This endless world

Chapter 226 Black Sun is reborn here

In the subspace, Liuli's battle continues.

The strong wind was roaring, and the thunder and lightning was roaring. Liuli, who transformed into Odin, rode Sleipnir, constantly dodging the black thunder and lightning that struck in mid-air, and then launched a counterattack. Every time she waved Gangnir in her hand, she could whip up a gust of wind, carrying thunder, and continuously bombarding the black sun, leaving gun marks.

Nowadays, Ruri's strength is no longer at the true demon level. She uses the simulation-infinite combat system and can hurt Ashiya Michitoshi, whose soul is essentially a demon soul. She is undoubtedly firmly in the demon king level.

This is the power of "miracle".

Although it cannot be completely simulated, the infinite combat system itself is a powerful skill developed by Fuxi, who was reincarnated as Odin. Under the control of Fuxi's own consciousness, the full version can kill the intermediate demon king with half a step to the peak of the true demon level. If this kind of power to fight across levels is exchanged in the main god space, I am afraid that an S-level branch plot will be needed to guarantee the bottom line.

Even if Liuli's information is incomplete, there is no way to fully realize the "Take Your Life Three Thousand" used by Fuxi himself. He can only use the eternal spear Gangnir, the shield of Odin and the eight-legged horse Repni. You, you also have the power to fight against the current Ashiya Michitoshi!

Pulling the reins, Liuli dodged a thick thunderbolt that struck in mid-air. Liuli raised Gungnir with his right hand and pointed it out continuously. The tip of the gun drew an afterimage, and countless energy fluctuations were sharpened to the extreme, carrying the power of wind and thunder. Then he blasted straight towards the black sun!


The purple thunder and lightning, accompanied by the cyan wind, collided with the black thunder and lightning, exploding the air with a loud noise, and then annihilated them all in the air. Just now, countless black thunder and lightning were shot from the black sun, canceling out all the gun shadows.

——This is the power of Captain Xin Bi'an.

Liuli understood that in the process of eroding the seal, Ashiya Michitoshi uncontrollably swallowed up part of Xinbi'an's thunder and lightning power. The one outside the seal could use the power of thunder and lightning, a mountain-like sinful giant, and the polluted purple thunder. The knife is proof of that.

Liuli has no emotions, no emotion called anger. Because they were created by the Valkyrie Plan, the genes they used were flawed, and their makers did not need extra emotions to affect the success of their layout.

There shouldn't be.

However, this did not prevent her from pouring the inexplicable emotions in her heart into the tip of the spear.

After missing a hit, Liuli did not stop attacking. The white eight-legged horse drew an erratic arc, dodging the black mud spraying out from the black sun. With the force of his slender arms, Gangnir exploded. out!

This weapon, also known as the Meteor Gun, seemed to have transcended the obstacles of space in an instant, and with its harsh lightning, it broke through the layer of lightning defense around Black Sun!

Seeing that Gangnir is about to achieve victory, if there are others watching the battle, they will involuntarily ask a question. Compared to the Black Sun, which is hundreds of meters in diameter and huge in size, Gangnir is not even a toothpick... So can such a small weapon really cause damage to it?

The answer is yes. The moment Gangnir broke through the lightning defense, a silver data light suddenly lit up on the spear. In this shining light, Gangnir actually rose in the wind, becoming dozens of times larger out of thin air. Times, it became a giant spear of more than thirty meters, which was stabbed into the interior of the dark sun!


Without the sound of a spear piercing flesh and blood, it would be better to say that Ashiya Michitoshi, who transformed into the Dark Sun, has long since broken away from the definition of life in the general sense. Even he is not a transcendent in the soul obsession system in the true sense, but is in the process of Transformation into another life form.

Although this blow undoubtedly hurt the opponent, Liuli heard not only pain, but also ridicule and laughter in the voice of Ashiya Michitoshi?

"Very good, this is the feeling, this feeling of thunder and lightning burning the sins in my body! After so many years, this feeling is still so intoxicating to the poor monk!"

From the center of the black sun, the sound of Ashiya Domitsu's crazy laughter came. Even though he was indeed injured, this onmyoji who had fallen to an incredible level still didn't care: "Come on, come more." Click! Only in this way can the poor monk feel truly alive!"

The next second, even if the weapon was released, Liuli, who was still connected to Gangnir's mind, felt a squeezing feeling around the gun body, as if the spear had penetrated asphalt that had not dried, and was a ball of gunpowder. The unbreakable rubber is a pool of black sludge that exudes a disgusting smell... Not only does he not intend to push the gun body out of his body, he is even sucking it in, trying to swallow the shining silver spear entirely. !

——The inside of the black sun is composed of extremely pure sin. Even the power of thunder and lightning that restrains ghosts cannot burn it out. But now the gun body is almost completely stuck in the quagmire, unable to mobilize more energy to cause further damage.

In an instant, Liuli judged the current situation. Although the Gangnir thrown in a hurry had the power to hurt the opponent, it was unable to cause fatal injuries. The current results have reached the limit... Not only that , if Gangnir is allowed to stay in the opponent's body, there is even a possibility that it will be corroded in turn.

So, there is a need to regroup.

With one move with one hand, Gangnir, who was trapped inside the black sun, quickly shrank. Before the endless black sin filled the remaining hole, it turned into a silver light and returned to Liuli's hand.

In Liuli's eyes, the huge wound caused by the blow just now was quickly filled with a squirming sound on the surface of the black sun that was extremely unpleasant and would even give nightmares at night. All that could be seen was that beneath the surface of the wound, countless layers of black sin were tumbling and twisting.

"I must admit that the poor monk felt great pain from the blow just now."

I don’t know whether it was because of the re-healing of his injuries or because he could no longer endure the burning of thunder and lightning. Ashiya Michimi’s voice regained its calmness and was no longer as crazy as before: “The black lightning I have now is just the remnant of the purple thunder from a thousand years ago. I’m not your opponent yet.”

"It's just that with your power of lightning and wind, it's impossible to seal the poor monk again, or even kill the poor monk completely!"

Liuli's fingers moved, as if she wanted to do something, but in the end she replied coldly: "You can give it a try."

"Hmm...same expression, same answer, that's it, that's it!"

In just one sentence of conversation, Ashiya Michimi's words once again brought back the pollution-like madness: "That poor monk can not only use his own power to expose his soul essence and liberate his true form. Yet!"

"The moment of light ends here! Pull down the curtain of darkness and come, the black sun will be reborn here!"

The next moment, with the huge energy fluctuations, the light in the entire space seemed to dim a lot.

And the dark and deep sun hanging in mid-air quietly opened thousands of cold and merciless eyes around his body.

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