu Xuan to take action. The mountains will crush the current Zhongzhou team to pieces!

Using force to defeat skill... This is the simplest method that the clone Chu Xuan will definitely use to defeat the Zhongzhou team. If there is an overwhelming gap in strength between the two sides, then all kinds of calculations and efforts are useless. The weak can only make his death less ugly.

This is also the reason why Yang Yun couldn't exchange it before, and almost wanted to exchange it for the Rebirth Ankh, because no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't think of a way for the Central Continent Team to compete with the Demon Team!

If a person is confused, he will subconsciously talk to the people around him. When Zhang Jie was no longer around and unable to explain the entire situation to the rest of the Zhongzhou team, the first person Yang Yun thought of was Liuli... and when Liuli was not around, Setsuna could barely do it.

"...I always feel that you are thinking about something very bad."

Hearing what he said in an instant, Yang Yun suddenly woke up and said with a smile: "No, how is that possible? You think too much."

Hua glanced at Yang Yun again, and after not seeing any other expressions on his face, he continued: "Actually, I roughly understand your situation. It's nothing more than the fear of a powerful enemy coming soon. This situation is normal, and basically every recruit who enters the fourth regiment will go through this stage."

Yang Yun said subconsciously: "I told you, I'm not afraid..."

"You're just afraid."

Yang Yun was stunned by a simple sentence in an instant. The cold woman said mercilessly: "What are you doing now if it's not fear? You are like a little boy who was frightened by a ghost story. , and suppressed the fear to seek comfort from adults...Don't deny it, that's how it seems to me."

"...Okay, you're right."

After Yang Yun was silent for a while, he reluctantly admitted it. Because after being exposed to this, he discovered that the truth was indeed what Setsuna said. He was afraid, afraid that his plan had gone awry, afraid of the coming Demon Team...

The deviation from the plan was okay, it wasn't once or twice anyway, but the lack of time for adjustment was the biggest problem. As for the Demon Team... to put it bluntly, that's the Demon Team. Now it's probably the strongest team in the entire Lord God Space.

Yang Yun could not be afraid of Ashiya Michio because he knew that he had reliable comrades beside him, and Ashiya Micheman was Xin Bi'an's defeated general. An enemy who had failed once was not scary. But the Devils' clone Zheng Zha, not only when he was Biochemical 2, but even in the final battle, his strength was far superior to Zheng Zha... The man who had unlocked the fourth-level advanced gene lock at the end of the battle has always been Occupying the most powerful throne in the entire cycle.

If the clone Zheng Zha hadn't discovered something, he would not have gone all out at first with the mentality of testing Zheng Zha. Then Zheng Zha, who was still at the fourth-level intermediate level at the time, would not be able to withstand Zhao Yingkong's Soul Light Completion and Chu Xuan's Donghuang Bell support, and would be killed on the spot by the clone Zheng Zha's Original Darkness - End of the Universe... Facing such a terrifying enemy, how could Yang Yun not be afraid?

Besides, there is also the clone Chu Xuan...

Yang Yun still vividly remembers what happened after the alien. He still remembers how that calm man pointed out the flaws that he thought he had covered up well and left him speechless... Even though Yang Yun thought he was Since then, I have grown a lot, but will I have to compete with the clone Chu Xuan as my opponent?

Ha, what a nice joke.

When the strongest strength is combined with the strongest intelligence, plus Zhao Zukong, who has also unlocked the fourth-level gene lock...

How can the current Central Continent team resist?

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