This endless world

Chapter 225 Miracle Reappears


The essence of this power that Yang Yun had never heard of before traveling through time seemed to come from emotions, the soul, and stories.

Emotions have power. Extremely positive emotions such as courage can often bring out greater potential in people and allow them to break through their limits. And in some powerful worlds, emotions can materialize into actual powerful forces and items.

For example, the lamp ring is the ultimate creation of emotions.

There is power in the soul, and the light of the soul is the best representative. This light that exists deep in everyone's heart has various miraculous effects, and it goes without saying how effective it is.

Stories also have power, and Yang Yun knows this best... After all, he is now in a story called "Infinite Horror".

——I can resonate with the emotions of the past, hold the key to the soul, and know the stories of the past. For example, there was a mistake in Xin Bi'an's statement just now. When Gong Yeyu sealed the Hand of God, he did not use Thunder to Slay the True Dragon, and in it, he also borrowed the power of the fragments of the God List.

——So why can’t I, who has more accurate information and knows the details of the story, do better than Xin Bi’an and the others?

"Captain Xin, you said before that you wanted me to surpass you, right?"

When Xin Bi'an and Xin Ke were thinking about what Yang Yun said, Yang Yun suddenly laughed and said: "Then I feel now that I can not only surpass myself, but also surpass your past and what you have done. matter."

Xin Bi'an was stunned for a moment by his slightly arrogant but confident words, and then laughed loudly: "Are you so confident, kid?"

"Because future generations will always do better than their predecessors. Otherwise, one generation will not be as good as the other, and won't civilization be declining more and more?"

Yang Yun answered calmly, and a small electric arc also lit up from his body: "There has never been a reason to get stronger with age... What's more, if the results achieved are not as good as the borrowed power, then I’m really sorry for my predecessors, and I want to apologize to them.”

"Your words are scolding us two guys who have borrowed the power of our predecessors and have not yet achieved the final victory."

Xin Bi'an's laughter grew louder, and then in an instant, his smile faded, and he said in a serious and earnest tone: "...Are you confident? Ashiya Michitoshi is not an opponent that can be easily defeated."

"If I don't have confidence, I won't come back here." Yang Yun said calmly: "But with my current strength, it is not enough to reproduce the miracle. So I ask you two to use your strength to Lend it to me and fight alongside me.”

"Then we go and win."

Xin Bi'an looked at the figure in front of her with emotion, as if she saw herself more than 1,500 years ago. She tilted her head slightly and asked as she always did: "What do you think?"

"Isn't the answer very clear?"

Xing Ke answered equally calmly: "We are all dead after all, and what remains here are only the remnants of the past. Whether it is the fate of the world or the future salvation, it is always in the hands of those who are still alive."

"That makes sense." Xin Bi'an turned around and looked at Yang Yun: "Then, do what you want to do, don't worry about us, we will persist until the last moment to provide you with strength."

"Come on." Xin Ke said concisely, "You can do it."

Then, the two of them turned into streams of light at the same time and poured into Yang Yun's body.

You can feel the power surging through your body.

With the blessing of the Nether Core, Yang Yun's thinking went further after the third-level gene lock was opened, allowing Yang Yun to more clearly recall every detail of his previous life, as well as every scene in "The Beginning of Death" he had watched. A story, even every sentence.

Across thousands of years, trace back even more ancient memories, and then trigger miracles from those memories.

There is fighting, there is pain, there is sadness, and there is emotion.

What is interception?

"I established a great religion, called Interception, to intercept the slim chance of life between heaven and earth, not only for human beings, but also for all kind and hard-working creatures. I treat everyone equally, I am willing to bear all the suffering in the world, and I am willing to fight against the cruelty and ruthlessness of Heaven. , I am willing to fight for this all my life, I only hope that all good and evil in heaven and earth will be rewarded..."

Gong Yeyu is both lucky and unfortunate. Fortunately, he has extremely strong power that allows him to implement the way in his heart; but unfortunately, even as the bright protagonist of the era, he is ultimately unable to resist Qi After being besieged by the famous Hands of God together, he eventually became the eighth Hand of Gods. But fortunately, his true aura was not lost, and he finally gave his hope for the future to Pei Jiao...

That man has always been so courageous in moving forward without any confusion, protecting the weak behind him, and moving forward with responsibilities on his shoulders.

Then, go fight.

Fight with ghosts, fight with corruption, fight with evil, fight with sin, fight with the injustice of this world, fight with this unfair world...

Even fighting against the self that has fallen and been corrupted by sin!

But fighting is not without reason. It is precisely because of ardent faith that we can move forward bravely in the battle. Not to destroy something, but to save something; not to destroy something, but to protect something!

"I swear to protect this land and the people I love on this land forever!"

These were the words Gong Yeyu shouted when he faced the hands of the seven gods. Although his body was infected by sin, and even the light of his soul was temporarily obscured by the huge abyss of negative emotions, his faith remained firm, and eventually he fell into the hands of God at the end of the world. He swung that knife into the sky, which temporarily stopped the "original sin" and was also the knife that brought Dark Gaia...

——Yes, people always have some memories that they are unwilling to forget even after death. Whether it is hatred, emotion, emotion, or belief, those are things that cannot be forgotten or violated no matter what. They are deeply Buried in the deepest part of the soul, that is the so-called light of the soul.

Use emotions as fuel, use soul as fire, use stories as guide, and ultimately trigger miracles.

"I think I should understand something."

Yang Yun whispered softly, and the tiny thunder and lightning that danced on his body turned into purple, then flashed with arcs, turned into plasma, and then turned into a clear and clear purple thunder and lightning.

Yang Yun and Zhang Jie's return to their grudge is not a miracle.

The sacrifice of everything by Xin Bi'an and the fourth regiment was also not a miracle.

Liuli's perseverance for thousands of years is not a miracle.

But when many necessities come together here, miracles can shine out.

With a move of his right hand, the purple-black hell thunder knife that had been seen in the outside world quietly fell into the palm of his hand. Under the washing and washing of the clear and clear lavender electric current, the sinful and resentful air on the knife began to gradually fade away, revealing It belongs to its original appearance.

From an arrogant appearance, it became slightly ordinary, from a sense of evil and darkness, to a restrained and thick one. The Hell Thunder Sword, eroded by sin, turned into a broad and thick long sword in just a short moment. The blade is pitch black, the handle is dark purple, and the blade is wrapped with a faint purple aura.

Even if it is still, the new purple thunder sword still exudes unparalleled domineering and mysterious feeling, and its previous appearance is completely unrecognizable. But the purple light shining out from inside, and the sense of destruction hidden within, can prove that this is what the Purple Thunder Sword should look like after the lead is washed away!

"it's time."

Detaching himself from the world of inner consciousness and feeling the high-spirited fighting spirit deep in his soul, Yang Yun moved forward and lightly drew a knife.

The miracle reappeared, and the lightning was like a waterfall, swallowing up the heaven and the earth.

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