This endless world

Chapter 265 “Explosion” and entry!

Chapter 265 "Explosion"...and entry!

Zheng Zha's practice did not last long. In fact, on the day when he entered the horror movie, basically every member of the Zhongzhou team would get up very early, but most of the time they would choose to spend this last moment in their own rooms. It's just a peaceful time... After all, if possible, who wants to face the difficult mission of the Lord God and the terrifying enemy for unknown reasons?

After Zheng Zha, the second person to come to the Main God Square was Zhao Yingkong. When this assassin girl saw that Zheng Zha had to practice hard even in this last moment, she couldn't help but snorted, as if she was unwilling to lag behind others. , also sat down cross-legged on the ground and began to meditate... So when Zhan Lan arrived for the third time, what he saw was Zheng Zha and Zhao Yingkong practicing on one side with their eyes closed.

"Why are you still practicing at this time?"

Hearing Zhan Lan's words from the spiritual link, Zheng Zha also quietly opened his eyes, glanced at Zhao Yingkong on the other side, and replied with a wry smile: "No way, I woke up earlier today, who would have thought that Zhao Yingkong would be so hard." You have to compare yourself with me... But that’s the kind of person she is.”

Hearing this, Zhan Lan looked at Zhao Yingkong, who was meditating with his eyes closed, and smiled slightly: "I see, then let her go... How is your newly developed self-created skill? Returning to the world of Harry Potter Today, I see that you spend most of your time on the three cultivation techniques."

"Ah... it's probably finished. After all, I already have an idea for this self-created skill, and the difficulty of training is not too high. I only need to determine the route of energy running, and the only thing left is how to efficiently combine the two Energy circulates throughout the body, and the force generated from the collision of energy is the result of effective use."

"Have you ignored the damage to your body caused by the collision of these two energies?"

Listening to Zheng Zha's answer, Zhan Lan glanced at Zheng Zha reproachfully and said with some worry: "When you first asked me to use my mental power to scan the energy route in your body, I thought you were going to do more. Efficient use of energy, I didn’t expect you to develop such a self-created skill that can hurt others and yourself... Zheng Zha, are you really okay? This will hurt the enemy a thousand times and hurt yourself eight hundred times."

"It's okay. Thick skin is my advantage. This kind of injury is nothing to me."

Zheng Zha brushed off Zhan Lan's worries in an understatement, and murmured: "Besides, compared to my 'explosion' move, isn't Yang Yun's 'overload' the same? At least I still use two energies. In the fight after the collision, Yang Yun was really consuming his life energy and burning his life... If Yang Yun can do it, why can't I?"

"Oh, man..."

Hearing that Zheng Zha moved out of Yang Yunlai, Zhan Lan's full words finally turned into a sigh. After all, she knew nothing about what happened between the two, and even Zheng Zha developed this move called "explosion" Later, I was essentially inspired by Yang Yun. Otherwise, why would Zheng Zha no longer develop the "Tangling Armor" he created before, but instead turn his thoughts to another aspect?

——The impact of the previous battle on Zheng Zha was far more profound than imagined.

Just as the two were chatting in the spiritual chain, Zhang Heng had also arrived at the Main God's Square. This young man was obviously much better than the submissive look he had when he first returned to the Main God's space. At this moment, he was carrying the Windrunner's Bow. There is a sense of handsomeness in his appearance. Coupled with his handsome face after strengthening the wind elf shooter, he really looks a bit like the elf prince Legolas in The Lord of the Rings.

Zhang Heng was obviously taken aback when he saw the three people sitting and standing on the field. However, he did not disturb Zheng Zha and Zhao Yingkong. He just nodded to Zhan Lan and stood there. He exhaled in small breaths while mumbling something to calm his mood... After all, strictly speaking, despite practicing in the Harry Potter world for nearly a year and a half, this was his first time as a human being. As a reincarnator, starting from the Lord God's space to perform tasks, it is inevitable to be nervous.

After Zhang Heng came to the Main God Square, it was Qi Tengyi and Ling Dian. At this time, both of them looked like they had serious dark circles under their eyes. It was obvious that they had suffered a lot in cultivation... Finally, Ling Dian called out. The Lord God's restoration, shrouded in light, allowed the two of them to regain their usual energy.

"Isn't that true? Is cultivation that difficult?" The Lord God's repairing beam of light also made it difficult for Zheng Zha to continue sitting, so he stood up and asked Qi Teng who was beside him.

After hearing this, Qi Teng glanced at Zheng Zha sadly, as if there was a lot of despair in his eyes... But in the end, he did not say anything, but quietly handed Zheng Zha a small glass bottle, and at the same time in the spiritual link Said: "Zheng Zha, this is for you."

"Is this... a magic potion?"

Zheng Zha lowered his head and looked at the small glass bottle Qi Tengyi handed him. The liquid inside was bright red, which surprised him. How long has it been since Qi Teng exchanged his wizard blood for him to be able to make magic potion?

"Yes, when I came back last time, I spent two special medicinal materials exchanged for D-level side plots in the main god space, and gave them to Professor Slughorn to help refine... The effect is similar to the life potion in the game. Heal the injury.”

When Qi Teng said this, he almost felt like he was gritting his teeth: "Zheng Zha, I only have one request. If possible, help me beat up Yang Yun... please."

Isn't it?

Zheng Zha didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but when he saw the sadness and anger in Qi Teng's eyes, he silently put away the bottle of potion. After all, Aberforth's Potions is not very good. Yang Yun just killed the Potions Professor of Hogwarts last time, and the new Professor Slughorn has no friendship with them, so the Central Continent team can obtain Magic potions are just some basic potions.

Qi Tengyi was able to obtain this bottle of potion through his own connections, which at least meant that his potion science results were recognized by Slughorn, which is good news... even though it was at the expense of his sleep time. It was obtained after the death of countless brain cells.

As soon as Zheng Zha put away the potion, Yang Yun's door opened. Their eyes collided in the air, and they were about to close again. No one spoke. And just a few seconds later, Zhang Jie also walked out of the room holding the hand of the classical beauty. He smiled at everyone, that smile was calm and fearless...

Within a few minutes, the beam of light shot down from the main god. Everyone quickly stood in, but Zhang Jie was the last one. In a daze, Zheng Zha seemed to see Zhang Jie and the classical beauty standing in the beam of light together, but before Zheng Zha could react whether he had seen it wrong, the voice of the Lord God rang out——

"The transfer target is locked, Death is coming and the teleportation begins..."

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