This endless world

Chapter 224 The Origin of the Story

"So, this is what happened one thousand five hundred and seventy-three years ago."

Yang Yun opened his eyes and looked at No. 10032, which still existed despite the world returning to silence. His eyes were a little complicated: "Xin Bi'an survived in the form of the light of the soul, so what do you rely on to exist now?"

"Data and quantum state, I stored my data in one of the three Nether cores in Lungominiad."

No. 10032 stretched out his hand and pointed to the top of his head. There, a golden hexagonal cube was shining with a faint stream of data. However, compared to the one handed to Liuli by 10032-2, this cube had gone through a period of time. After more than a thousand years of consumption, the light has become much dimmer: "Quantum is always there, and everything belongs to quantum and data."

"...Can you speak human language? I have never been exposed to the theory of cultivation." Yang Yun said helplessly.

"Because I am not my real body now, but the last three corpses she chopped off, which represent the existence of 'self'."

Compared to Liuli and 10032-2, although this No. 10032 has the same appearance, it is unknown whether it is due to the relationship with Xin Bi'an until death, and it has a bit more humaneness: "To put it simply, my body is turning into a spirit child. Before the energy was integrated with Xin Bi'an, he used the method of killing three corpses to separate me, and used the core of Nether to preserve me."

"Of course, unlike the two of them, I had my own name from the moment I was born."

"It turns out you are also a third corpse..."

Yang Yun suddenly looked at 10032-3 with a strange look... Of course, it should be called Xin Ke now: "Does this name have any meaning?"

"Xin, the same pronunciation as Xin, represents firewood; Ke means engraving, not forgetting the past." Xin Ke explained the origin of his name: "Although I am the latest among the three corpses, when it comes to getting a name, In order, I am the first one."

Yang Yun didn't know how to answer this sentence for a while, because he always felt that there was some strange competitiveness in this sentence, so he had to change the topic and said: "Is the method of killing three corpses so casual? Just cut off part of your consciousness and you don’t need to make any preparations or anything like that?”

"It is naturally difficult for outsiders to use it, but for us who were created by the Valkyrie Project, killing three corpses is commonplace." Xin Ke shook his head and explained: "The nature of our souls has been different from ordinary people since we were born. He is born with the talent of being able to separate his consciousness from the essence of his soul, and combined with the powerful computing power of the Nether Core, he can probabilistically cut out the essence of his soul in a very short period of time."

"According to the speculation of the main body, someone will come here one day to solve the unfinished task of our predecessors, which is to completely eliminate Ashiya Michitani. I was separated for that day that will eventually come."

Xin Ke stared at Yang Yun, his eyes blazing, and the Nether core above his head slowly turned: "Now, it's time."

"Okay, although I still don't understand, that person deserves to be that person. Even if he died, he still left so many backup plans. Counting the situation after death..."

Yang Yun muttered a few words, then looked at the void next to him: "So now, have I fulfilled your request, Captain Xin?"

Just where Yang Yun's eyes were, Xin Bi'an slowly emerged from the void, and the purple-haired elder sister who had just made that amazing sword strike in her memory said with a smile: "It seems that the first one has been solved." After the third-level gene lock, your perception and computing power have increased exponentially."

"It's just the most basic reasoning. Since you have waited for 1,573 years for reinforcements, you will definitely not throw me into danger unprepared." Yang Yun smiled, He told the truth calmly: "Actually, when I dived into the sea of ​​memory, you should have been with me?"

"Oh, I really can't hide it from you... So, I really hate you wise men."

Xin Bi'an scratched his head, with a trace of shyness after seeing the truth on his face: "Forget it, it'll be good if it turns out well... Then boy, you should have seen the whole process of the fight between Ashiya Michitoshi and me, right?"

"That guy Ashiya Michimi's recovery ability is too strong, and he has collected souls and souls in the river of life for countless years as hidden backup energy. If he continues to fight like this, I can only be slowly exhausted to death."

"So as a last resort, I had to forcibly liberate the light of my soul, and combined it with the information in the core of Nether, to reproduce the 'miracle' of the man who sealed the hand of God with the purple thunder sword when the hand of God came. Power, the eighth move 'Heaven Strikes Thunder and Slays the True Dragon'... I also successfully used this move to seriously injure Ashiya Michitoshi, and finally achieved the result of sealing him."

Xin Bi'an flexed his fingers: "Let me do the math. Now you have a third-level gene lock, plus my remaining spiritual light, No. 10032's thinking mode, the data and huge computing power in the Nether Core , as well as the last bit of energy left in the soul light amplification device and the small causal law healing device, theoretically it should be able to reproduce 50% to 60% of the style of my knife back then... I just don’t know how much you have learned from my memory. ”

"But fortunately, that guy Ashiya Michitoshi has been sealed for more than a thousand years, and he also divided a large part of his power outside the seal to try to escape from the seal, so that guy should only have the strength of the fourth-level elementary level at most. If I am the main subject, then the chances of winning..."

"The odds of winning are about 60%." Xin Ke suddenly interrupted: "Under normal circumstances."

"Although I don't know how you calculated the 60%, I will take it seriously."

Xin Bi'an grabbed his hair in an unladylike way, making his beautiful long purple hair messy. He turned to look at Yang Yun: "How about it, are you confident?"

"Before that, I want to ask a question."

Yang Yun did not directly answer Xin Bi'an's question, but instead brought up something else: "The essential source of 'miracles' should be through recreating the 'deeds', or 'stories', of predecessors and gaining strength from them. Bar?"

Hearing Yang Yun's question, Xin Bi'an immediately said dissatisfied: "What time has it been, why are you still thinking about this? Didn't I say it before? All you need to know about a knife is whether it is fast and whether it can kill people well. No need to think about what is there and what is not..."


But before Xin Bi'an finished speaking, Xin Ji interrupted her. The expressionless deputy commander suddenly showed a strange expression, stared at Yang Yun and said: "This guess of yours is also from the human city." A possibility proposed by academicians of the Great Academy of Sciences, and also proposed by Dean Einstein himself. It is said that it also involves the existence theory of the construction of the Tower of Babel... How did you, who have no understanding of cultivation, come up with such a constructive idea? What’s your idea?”

"Maybe it's because I know so many stories."

Yang Yun did not answer Xin Ke's question directly, but smiled slightly, looked at Xin Bi'an and said: "If the power of miracles is to trace back to the source and reproduce the magnificent deeds of heroes in the past, then the faith that comes from the soul It is a powerful energy...and the closer you get to the origin of the story, the more you can grasp the accuracy of the story, and the greater the power it unleashes."

——Stories are the easiest to arouse people's emotions, erupting with stronger will and power.

——And as it happens, I know the origin of this story.

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