This endless world

Chapter 294 Team battle! Resident Evil 2!

"...No, this is not your fault. It is human nature to be competitive. I also made the same mistake."

After listening to Yang Yun's explanation, Zheng Zha also understood a lot. No wonder he felt that when fighting Yang Yun, many of his words were excessive... But considering that he himself also took the initiative to invite the fight for the same reason, Zheng Zha was not qualified to accuse Yang Yun.

"This is Zhang Jie's situation. I don't know any more than you about the rest."

Yang Yun sighed: "In short, Zhang Jie couldn't help it. He always wanted to escape from the master god's control and didn't want to be a sad puppet. But after all, his magical power was not as good as the sky, and he was still controlled by the master god at the last moment... Okay Only when he defeated the 'leader' himself through your hands, Zheng Zha, did he avoid causing more bitter consequences."

"Yes, if he really kills me, then goes to kill all the senior members of the Zhongzhou team..."

Thinking of Zhang Jie's ruthless declaration and the possible consequences after he chose to be an enemy, even Zheng Zha couldn't help but become afraid. He secretly warned himself in his heart that he must make a decision before acting, and don't rush for a moment...Only when you have the power to change everything can you make bold words and achieve them.

Thinking of this, Zheng Zha suddenly felt something in his heart. He took out the purple thunder knife that Zhang Jie threw to him from the Najie, looked at Yang Yundao: "This knife is very strange, I don't know why Zhang Jie said this." The knife is my reward, and giving me the weapon is clearly making it more difficult for him."

"And since I entered the main god space, I have never seen Zhang Jie use cold weapons. As a spiritual controller, he shouldn't need cold weapons... Yang Yun, do you know why?"

——Idiot, of course, because this knife was used by Zhang Jie to complete the last step of killing three corpses, and at the same time, he naturally handed this weapon to you to enhance your strength.

Yang Yun sighed secretly in his heart. In fact, this physical purple thunder sword is really easy to use. Although it is not as good as the purple thunder sword transformed by the light of the soul used by Yang Yun in Grudge, after being repaired by the Lord God, it is also a real real-name natural-level weapon, and its power is even higher than B Above the level tiger sword, it is almost between B level and double B level.

If Xin Bi'an hadn't said in the end that he had too many calculations and could not possess the indomitable momentum and was not suitable for using the Purple Thunder Sword, then Yang Yun actually planned to keep this weapon for himself... But in other words, whether it was Gong Yeyu or Xin Bi'an, , they both seem to have a kind of stupid temperament, but they are somewhat similar to Zheng Zha, so to a certain extent it is not too abrupt.

——I won’t be sour... Anyway, I also got the Nether Core in The Grudge, and this time Death Comes also got two B-level side plots. No matter what I exchange it for, it will be fine when the time comes. Just get a Heavenly Crystal Sword, and it won't be even remotely inferior to Zheng Zha's Purple Thunder Sword.

——Knives and the like are still suitable for muscular orangutans like Zheng Zha, and for elegant wise men like me. They are still suitable for the painting style of white clothes beating snow, long swords like rainbows, and dashing enemies with ease.

Comparing Zheng Zha's painting style with his own in his mind, Yang Yuncai put down his obsession and said with a heavy expression on the surface: "Zheng Zha, why did Zhang Jie do this? Are you really Don’t you understand? What I can tell you is that he did obtain this Purple Thunder Sword in the ruins.”

After speaking, Yang Yun shook his head deliberately and sighed.

The first step of the wise man’s rule is not to pretend to understand. Even if you don’t know the reason in the current situation, you can deliberately pretend to be incomprehensible and let others draw their own conclusions.

Sure enough, after Zheng Zha thought for a moment, he suddenly looked like he had realized something: "I understand, it must be because the part of Zhang Jie himself is struggling to resist and knows that there is a strength gap between me and him, so he deliberately put this Give me the Purple Thunder Sword, giving me a chance to defeat him..."

Zheng Zha sighed, and seeing that the people around him also had expressions of approval, Yang Yun nodded and said: "So Zheng Zha, don't forget Zhang Jie's hard work... He has entrusted the future to your."

After hearing this, Zheng Zha immediately touched his chest again, where he placed the cigarette Zhang Jie gave him. The man responded with a serious tone: "No problem...I will definitely not let him down, for sure."

Next, Zheng Zha asked a few more questions about Zhang Jie, but Yang Yun, who had been well prepared, handled them flawlessly. After all, he can blame Zhang Jie for most things, and it is impossible for that man to jump back to the main god space from the world where death comes to hit people; as for the remaining small things, Yang Yun chooses I tried my best to answer as many as I could, and at the same time, I didn't forget to add some personal information of my own.

"Zheng Zha, be careful. Don't lose yourself in the consciousness of killing, and don't be deceived by your inner demons and follow Zhang Jie's footsteps. Before you make a decision, you must think more about whether it is you. Follow the decision made by your own heart, or the voice of your inner demon... Especially your fourth-level gene lock was forcibly upgraded by the Lord God, and the foundation is unstable, so you must pay special attention to this aspect."

There is something in Yang Yun's words. On the surface, he is talking about inner demons, but in fact, he is talking about the influence of positive people. Although Zheng Zha still couldn't understand Yang Yun's double meaning, it didn't stop him from nodding seriously and keeping Yang Yun's words in mind.

At this point, Zhang Jie's matter came to an end for the time being, and Zheng Zha finally had time to discuss the future of the Zhongzhou Team. He first looked at Cheng Xiao, whose eyes were beaten into pandas, and said with some hesitation: "This is Cheng Xiao, one of the members who entered the Zhongzhou team through Chu Xuan's plan... Well, I think you should Are you familiar?"

Hearing Zheng Zha's slightly inquiring words, Zhao Yingkong suddenly took out the Sanye Pair of Swords with an unsightly look on his face. The threat was clear, and Cheng Xiao also shrank his neck, which seemed a little pitiful considering the dark circles under his eyes. means.

Zheng Zha saw the action and didn't understand what happened between the two of them. He quickly changed the topic: "Well, let's talk about something serious... Every world we have experienced before has been so difficult. Chasing Ultimately, it should be because the leader and the captain coexist. So in the future mission world, it should be easier for us who can know in advance what the next horror movie will be."

"What's the next horror movie?" Yang Yun asked smoothly. I remember Zhang Jie mentioned that a more relaxed horror movie should be arranged before the team battle to improve the strength of the team members, so before the team battle with the Demon Team, Before, there should be a transitional time for a horror movie... I just don't know if it will be Alien 4 or not.

"Wait a minute, let me go to the Lord God to check..."

Zheng Zha stood up from the sofa and went out to contact the Lord God. When he came back a moment later, his face was gloomy, which made Yang Yun a little strange: "What's wrong? Why do you look like this? Logically speaking, we I have just experienced a group-killing horror movie like Death Comes Four, so the next one shouldn’t be too difficult..."

"It really won't be too difficult. The next horror movie we have to experience is Resident Evil 2."

With a livid face, Zheng Zha revealed the bad news that made Yang Yun's eyes darken: "But the Lord God informed me that this horror movie is a team battle mode, which means..."

"After the Indian team, our Zhongzhou team will have to fight another Samsara team again!"


Main God Exchange 1.09 update log:

Removed the requirement to redeem the creation, because I think this setting is just a dumpling for the parasitism of Yuan Ali Shili, and I have never used it since. In addition to increasing my workload when counting side plots, it also increases my workload when counting side plots. Useless.

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