This endless world

Chapter 227 Direct Attack

The moment she was looked directly into by thousands of eyes, Liuli felt a strong malice creeping up her spine.

This is by no means an illusion - ghosts that have been deeply eroded by sins themselves carry some kind of spiritual pollution, and powerful transcendent beings will involuntarily cause Tao erosion...or contaminate the lives around them.

Ashiya Doman, who has transformed into a black sun and whose entire body is composed of high-purity sin, is a moving walking natural disaster. Even if he stands still, he can bring endless mental pressure to people, which makes the strong Being alert makes the weak twist and go crazy.

In ancient times, there was Avalokitesvara, with a thousand hands and a thousand eyes. Although Ashiya Michitoshi was a Buddhist and claimed to be a poor monk, he read all the Buddhist classics into the dog's belly. , more like the evil god from the Cthulhu mythology. And when the eyes around Hei Ri's body were opened, countless black mist of sin emitted from those thousands of pupils, exuding an aura of despair, spreading quietly in the space like poison that corroded the world.

——The situation is not good.

Liuli tightened her grip on the gun and shield in her hands, and with this simple action, she was shocked to find that there was an undetectable tremor in her arms.

Is it fear?

That's not the case. As the three corpses chopped off by No. 10032, Liuli doesn't have such emotions at all. And her position and consciousness would never allow her to have such unnecessary emotions when facing Ashiya Michimatsu.

——So, why are you trembling?

Before Liuli could think about this problem, extremely violent energy fluctuations interrupted her thoughts.

Then she heard laughter.

The black sun was laughing and sneering, and every open eye was filled with a smile that was so disgusting that it could be called twisted.

"Haha, haha, hahahaha!"

Chaotic laughter resounded through the sky. No one knew what Ashiya Michitoshi was laughing about, and no one understood what this sin-ridden Onmyoji was thinking.

But along with the laughter came countless streams of black sin.

Hundreds of black beams of light shot out from the Thousand Eyes. Looking around, the entire sky was shrouded in this black light, shooting out in all directions. It seemed like a black rainstorm, and it seemed like there were countless black beams. Hail fell to the ground.

If that's all it's worth. As the black beams of light were emitted, the black sun exuding an ominous aura also slowly rotated, causing the line of sight in the eyes to shift. The dense black beams of light covered the sky and crossed the sky. The traces left behind formed a giant criss-crossing net, which slowly rotated and turned into a cage from which Liuli had no way to escape!

Faced with this terrifying attack that almost cut the space into pieces, Liuli did not panic. Instead, she pulled the eight-legged horse Repnir on her crotch and dodged the black beam at the last moment.

Quantum oscillation state.

The effect of Sleipnir, a creature in myths and legends, has the effect of being able to blur his body to avoid attacks. In Nordic legends, Odin is also called the King of the Wild Hunt, and makes him look like a ghost. The legendary ability to travel through space is Sleipnir's ability.

Although Liuli's current ability is still unable to move while becoming virtual, coupled with her precise calculations, even if this attack blocks almost every room for dodge, the Valkyrie riding an eight-legged horse still can't Received no harm at all!

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Power that I have never seen before... I'm not happy! The poor monk is very unhappy!"

"Even so, how can you handle this?"

Ashiya Michin's arrogant voice echoed in the space. This voice echoed in the sky. It seemed to be a sneer and a mockery.

Following Ashiya Michitoshi's voice, the surrounding eyes detached from Kurori's body and circled around it, forming a structure similar to an asteroid belt. Then they began to rotate rapidly, and the black beams they emitted became even more chaotic. , forcing Liuli to continuously activate the effect of quantum shock state to avoid the attack...

But the changes in the black sun did not stop there. At its center, the huge mouth slowly opened, revealing sharp teeth. And just when Liuli started to activate the cycle oscillation state to avoid the attack, countless people in the sky The black beams of light were all retracted, and the terrifying energy fluctuations shrank rapidly, and they all gathered at the huge mouth of the abyss——

Then, the black sun blocked the light.

A black light that covered the sky and the earth burst out from the huge mouth, penetrating the air and cutting through the space, eclipsing the sky and the earth. A dark giant pillar with a diameter of about one kilometer filled the space in front of Liuli. All visions were directed towards her!

——The simplest energy burst, very simple, very direct, but very useful. The huge and compressed energy affects the space. Such a large-scale attack still carries a subtle power that can be called the fourth-order instinct, making Liuli unable to use a method similar to space jumping to escape from the range covered by the attack; and even if Even if she used the quantum shock state again, Ashiya Michitoshi would not give her this chance, so she would have to dodge the attack before the virtual time passed!

Can't escape.

Just looking at the black light that engulfed everything, this idea naturally emerged in Liuli's mind, and at the same time, the calculation of the Nether Core also gave the same answer.

But fortunately, besides Sleipnir, she also has another trump card.

At this moment, Liuli threw Gangnir in the opposite direction with all his strength, then put all his body weight on his left hand, holding the silver shield as clear as snowflakes and ice crystals with both hands. There was no passionate, earth-shattering roar, that was not Liuli's style. All this Valkyrie with a cold face did was grit her teeth and pour all her power into Odin's Shield!

Odin's Shield, Courage Shield, Indestructible Shield, Snowflake Shield. It is said that as long as the courage in the holder's heart never fails, a steady stream of power will be born to provide defense... Although today's Odin Shield is not authentic. , is not a real natural weapon, but a fake recreated from the legend by borrowing the power of Miracle and Nether Core. However, the courage and determination of its holder will never be inferior to the original one!

The moment it received the energy poured from its arm, Odin's shield lit up with countless complicated runes. These runes were as thin as mosquitoes and flies, but they were firmly engraved on the shield surface, forming a three-dimensional rune. The structure finally formed a Bagua pattern, facing the black light beam that penetrated the sky and the earth!

The moment the Bagua Rune met the black beam of light, the sky and the ground were eclipsed. Everything was filled with black sin and huge energy. The violent impact overwhelmed the Bagua Rune in an instant, and the hand of Odin was held in hand. The colored glaze of the shield was pressed all the way down, like a bird with broken wings, falling from the sky to the ground.

The obsession is dissipating, the runes are shattering, the spreading sin is eroding the body and mind, and ice crystals are floating in the void like snowflakes... Even the indestructible Odin's Shield is gradually exposed under the erosion of this massive sin. The data flow of He 1 was almost brought back to its original shape. Only eight runes were firmly shrouded in front and combined to form, distorting the space and deflecting the energy, trying their best to protect Liuli from being completely annihilated by this black light pillar... …

Until, like a black beam of light connecting the sky and the ground, Liuli was blasted straight into the ground.

And the world also fell silent in a moment.

Today’s college entrance examination, I haven’t finished my Chinese essay, what should I do? jpg

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