This endless world

Chapter 264 Zheng Zha’s iteration

Time passes slowly, one day, two days, until the moment finally comes...

This morning, Zheng Zha quietly left Loli, who was still sleeping peacefully in bed, and came to the Main God Square early. At this time, no one had come, so he sat down cross-legged without caring and began to continue practicing. He learned the skills that Yang Yun gave him.

In the year since he returned to the world of Harry Potter, Zheng Zha has actually mastered the first two techniques to some great extent. The first is the Cursed Blood Dragon Binding Secret Tao. This technique is indeed an advanced technique that requires an A-level branch plot and 10,000 reward points to be redeemed from the Lord God. It far exceeds any enhancement that Zheng Zha has redeemed before.

If the blood energy in Zheng Zha's mind was blood energy when he was at level C, and blood when he was at level B, then after practicing the cursed Blood Dragon Binding Secret Tao, the blood energy in Zheng Zha's mind was compressed again. Although it still exists in the form of blood in Zheng Zha's brain and has not turned into a solid or other form, compared with before, it is like the difference between an ordinary grenade and a high-explosive grenade. Every bit of it contains the potential for explosion. Such strength.

This is not a metaphor, but an exact fact. The color of the red flame driven by the compressed blood energy is much brighter, and the destructive power it brings is even more astonishing. Zheng Zha once tentatively condensed the red flame into a ball and threw it out like a fireball technique used by a mage. As a result, the ball of red flame exploded violently as soon as it touched the ground. The red flame ball as big as a fist fell directly on the ground. A large crater ten meters square was blown up... This power was no less than that of some high-energy explosives.

It has to be said that this cursed blood dragon binding secret method is indeed a magic method. After practicing it, you can see immediate results, and the destructive power of the red flames is much higher. But the powerful destructive power also meant a decline in control ability. Zheng Zha had to control the route of blood energy in the body more carefully to prevent the blood energy from causing harm to himself.

If he could carry the blood energy throughout his body at will, and even perform some fancy tricks by condensing it in his hands, now he must be in the third-level gene lock state to achieve the previous effects. Under normal circumstances, you need to concentrate on controlling the operation. This is a sign of unstable foundation... And Zheng Zha also knew why Yang Yun gave him the technique called "Basic Martial Arts".

"The magic skills are brave and diligent, and develop very quickly in the initial stage. However, strong power can also bring about unstable mood, so you need to be alert at all times to ensure that you have perfect control of your own power..."

"Whether it is cultivation, gene locks, soul obsession, or other heretics, you must remember...the power that is controllable is righteousness, and the power that is uncontrollable is evil. This is the subtle way..."

This is the description of the positive magic skills in "Basic Martial Arts". The content in this book is almost all-inclusive, and it goes from the shallower to the deeper and the deeper. No matter what kind of problems Zheng Zha encountered in practice, he could basically find the corresponding answers from this book, which also saved him a lot of detours and a lot of time.

The more Zheng Zha continues to practice this "Basic Martial Arts", the more he feels that what is said in this book is profound and profound. Compared with the Cursed Blood Dragon Binding Hidden Path, which seems a bit obscure most of the time, "Basic Martial Arts" is obviously far superior to the former in terms of content and intention... It can only be said that it can be named with this name. Books are not simple. Just like Zheng Zha's Luohan Fist, although it is only a D-level exchange, isn't it also a martial art modified and abridged by countless masters and masters over thousands of years, and refined over thousands of times?

Therefore, Zheng Zha also used the "Basic Cultivation Techniques" recorded in this book as an advanced technique for his B-level internal power. After practicing this set of exercises, the internal power in his body was quickly compressed and purified. Although there has not yet been a qualitative change, it has changed from ordinary internal force to colorless and pure internal force... just like the difference between ordinary tap water and pure water.

Zheng Zha was not very good at making analogies, but he felt that after practicing this set of exercises, the internal power in his body had changed like this. With a single thought, you can move to every corner of the body at will, condense the internal force outside the body, and release the internal force four to five meters away, just like the innate realm described in martial arts novels...

Therefore, this kind of internal force that changes after cultivation should be called internal energy? Or is it called anger? Or maybe it's called...super internal power?

Again, Zheng Zha is not very good at naming, so for the time being, he still calls the energy in his body internal force, because it sounds familiar. Although this internal force is already much stronger than the initial internal force.

In addition, Zheng Zha also practiced a set of boxing techniques called Zhan Fist. This boxing technique is obviously used in the military. There are not many moves. Most of them are open and closed. It seems to be a boxing technique used to charge into battle. At the same time, this set of boxing techniques can also complement Luohan Boxing. One attack and one defense give Zheng Zha one more card to play in battle.

As for the third book that Yang Yun gave to Zheng Zha, called "Yi Jin Jing", it only had a simple thirteen movements. Zheng Zha also grasped some of its mysteries. Because this exercise is not actually an inner strength method, but an auxiliary exercise...

Yes, the auxiliary exercise... Although it sounds strange, this exercise is indeed an auxiliary exercise. Zheng Zha only needs to practice these thirteen movements continuously, and he will be able to naturally feel his internal strength. , or the strength of the physical body, even the bones and understanding have slowly increased. Although the extent of this increase is so subtle that it is almost invisible, it is enough to surprise Zheng Zha.

As we all know, the first step in the path of cultivation is often the most difficult. Zhao Yingkong also said that the step of opening up the meridians and opening up the sea of ​​qi is often the most difficult. This is also the reason why the path of martial arts practice in the real world is almost cut off... But Zheng Zha himself After practicing the Yi Jin Jing, he felt that as long as he practiced these thirteen postures for a total of one hour every day, he could achieve the effect of having all the meridians connected after practicing Luohan Quan within a hundred days!

——Is this kind of thing really possible?

Moreover, the effect of Yi Jin Jing goes beyond that. Zheng Zha himself did not realize it at first, but when he practiced Arhat Boxing every day, Zhan Lan, who happened to be watching by chance, discovered that the power of these moves was much more powerful than before. After research, Zheng Zha discovered that this effect was also brought about by practicing the Yi Jin Jing... Just like after practicing the Yi Jin Jing, even the most superficial martial arts will have a miraculous effect of transforming decay!

This is the function of each of the three exercises that Yang Yun gave to Zheng Zha. Looking at it now, the cursed blood dragon binding secret path with the most conspicuous name is actually the worst among the three techniques. The effects of the remaining two techniques are more exaggerated than the other... And this also makes Zheng Zha's strength once again Iterate!

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