This endless world

Chapter 263 The actors are in place (Thanks to the second leader of

"Although it missed, it was not far away."

Looking at Yang Yun's shocked expression, Zhang Jie also had a proud smile on his lips: "It is said that it is shielding, but it is actually not completely accurate. After all, I can resist the scanning of the world's will by myself, even with my strength. It also consumes a lot of money... To be precise, I should use my own mental power to analyze the main god's protective shield, and then simulate and adjust the fluctuations of this person's mental power, making him infinitely close to the world where Death Comes. Aboriginal people in order to achieve an effect of deceiving the scan."

Yang Yun could probably understand what Zhang Jie meant, which meant that the Lord God helped the reincarnators sneak into the world, but did not issue them passports, causing them to become black households. Naturally, they would be targeted by the automatic stress response of the world's will. , causing all kinds of unfortunate phenomena. What Zhang Jie is doing now is equivalent to making a false certificate. Although it may not be possible to deceive him for the rest of his life, it is no problem to deceive him for a while.

"But it's fine if this method is only used on you, but if it is used on other people, you need to have an extremely good understanding of the other person's mental power fluctuations and personal information... Oh, I understand, no wonder you In the original world line, Zhan Lan and the others were deliberately controlled, and they were said to be absolutely sure that all four of them would survive."

Yang Yun also wanted to understand one thing, which was why Zhang Jie deliberately controlled Zhan Lan, Zhao Yingkong, Xiao Honglu, and Zhang Heng in Death Comes, and also went to great lengths to come up with a game and said to Zheng Zha Every time you defeat one of them, tell him part of the truth...

Originally, Yang Yun just thought that this was a test set by Zhang Jie for Zheng Zha. When the team members were hypnotized and would kill him without hesitation, could Zheng Zha do it without hurting their lives? Defeat these four people. Because how to balance the mission of the main god and the lives of teammates is also the responsibility of the captain.

But Zhang Jie also said that as long as Zheng Zha didn't kill them, he was sure that all four people would survive. These words were not so much an explanation to Zheng Zha as they were a way to relieve his worries and allow him to let go and do something. After all, in terms of Zhang Jie's combat effectiveness, the four Zhan Lans at that time would only hold him back... Looking at it now, it was clear that Zhang Jie used his mental power to protect them from being attacked by the God of Death.

"Yes, that's it. So when you said that I deliberately released the water and lost to Zheng Zha, I was actually very strange at first. Because according to the Lord God's judgment, even if I can release part of the water, it is impossible to release the sea, let alone Not to mention that Zheng Zha, who was less than the third level at the time, used brute force to break free from the shackles of my telekinesis and severely injured me with one punch... If he really wanted to put on such a fake show, the Lord God would be the first one to kill me. Obliterated.”

"Looking at it now, I clearly wanted to protect Zhan Lan and the others, and secretly used hypnosis to use too much mental power to maintain and simulate the mental power fluctuations of the four of them at all times, in order to deceive the will of the world, and then I fought He was defeated by Zheng Zha."

Zhang Jie snapped his fingers and said: "After all, I am half guide and half reincarnation, and I am not the biological father of the Lord God. How could I let the God of Death spare me and not attack me or even the members of the Central Continent Team under my hypnotic control? Thanks to me carrying it all in secret, none of the senior members of the Zhongzhou team at that time were killed, and no one was even in danger."

"I see……"

Yang Yun recalled the situation of the remaining members of the Zhongzhou team in the horror movie Death Comes. It was found that, as Zhang Jie said, Zhao Yingkong, Zhang Heng, and Xiao Honglu had never been attacked by the God of Death even once. Even Zhan Lan, who was released from hypnosis by Zheng Zha midway, was only attacked by the God of Death with Zheng Zha. And the arms explosion in the warehouse when a group of newcomers were together.

After Zheng Zha drove the cash transport truck straight into the radio and television building, Zhan Lan was not attacked by the god of death... Looking at it this way, Zhang Jie really didn't lie, and all the logic in the middle was correct.

"How can there be peace in the years? Aren't you, Brother Jie, carrying a heavy burden in secret?"

Zhang Jie smiled, but remembering his hard work in another world line, his expression became heavy: "I must have thought about it for a long time before I came up with this idea that can deceive Zheng Zha and deceive the world at the same time. Will and the Lord God’s method..."

"The newcomer... no, this is not your problem."

Yang Yun originally wanted to say something about Death Comes, a horror movie in which all newcomers are wiped out, but after thinking about it, Zhang Jie is really not to blame for this incident. After all, Zhang Jie also said that to do this kind of thing, Zhang Jie needs to have an extremely good understanding of the mental fluctuations and personal information of the person being simulated.

Firstly, Zhang Jie is not familiar with the newcomers who have just entered, so he cannot adjust the effects of mental power fluctuations; secondly, even if he is a veteran who has already proven himself, since life and death are imminent, he really does not care too much about the life and death of these newcomers... Because of the Lord God Without working hard, Zhang Jie was equivalent to spending three days in the original world line, constantly adjusting the mental power fluctuations of everyone except Zheng Zha to prevent them from being attacked by the god of death. He really didn't have much thought to pay attention to other people. .

"What, is it possible that there will be newcomers with noteworthy potential in Death Comes?"

Zhang Jie just looked at Yang Yun's expression and knew what he wanted to say: "Does it have great potential for development?"

"Well, one is Wang Xia, who will be the blaster of the Zhongzhou team in the future; the other is Zhu Wen, she has a special ability..."

Yang Yun gave Zhang Jie a brief explanation of their abilities and their subsequent development. Then he saw the man frowning, lighting a cigarette, and after a while he said: "That being said, it's not impossible. ...I can actually set up a strong mental shield for them at the beginning, so that they will not be targeted by the God of Death for a certain period of time."

"But this layer of shielding will gradually fade as time goes by and their contact with the world. I believe you understand the truth... There is only so much I can do."

"That's very helpful, Zhang Jie."

Yang Yun naturally understands the key to this. It's okay if you have a black household registration and are not checked, but if you enter some places that require an ID card to enter, such as staying in a high-end hotel, it's really like lighting up the toilet.

But Yang Yun hesitated for a while and then said: "Actually, the best situation is that Zhang Jie helps you to shield everyone. After all, the situation with Li Xiaoyi and Ming Yanwei happened before..."

"You kid...well, forget it, maybe I am destined to owe you."

Zhang Jie suddenly laughed bitterly when he heard this. He stopped smoking and calculated on his fingers: "In this case, my consumption will be much higher...Originally, I persisted until the third day, right? Now in this case , I’m afraid I can barely hold on for one day.”

"One day? That's enough."

Yang Yun smiled gratefully and said confidently: "No problem, I believe Zheng Zha will understand the key information I am about to pass on to him..."

"After all, the actors are already in place."

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