This endless world

Chapter 293 Relics

"...That's the basic situation."

When Zheng Zha told about his experiences in Death Comes, including his last punch in the inner demon state that nearly knocked Yang Yun to pieces, his conversation with Zhang Jie, and after becoming the captain of the Zhongzhou team, he decided not to join the Tianshen team. After telling all the choices to everyone in the Zhongzhou team, he let out a sigh of relief, as if a heavy burden had been lifted: "Zhang Jie was thinking about everyone until the last moment... He will always be our good brother. "

"I see……"

Everyone else was accepting the bombshell news that Zheng Zha said one after another. In the end, Qi Tengyi smiled bitterly and said: "We all had the same dream, and we fought with you in the dream... No wonder I found that I had unlocked the first-level gene lock after returning to the main god space, and it turned out that it was not a dream."

Under normal circumstances, every time everyone in the team unlocks the gene lock, it is worth celebrating. But now no one is in that mood, even Qi Tengyi himself is the same. He just said one sentence and brought the topic back on track: "So Zheng Zha, you are now the official captain of the Zhongzhou team?"

"Yes, that's right."

Zheng Zha leaned on the sofa and nodded: "But we can talk about the captain or not later. I have just told everything I know... Yang Yun, as the other protagonist in the story, you don't want to say anything. What?"

"Okay..." Even before the horror movie started, Yang Yun was prepared to be asked by Zheng Zha: "What do you want to know?"

"First of all, tell me where your cultivation techniques come from." Zheng Zha immediately asked about the origin of the cultivation techniques. It was obvious that he had been holding this question in his mind for a long time: "How will you and Zhang Jie return?" What did Grudge do?"

"What did you do...Of course Zhang Jie wanted to solve his problem."

Yang Yun sighed: "You also know Zhang Jie's situation. As a half-leader and half-reincarnation team member, he naturally has the responsibility to test the potential in the team. But Zhang Jie wanted to survive, so when he and I were in Harry Potter After settling the old grudges in the special world, I thought of what I encountered last time in the Grudge."

"I remember this. You said that the mastermind behind the scenes might be Ashiya Domitsu." After Yang Yun mentioned this, Zheng Zha also thought about it: "Then you killed him and then snatched the secret book of cultivation from him. ? But this is not right, Ashiya Dao is just an Onmyoji, how can he get so many techniques?"

"Because Zhang Jie learned some secrets from the Lord God, such as the existence of 'relics'."

Yang Yun raised a finger and said seriously: "Zheng Zha, how do you think the main god space came about? It can't be that it appears out of thin air, right?"

how come?

Zheng Zha immediately remembered the words that were deeply engraved in his mind when he first entered the main god's space. This is a game. It is no longer a question of who created this game. It may be the gods, or it may be the devil, or it may be aliens or future humans...

"Yes, it's what you think. I can tell you right now that the main god space was built by a group of powerful people, that is, saints who have unlocked the fifth-level gene lock, and cultivators."

Of course Yang Yun knows the nature and builder of the Lord God Space, but he cannot tell all the truth, and compared to those fragments of Bright Gaia, the Human Destiny Resonance Plan, the Gods List and the Inner Universe, it is still the story in "Infinite Horror" Zheng Zha's explanation is even more convincing: "No one knows why they built this space. It may be because of killing each other like the Battle of the Gods, or it may be that they cannot withstand the power of the passage of time... But the only thing that can be determined is Yes, they have all disappeared into history.”

"Fifth-level gene locks, saints, and cultivators..."

Zheng Zha slowly repeated these words. It had been a long time since he entered the main god space. He had also thought about this space a lot, but it was not until this moment that he could be said to have come into contact with some of the truth behind it.

At present, Zheng Zha has activated the fourth-level gene lock after being certified by the captain. Although he has not actually used it yet, he heard Zhang Jie mention that the function of the fourth-level gene lock is gene optimization, which is to spontaneously adjust his own genes. Genes...this was already at a level that he could not imagine before, and what should the fifth-level gene lock look like?

...I'm afraid, that is the real "god".

Not mentioning that Zheng Zha was thinking about the fifth level, Yang Yun continued: "Before disappearing, these saints and cultivators left behind their own inheritance, which is the so-called 'relic'... and after hearing When I told the story, Zhang Jie, who knows many secrets of the Lord Gods, thought of this aspect, so he went back to the Cursed World with me."

"Does that mean your cultivation techniques are all taken from the 'relics' in the Grudge?"

Zheng Zha probably understood what Yang Yun meant: "No wonder there are so many cultivation techniques. It turns out that they were specially left by the cultivators who created this main god space... But why do they do these things?"

"To be precise, we got some help to get these skills... As for the hidden meaning behind them, it's not important. If they keep them, we will use them. It's that simple." Yang Yun talked about this topic lightly. He passed it over in one stroke and directly started the next topic, avoiding Zheng Zha's further questioning: "Zhang Jie got what he wanted from the ruins, a book called 'Beheading Three Corpses', which can let his soul and the guide Separate cultivation techniques."

Sure enough, Zheng Zha's attention was immediately attracted by this name, and he quickly asked: "Beheading three corpses? Is it the one I read in the novel?"

"No, although it is somewhat similar, it is definitely completely different from what you think."

Yang Yun explained the principle of killing three corpses to Zheng Zha again. After Zheng Zha completely understood it, he said: "Zhang Jie ignored a question. Cultivation has inner demons... The more you want to get something, the more inner demons you have. Deep, which is the so-called 'unable to ask for'."

"It is precisely because Zhang Jie has practiced the technique of killing three corpses and is too eager to achieve success that the evil thoughts are deeply planted in his heart. The leader side gradually takes over and he is almost controlled by the Lord God again..."

Speaking of this, Yang Yun sighed deliberately: "Actually, I didn't notice anything was wrong with Zhang Jie. When I was fighting Ashiya Michiman, I activated the third-level gene lock. This was a very happy thing, but afterwards Zhang Jie told me that I also have the qualifications to become the captain of the Zhongzhou Team, so I need to fight you in the next horror movie to decide who is the captain of the Zhongzhou Team..."

"That's why the battle between us happened."

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